Cathy Robinson


Art and people are my happiness , reading and writing is a number one hobby of mine.
Psychological perspective and thrillers are my favorite movies, and I'm a native Baltimorean
who has survived the political ramifications of my native environment.
I have learned to love life, because I have learned to live life.More important, is I have learned that
where love is absent, there can be no life.
My favorite colors are colors.
My favorite music is music.
My favorite food is South Korean
One of my favorite Novels is "The Coldest Winter Ever

Smashwords Interview

What do your fans mean to you?
My fans mean everything to me; in the sense that they are open to the messages and/or experiences conveyed as true, and meaningful. Secondly,my fans allow the required support to raise a global consciousness.Lastly, fans of truth partake in the continued journey towards strengthening the ties that bind us all.Therefore, without my fans writing would be fruitless.
What are you working on next?
Sequel to my new book which hasn't been published yet . ( Initiative ; Self Esteem )
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Cathy Robinson online


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