
Publisher info

Colin Hann and Pedro Páramo are friends and partners in the LingoLibros adventure. LingoLibros is a young and developing company. Our aim is to produce quality bilingual books with an easy to follow parallel text, at an affordable price. We believe that they will be of particular benefit to parents with bilingual children who hope to develop their child's understanding of their native tongues. Our books are, so far, short stories with amusing illustrations suitable for reading aloud to young children in a single language or in a combination of two languages. Older children can enjoy reading these stories by themselves to learn and practice their second language. Students with a basic or intermediate knowledge of a foreign language will find these books very helpful in developing their vocabulary and understanding of the second language. We hope you benefit from and enjoy reading these bilingual tales.

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Racconto Bilingue in Spagnolo e Italiano: Scimmia - Mono
Series: Impara lo spagnolo, Book 3. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,980. Language: Italian. Published: March 6, 2015 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Spanish, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Elephants
Si immagina di vivere in un vaso da fiori e confondere un animale con un altro? Le nostre piantine chiacchierine Basilico, Rosmarina e le sorelle sanno fin troppo bene i problemi e lo spasso che causa. Questa storia è per i bambini e per coloro che desiderano leggere un testo illustrato in italiano e in spagnolo. Questo libro bilingue vi aiuterá a imparare lo spagnolo. Buon divertimento.
Racconto Bilingue in Spagnolo e Italiano: Maiale - Cerdito
Series: Impara lo spagnolo, Book 2. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,770. Language: Italian. Published: March 6, 2015 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Spanish, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes
Si immagina di vivere in un vaso da fiori e confondere un animale con un altro? Le nostre piantine chiacchierine Basilico, Rosmarina e le sorelle sanno fin troppo bene i problemi e lo spasso che causa. Questa storia è per i bambini e per coloro che desiderano leggere un testo illustrato in italiano e in spagnolo. Questo libro bilingue vi aiuterá a imparare lo spagnolo. Buon divertimento
Racconto Bilingue in Spagnolo e Italiano: Rana
Series: Impara lo spagnolo, Book 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,980. Language: Italian. Published: March 6, 2015 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Hippopotamuses & rhinoceroses
Si immagina di vivere in un vaso da fiori e confondere un animale con un altro? Le nostre piantine chiacchierine Basilico, Rosmarina e le sorelle sanno fin troppo bene i problemi e lo spasso che causa. Questa storia è per i bambini e per coloro che desiderano leggere un testo illustrato in italiano e in spagnolo. Questo libro bilingue vi aiuterá a imparare lo spagnolo. Buon divertimento.
Racconto Bilingue in Inglese e Italiano: Scimmiotto il Birichino Aiuta il Signor Falegname - Naughty Monkey helps Mr. Carpenter
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 2,610. Language: Italian. Published: March 6, 2015 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » English as a second language
Scimmiotto il Birichino è bravissimo a mettersi nei guai. Scimmiotto il Birichino adora fare l’altalena. Un giorno la porta si rompe e la mamma si arrabbia. Per fortuna il Signor Falegname viene in soccorso con la sua borsa degli attrezzi. Scimmiotto il Birichino vuole essere di è una buona idea? La lettura di questo divertente libro bilingue vi aiuterà ad imparare l'inglese.
Racconto Bilingue in Francese e Italiano: Scimmiotto il Birichino Aiuta il Signor Falegname - Singe Filou aide M. Charpentier
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 2,690. Language: Italian. Published: March 6, 2015 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys
Scimmiotto il Birichino è bravissimo a mettersi nei guai. In questa storia il Signor Falegname cerca di rimpiazzare una porta che Scimmiotto il Birichino ha rotto, ma questo non è facile se il nostro Scimmiotto Birichino rimane lì a guardare. Questa storia è per i bambini e per coloro che desiderano leggere un testo illustrato in italiano e in francese.Buon divertimento.
História Bilíngue em Francês e Português: O Macaco Maroto Ajuda o Sr. Carpinteiro - Singe Filou aide M. Charpentier. Serie Aprender Francês.
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 2,680. Language: Portuguese. Published: March 5, 2015 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Portuguese, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys
O Macaco Maroto tem um talento especial para se meter em sarilhos. Nesta história, o Sr. Carpinteiro tenta substituir uma porta que o Macaco Maroto partiu, mas não é assim tão fácil quando o Macaco Maroto está por perto a assistir. Este livro bilingue é ilustrado, dirigido a crianças bilingues com conhecimento básico ou intermédio, que querem estudar um texto nas duas línguas, francês e português
Racconto Bilingue in Spagnolo e Italiano: Scimmiotto il Birichino Aiuta il Signor Falegname - Mono Travieso ayuda al Sr. Carpintero
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 2,660. Language: Italian. Published: March 5, 2015 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Spanish
Scimmiotto il Birichino è bravissimo a mettersi nei guai. Scimmiotto il Birichino adora fare l’altalena. Un giorno la porta si rompe e la mamma si arrabbia. Per fortuna il Signor Falegname viene in soccorso con la sua borsa degli attrezzi. Scimmiotto il Birichino vuole essere di è una buona idea? La lettura di questo divertente libro bilingue vi aiuterà ad imparare lo spagnolo.
Racconto Bilingue in Tedesco e Italiano: Scimmiotto il Birichino Aiuta il Signor Falegname - Übermütiger Affe hilft Herrn Tischler
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 2,570. Language: Italian. Published: February 10, 2015 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » German
Scimmiotto il Birichino è bravissimo a mettersi nei guai. Scimmiotto il Birichino adora fare l’altalena. Un giorno la porta si rompe e la mamma si arrabbia. Per fortuna il Signor Falegname viene in soccorso con la sua borsa degli attrezzi. Scimmiotto il Birichino vuole essere di è una buona idea? La lettura di questo divertente libro bilingue vi aiuterà ad imparare il tedesco.
Conte Bilingue en Italien et Français: Singe Filou aide M. Charpentier - Scimmiotto il Birichino Aiuta il Signor Falegname
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 2,720. Language: French. Published: February 2, 2015 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Italian
Cette histoire est pour les enfants et autres qui ont envie de lire un texte simple en Italien et Français, avec des illustrations. Dans la première partie, pour faciliter la compréhension, les deux langues sont présentées l’une à côté de l’autre, une ou deux phrases à la fois. La deuxième partie, uniquement en Italien, permet aux étudiants de niveau intermédiaire d’exercer leur compréhension.
Conte Bilingue en Italien et Français: Caméléon - Il Camaleonte
Series: Apprendre l'talien pour les enfants. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,820. Language: French. Published: February 2, 2015 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Zoos, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Italian
Pouvez-vous imaginer la vie dans un pot de fleurs, a confondre un animal avec un autre? Nos plantes pipelettes Basilic, Romarin et les sœurs Pensées connaissent bien les problèmes et joies que cela engendre. Cette histoire est pour les enfants et autres qui ont envie de lire un texte simple en Français et Italien.La lecture de cette amusante histoire bilingue vous aidera à apprendre l'italien.
Singe Filou aide M. Charpentier - Übermütiger Affe hilft Herrn Tischler. Conte Bilingue en Allemand et Français
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 2,610. Language: French. Published: January 5, 2015 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » German
Cette histoire est pour les enfants et autres qui ont envie de lire un texte simple en Allemand et Français, avec des illustrations. Dans la première partie, pour faciliter la compréhension, les deux langues sont présentées l’une à côté de l’autre, une ou deux phrases à la fois. La deuxième partie, uniquement en allemand, permet aux étudiants de niveau intermédiaire d’exercer leur compréhension.
Conte Bilingue en Espagnol et Français : Singe Filou aide M. Charpentier - Mono Travieso ayuda al Sr. Carpintero. Collection Apprendre l'espagnol
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 5,300. Language: French. Published: October 13, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Spanish
Ce livre illustré est divisé en quatre parties. Dans la première partie, les deux langues sont présentées l’une à côté de l’autre, une ou deux phrases à la fois généralement. La deuxième partie, uniquement en espagnol, permet aux étudiants d’exercer leur compréhension. La troisième partie est rédigée uniquement en français et la quatrième est une version bilingue français-espagnol pour mobile.
Das Leben von Basilikum - La vita di Basilico. Kostenfreies zweisprachiges Kinderbuch in Deutsch und Italienisch. Mit Spaß Italienisch lernen
Series: Mit Spaß Italienisch lernen. Price: Free! Words: 2,140. Language: German. Published: October 1, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » General, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Italian
Basilikum findet sich in einem seltsamen neuen Topf wieder und begegnet den gesprächigen kleinen Pflanzen. Sie glauben allerlei zu wissen, aber wenn es um Tiere geht, dann wissen sie nichts. Eine wilde Annahme folgt einer anderen und bringt sie in große Schwierigkeiten. Vielleicht haben sie das nächste Mal nicht so viel Glück!
Das Leben von Basilikum - Η ζωή του Βασιλικού: Zweisprachiges Kinderbuch in Griechisch und Deutsch. Mit Spaß Griechisch lernen.
Series: Mit Spaß Griechisch lernen, Book 6. Price: Free! Words: 2,130. Language: German. Published: September 30, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » General, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Greek
Basilikum findet sich in einem seltsamen neuen Topf wieder und begegnet den gesprächigen kleinen Pflanzen. Sie glauben allerlei zu wissen, aber wenn es um Tiere geht, dann wissen sie nichts. Eine wilde Annahme folgt einer anderen und bringt sie in große Schwierigkeiten. Vielleicht haben sie das nächste Mal nicht so viel Glück!
Bilinguales Kinderbuch in Griechisch und Deutsch: Übermütiger Affe hilft Herrn Tischler - Ο Άτακτος Πίθηκος Βοηθά τον κ. Μαραγκό. Griechisch lernen mit Übermütiger Affe.
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 2,680. Language: German. Published: September 30, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Greek
Diese zweisprachige Geschichte ist für Kinder und andere gedacht, die einen einfachen Text in Deutsch und Griechisch mit Illustrationen lesen möchten. In dieser Geschichte versucht Herr Tischler eine Tür zu ersetzen, die der kleine Affe in seinem Übermut kaputt machte und das ist nicht leicht wenn der freche Affe dabei zuschaut.
Zweisprachiges Kinderbuch in Griechisch und Deutsch: Chamäleon - Ο χαμαιλέοντας. Mit Spaß Griechisch lernen
Series: Mit Spaß Griechisch lernen, Book 5. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,290. Language: German. Published: September 30, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Hippopotamuses & rhinoceroses, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Greek
Können Sie sich vorstellen, in einem Blumentopf zu leben und Tiere miteinander zu verwechseln? Unsere geschwätzigen Pflanzen Basilikum, Rosmarin und die Stiefmütterchen kennen es sehr gut und Spaß ist garantiert! Diese Geschichte ist für Kinder und Leser gedacht, die einen Text in Griechisch und Deutsch mit Illustrationen lesen möchten, um die Griechische Sprache spielerisch zu lernen. Viel Spaß!
Das Leben von Basilikum - Life of Basil. Zweisprachiges Kinderbuch in Deutsch und Englisch. Mit Spaß Englisch lernen
Series: Mit Spaß Englisch lernen, Book 6. Price: Free! Words: 1,750. Language: German. Published: September 30, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » General, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » English as a second language
Basilikum findet sich in einem seltsamen neuen Topf wieder und begegnet den gesprächigen kleinen Pflanzen. Sie glauben allerlei zu wissen, aber wenn es um Tiere geht, dann wissen sie nichts. Eine wilde Annahme folgt einer anderen und bringt sie in große Schwierigkeiten. Vielleicht haben sie das nächste Mal nicht so viel Glück!
Das Leben von Basilikum - La vida de Albahaca. Kostenfreies zweisprachiges Kinderbuch in Deutsch und Spanisch.
Series: Mit Spaß Spanisch lernen, Book 6. Price: Free! Words: 2,140. Language: German. Published: September 27, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » General, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Spanish
(5.00 from 1 review)
Basilikum findet sich in einem seltsamen neuen Topf wieder und begegnet den gesprächigen kleinen Pflanzen. Sie glauben allerlei zu wissen, aber wenn es um Tiere geht, dann wissen sie nichts. Eine wilde Annahme folgt einer anderen und bringt sie in große Schwierigkeiten. Vielleicht haben sie das nächste Mal nicht so viel Glück!
História Bilíngue em Inglês e Português: O Pato Danny Doma o Leão - Danny Duck Tames the Lion.
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 3,560. Language: Portuguese. Published: September 20, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Ducks, geese, & other waterfowl, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » English as a second language
O Danny é um Pato muito confiante e sempre à procura de aventura. Nesta história, o Danny encontra trabalho num circo, a limpar estábulos. Esta não é a aventura excitante que o Danny estava à procura! Quando o domador de leões fica com gripe, o Danny tem uma oportunidade única! Será que ele vai domar Larry, o leão, ou vai fugir para a quinta como uma galinha medricas?
Danny Pato doma al León - Danny Duck Tames the Lion. Cuento Bilingüe en Español - Inglés. Colección Aprender Inglés.
Series: Estudiar Inglés con Danny., Book 1. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 3,480. Language: Spanish. Published: September 17, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Ducks, geese, & other waterfowl, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » English as a second language
Danny es un pato muy seguro de sí mismo en busca de aventuras. En este relato encuentra trabajo en el circo limpiando las jaulas de los animales,.y cuando el domador del león coge la gripe Danny tendrá la oportunidad de su vida. ¿Domará Danny a Larry el León o volverá corriendo a su granja asustado cómo un gallina? Lo descubrirás leyendo este entretenido cuento bilingüe en Inglés y Español.
Danny Duck Tames the Lion - O Pato Danny Doma o Leão. Bilingual Book English - Portuguese. Learn Portuguese Collection
Series: Learn Portuguese with Danny, Book 1. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 3,510. Language: English. Published: September 13, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Ducks, geese, & other waterfowl, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Portuguese
Danny is a very confident young Duck in search of adventure. In this story he finds work in a circus cleaning out the animal pens. Not the exciting adventure Danny is looking for, but when the lion tamer gets the flu Danny gets the chance of his Life! Will Danny tame Larry the lion or he will run back to the farm like a scared chicken? You will find out by reading this dual English Portuguese book
La Vida de Albahaca - Life of Basil. Cuento Bilingüe en Inglés y Español. Coleccion Aprender Inglés.
Series: Aprender Inglés para niños, Book 6. Price: Free! Words: 2,190. Language: Spanish. Published: September 12, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » General
Albahaca se encuentra en una extraña y nueva maceta donde conocerá a nuestras parlanchinas plantitas. Cuando se trata de animales, no tienen ni idea. Una suposición incorrecta les llevará a meterse en un gran lío. ¡La próxima vez puede que no sean tan afortunados! Esta historia ilustrada, que distribuimos gratis, es para niños bilingües y estudiantes de Inglés que quieran leer un libro divertido
Dual Language Book French English: Naughty Monkey Helps Mr. Carpenter - Singe Filou aide M. Charpentier. Study French with Naughty Monkey. Learn French Collection
Series: Study French with Naughty Monkey, Book 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 5,020. Language: English. Published: September 2, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » French
Naughty Monkey has a special talent for getting into trouble. In this story, Mr. Carpenter attempts to replace a door that Naughty Monkey has broken, but that is not easy when Naughty Monkey is watching. Reading this entertaining bilingual book will help you to practice and learn French.
Bilinguales Kinderbuch in Französisch - Deutsch: Übermütiger Affe hilft Herrn Tischler — Singe Filou aide M. Charpentier. Mit Spaß Französisch lernen
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 2,640. Language: German. Published: September 2, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » French, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys
Der übermütige Affe hat ein spezielles Talent dafür, in Schwierigkeiten zu geraten. In dieser Geschichte versucht Herr Tischler eine Tür zu ersetzen, die der kleine Affe in seinem Übermut kaputt machte und das ist nicht leicht wenn der freche Affe dabei zuschaut. Mit Lesen dieses unterhaltsamen Buches wird dir geholfen, in einfacher Weise Französisch / Deutsch zu lernen.
A vida do Manjericão - Life of Basil. História Bilíngue em Inglês e Português. Série "Aprender Inglês"
Series: Série "Aprender Inglês", Book 6. Price: Free! Words: 2,190. Language: Portuguese. Published: September 1, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » General, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » English as a second language
Este livro bilingue é gratuito e ilustrado, dirigido a crianças bilingues e alunos de língua portuguesa com conhecimento básico ou intermédio, que querem estudar um texto nas duas línguas, inglês e português.O Manjericão dá por si num estranho vaso novo, onde conhece outras pequenas plantas conversadoras. Eles pensam que sabem algumas coisas, mas no que diz respeito a animais, não sabem nada.
Contos Infantis em Inglês e Português: O Macaco Maroto Ajuda o Sr. Carpinteiro - Naughty Monkey helps Mr. Carpenter. Série Aprende Inglês com o Macaco Maroto.
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,800. Language: Portuguese. Published: September 1, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » English as a second language
O Macaco Maroto tem um talento especial para se meter em sarilhos. Nesta história, o Sr. Carpinteiro tenta substituir uma porta que o Macaco Maroto partiu, mas não é assim tão fácil quando o Macaco Maroto está por perto a assistir. Esta história destina-se a crianças e outras pessoas que queiram ler um texto simples em Português e Inglês, com ilustrações. Esperamos que gostes da história.
Bilingual Book in English and Portuguese: Life of Basil - A vida do Manjericão. Learn Portuguese Series
Series: Learn Portuguese, Book 6. Price: Free! Words: 2,250. Language: English. Published: August 9, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » General, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Portuguese
Basil finds himself in a strange new pot and meets our other chatty little plants. They think they know some stuff, but when it comes to animals, they know nothing. One wild assumption followed by another gets them into big trouble. This story is for bilingual children and Portuguese language students with a basic or intermediate knowledge who want to read a text in English and Portuguese.
Dual Language Book English Portuguese: Naughty Monkey helps Mr. Carpenter - O Macaco Maroto Ajuda o Sr. Carpinteiro. Learn Portuguese Collection.
Series: Study Portuguese with Naughty Monkey, Book 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,820. Language: English. Published: August 9, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Portuguese, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys
This bilingual book is for children and others wanting to read a simple bilingual text in English and Portuguese. Naughty Monkey has a special talent for getting into trouble. In this story, Mr. Carpenter attempts to replace a door that Naughty Monkey has broken but, that is not easy when Naughty Monkey is watching. Reading this entertaining bilingual book will help you learn Portuguese.
Dual Language Book English Italian: Naughty Monkey Helps Mr. Carpenter - Scimmiotto il Birichino aiuta il Signor Falegname (Learn Italian Collection)
Series: Study Italian with Naughty Monkey, Book 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,810. Language: English. Published: August 7, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Italian
This bilingual book is for children and others wanting to read a simple bilingual text in English and Italian. Naughty Monkey has a special talent for getting into trouble. In this story, Mr. Carpenter attempts to replace a door that Naughty Monkey has broken but, that is not easy when Naughty Monkey is watching. Reading this entertaining bilingual book will help you learn Italian
Bilingual Book in English and Italian: Life of Basil - La vita di Basilico. Learn Italian Collection
Series: Learn Italian for Kids, Book 6. Price: Free! Words: 2,210. Language: English. Published: August 6, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Turtles, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Italian
Basil finds himself in a strange new pot and meets our other chatty little plants. They think they know some stuff, but when it comes to animals, they know nothing. One wild assumption followed by another gets them into big trouble. This illustrated free bilingual book is for children and Italian language students with a basic or intermediate knowledge who want to study a dual language text.
Bilingual Book in English and Italian. Chameleon - Il Camaleonte. Learn Italian Collection
Series: Learn Italian for Kids, Book 5. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,280. Language: English. Published: August 6, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Italian, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Zoos
Can you imagine what it is like to live in a flowerpot and confuse one animal with another? Our chatty little plants Basil,Rosemary and the sisters know all too well the problems and fun it causes.This is for children and others wanting to read a simple text in English and Italian with illustrations. Reading this entertaining bilingual story will help you learn Italian. We hope you enjoy it.
Cuento Bilingüe en Español e Italiano: Camaleón - Il Camaleonte (Colección aprender Italiano)
Series: Aprender Italiano para niños., Book 5. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 2,430. Language: Spanish. Published: August 5, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Italian, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Zoos
¿Sabes lo que pasa cuando vives en una maceta y confundes unos animales con otros? Nuestras queridas plantas, Romera, Albahaca y las hermanas lo saben muy bien: problemas y diversión. Podrás leerlo en este cuento bilingüe para entretenerte y aprender italiano. Para niños, y otros que quieran leer un texto sencillo en español e italiano con ilustraciones para seguir la narración. Lo disfrutarás.
Learn Spanish: English Spanish - Danny Duck Tames the Lion - Danny Pato doma al León
Series: Learn Spanish with Danny, Book 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 3,620. Language: English. Published: August 1, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Fiction, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Spanish
Danny is a very confident young Duck in search of adventure. In this story he finds work in a circus cleaning out the animal pens. Not the exciting adventure Danny is looking for, but when the lion tamer gets the flu Danny gets the chance of his Life! Will Danny tame Larry the lion or he will run back to the farm like a scared chicken? You will find out by reading this bilingual book.
Learn Spanish: Spanish for Kids. Life of Basil - La vida de Albahaca - Bilingual Book in English and Spanish.
Series: Learning Spanish for Kids., Book 6. Price: Free! Words: 3,120. Language: English. Published: July 24, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Spanish, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » General
Basil finds himself in a strange new pot and meets our other chatty little plants. They think they know some stuff, but when it comes to animals, they know nothing. One wild assumption followed by another gets them into big trouble. This illustrated story is for bilingual children and Spanish language students with a basic or intermediate knowledge who want to read a text in English and Spanish.
Bilinguales Kinderbuch in Deutsch und Spanisch: Übermütiger Affe hilft Herrn Tischler - Mono Travieso ayuda al Sr. Carpintero (Die Serie zum Spanisch lernen)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,770. Language: German. Published: July 9, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Spanish, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys
Diese zweisprachige Geschichte ist für Kinder und andere gedacht, die einen einfachen Text in Deutsch und Spanisch mit Illustrationen lesen möchten. In dieser Geschichte versucht Herr Tischler eine Tür zu ersetzen, die der kleine Affe in seinem Übermut kaputt machte und das ist nicht leicht wenn der freche Affe dabei zuschaut.
Cuento Infantil en Español y Alemán: Mono Travieso Ayuda al Sr. Carpintero - Übermütiger Affe hilft Herrn Tischler. Colección Aprender Alemán.
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,790. Language: Spanish. Published: July 7, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » German
En este cuento, el Sr. Carpintero trata de cambiar una puerta que Mono Travieso ha roto, pero no es fácil cuando Mono Travieso esta mirando. Esta narración ilustrada ha sido creada para niños bilingües, y otros que desean leer un texto paralelo en Español y Alemán. Para una mayor facilidad de comprensión, los idiomas se muestran juntos, normalmente con una o dos frases cada vez.
Dual Language English German: Naughty Monkey Helps Mr. Carpenter - Übermütiger Affe hilft Herrn Tischler - Learn German Collection
Series: Study German with Naughty Monkey, Book 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,770. Language: English. Published: June 26, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » German
This bilingual tale is for children and others wanting to read a simple text in English and German with illustrations. Naughty Monkey has a special talent for getting into trouble. In this story, Mr. Carpenter attempts to replace a door that Naughty Monkey has broken but, that is not easy when Naughty Monkey is watching. Reading this entertaining bilingual book will help you learn German.
Cuento Infantil en Español e Inglés: Mono Travieso Ayuda al Sr. Carpintero - Naughty Monkey Helps Mr. Carpenter. Colección aprender Inglés.
Series: Estudia Inglés con el Mono Travieso., Book 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,780. Language: Spanish. Published: June 3, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » English as a second language, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Apes & monkeys
En este cuento, el Sr. Carpintero trata de cambiar una puerta que Mono Travieso ha roto, pero no es fácil cuando Mono Travieso esta mirando. Esta narración ilustrada ha sido diseñada para niños bilingües y otros que desean leer un texto paralelo en Inglés y Español. Para una mayor facilidad de comprensión, los idiomas se muestran juntos, normalmente con una o dos frases cada vez.
Dual Language English Spanish: Naughty Monkey Helps Mr. Carpenter - Mono Travieso Ayuda al Sr. Carpintero. Learn Spanish Collection
Series: Study Spanish with Naughty Monkey, Book 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,810. Language: English. Published: May 30, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Wild animals (general), Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Spanish
This bilingual book is for children and others wanting to read a dual language text in English and Spanish with illustrations. Naughty Monkey has a special talent for getting into trouble. In this story, Mr. Carpenter attempts to replace a door that Naughty Monkey has broken but, that is not easy when Naughty Monkey is watching. Reading this entertaining bilingual story will help you learn Spanish
Δίγλωσση ιστορία στα Ελληνικά και στα Τουρκικά: Ο χαμαιλέοντας - Bukalemun
Series: Μάθε τουρκικές σειρές, Book 5. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,170. Language: Greek. Published: March 21, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Zoos, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Turkish
Μπορείτε να φανταστείτε πως είναι να ζεις σε μία γλάστρα και να μπερδεύεις το ένα ζώο μ' ένα άλλο; Τα φλύαρα μικρά φυτά ο Βασιλικός, η Δεντρολιβανίνα και οι αδερφές γνωρίζουν πολύ καλά τα προβλήματα και την πλάκα που δημιουργεί αυτή η κατάσταση. Αυτή η ιστορία είναι για παιδιά και όσους θέλουν να διαβάσουν μια απλή δίγλωσση ιστορία με εικόνες. Ελπίζουμε να σας αρέσει.
Δίγλωσση ιστορία στα Ελληνικά και στα Τουρκικά: Ο Ποντικός - Fare
Series: Μάθε τουρκικές σειρές, Book 4. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,080. Language: Greek. Published: March 14, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Turkish, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mice, rats, & other rodents
Μπορείτε να φανταστείτε πως είναι να ζεις σε μία γλάστρα και να μπερδεύεις το ένα ζώο μ' ένα άλλο; Τα φλύαρα μικρά φυτά ο Βασιλικός, η Δεντρολιβανίνα και οι αδερφές γνωρίζουν πολύ καλά τα προβλήματα και την πλάκα που δημιουργεί αυτή η κατάσταση. Αυτή η ιστορία είναι για παιδιά και όσους θέλουν να διαβάσουν μια απλή δίγλωσση ιστορία με εικόνες. Ελπίζουμε να σας αρέσει.
Δίγλωσση ιστορία στα Ελληνικά και στα Πορτογαλικά: Ο Ποντικός - Rato
Series: Μάθε πορτογαλικές σειρές, Book 4. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,170. Language: Greek. Published: March 7, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Portuguese, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mice, rats, & other rodents
Μπορείτε να φανταστείτε πως είναι να ζεις σε μία γλάστρα και να μπερδεύεις το ένα ζώο μ' ένα άλλο; Τα φλύαρα μικρά φυτά ο Βασιλικός, η Δεντρολιβανίνα και οι αδερφές γνωρίζουν πολύ καλά τα προβλήματα και την πλάκα που δημιουργεί αυτή η κατάσταση. Αυτή η ιστορία είναι για παιδιά και όσους θέλουν να διαβάσουν μια απλή δίγλωσση ιστορία με εικόνες. Ελπίζουμε να σας αρέσει.
Δίγλωσση ιστορία στα Ελληνικά και στα Τουρκικά: Πίθηκος - Maymun
Series: Μάθε τουρκικές σειρές, Book 3. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,230. Language: Greek. Published: March 7, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Turkish, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Elephants
Μπορείτε να φανταστείτε πως είναι να ζεις σε μία γλάστρα και να μπερδεύεις το ένα ζώο μ' ένα άλλο; Τα φλύαρα μικρά φυτά ο Βασιλικός, η Δεντρολιβανίνα και οι αδερφές γνωρίζουν πολύ καλά τα προβλήματα και την πλάκα που δημιουργεί αυτή η κατάσταση. Αυτή η ιστορία είναι για παιδιά και όσους θέλουν να διαβάσουν μια απλή δίγλωσση ιστορία με εικόνες. Ελπίζουμε να σας αρέσει.
Δίγλωσση ιστορία στα Ελληνικά και στα Πορτογαλικά: Πίθηκος - Macaco
Series: Μάθε πορτογαλικές σειρές, Book 3. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,380. Language: Greek. Published: February 28, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Portuguese, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Elephants
Μπορείτε να φανταστείτε πως είναι να ζεις σε μία γλάστρα και να μπερδεύεις το ένα ζώο μ' ένα άλλο; Τα φλύαρα μικρά φυτά ο Βασιλικός, η Δεντρολιβανίνα και οι αδερφές γνωρίζουν πολύ καλά τα προβλήματα και την πλάκα που δημιουργεί αυτή η κατάσταση. Αυτή η ιστορία είναι για παιδιά και όσους θέλουν να διαβάσουν μια απλή δίγλωσση ιστορία με εικόνες. Ελπίζουμε να σας αρέσει.
Δίγλωσση ιστορία στα Ελληνικά και στα Τουρκικά: Γουρούνι - Domuz
Series: Μάθε τουρκικές σειρές, Book 2. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,080. Language: Greek. Published: February 28, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Turkish, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes
Μπορείτε να φανταστείτε πως είναι να ζεις σε μία γλάστρα και να μπερδεύεις το ένα ζώο μ' ένα άλλο; Τα φλύαρα μικρά φυτά ο Βασιλικός, η Δεντρολιβανίνα και οι αδερφές γνωρίζουν πολύ καλά τα προβλήματα και την πλάκα που δημιουργεί αυτή η κατάσταση. Αυτή η ιστορία είναι για παιδιά και όσους θέλουν να διαβάσουν μια απλή δίγλωσση ιστορία με εικόνες. Ελπίζουμε να σας αρέσει.
Δίγλωσση ιστορία στα Ελληνικά και στα Πορτογαλικά: Γουρούνι - Porco
Series: Μάθε πορτογαλικές σειρές, Book 2. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,200. Language: Greek. Published: February 21, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Portuguese, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes
Μπορείτε να φανταστείτε πως είναι να ζεις σε μία γλάστρα και να μπερδεύεις το ένα ζώο μ' ένα άλλο; Τα φλύαρα μικρά φυτά ο Βασιλικός, η Δεντρολιβανίνα και οι αδερφές γνωρίζουν πολύ καλά τα προβλήματα και την πλάκα που δημιουργεί αυτή η κατάσταση. Αυτή η ιστορία είναι για παιδιά και όσους θέλουν να διαβάσουν μια απλή δίγλωσση ιστορία με εικόνες. Ελπίζουμε να σας αρέσει.
Δίγλωσση ιστορία στα Ελληνικά και στα Τουρκικά: Βάτραχος - Kurbağa.
Series: Μάθε τουρκικές σειρές, Book 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,210. Language: Greek. Published: February 14, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Turkish, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Hippopotamuses & rhinoceroses
Μπορείτε να φανταστείτε πως είναι να ζεις σε μία γλάστρα και να μπερδεύεις το ένα ζώο μ' ένα άλλο; Τα φλύαρα μικρά φυτά ο Βασιλικός, η Δεντρολιβανίνα και οι αδερφές γνωρίζουν πολύ καλά τα προβλήματα και την πλάκα που δημιουργεί αυτή η κατάσταση. Αυτή η ιστορία είναι για παιδιά και όσους θέλουν να διαβάσουν μια απλή δίγλωσση ιστορία με εικόνες. Ελπίζουμε να σας αρέσει.
Δίγλωσση ιστορία στα Ελληνικά και στα Πορτογαλικά: Ο χαμαιλέοντας - Camaleão
Series: Μάθε πορτογαλικές σειρές, Book 5. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,290. Language: Greek. Published: February 13, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Portuguese, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Zoos
Μπορείτε να φανταστείτε πως είναι να ζεις σε μία γλάστρα και να μπερδεύεις το ένα ζώο μ' ένα άλλο; Τα φλύαρα μικρά φυτά ο Βασιλικός, η Δεντρολιβανίνα και οι αδερφές γνωρίζουν πολύ καλά τα προβλήματα και την πλάκα που δημιουργεί αυτή η κατάσταση. Αυτή η ιστορία είναι για παιδιά και όσους θέλουν να διαβάσουν μια απλή δίγλωσση ιστορία με εικόνες. Ελπίζουμε να σας αρέσει.
Δίγλωσση ιστορία στα Ελληνικά και στα Πορτογαλικά: Βάτραχος - Sapo
Series: Μάθε πορτογαλικές σειρές, Book 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,370. Language: Greek. Published: February 13, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Portuguese, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Hippopotamuses & rhinoceroses
Μπορείτε να φανταστείτε πως είναι να ζεις σε μία γλάστρα και να μπερδεύεις το ένα ζώο μ' ένα άλλο; Τα φλύαρα μικρά φυτά ο Βασιλικός, η Δεντρολιβανίνα και οι αδερφές γνωρίζουν πολύ καλά τα προβλήματα και την πλάκα που δημιουργεί αυτή η κατάσταση. Αυτή η ιστορία είναι για παιδιά και όσους θέλουν να διαβάσουν μια απλή δίγλωσση ιστορία με εικόνες. Ελπίζουμε να σας αρέσει.
Cuento Bilingüe en Castellano y Euskera: Rana - Igela.
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,310. Language: Spanish. Published: February 4, 2014 by LingoLibros. Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Miscellaneous, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Frogs & toads
Nuestras queridas plantas: Las Hermanas Pensamiento, Romera y Albahaca, no tienen ni idea de animales porque nunca han salido de su maceta. ¿Te imaginas lo que pasa si confundes unos animales con otros? Situaciones muy divertidas, que acaban con las plantas metidas en problemas y diversión. Lee esta historia bilingüe para entretenerte y aprender Euskera.
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Conte Bilingue en Français et Portugais: Caméléon - Camaleão. Collection apprendre le portugais.
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,860. Language: French. Published: October 5, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Wild animals (general), Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Portuguese
Pouvez-vous imaginer la vie dans un pot de fleurs, a confondre un animal avec un autre? Nos plantes pipelettes Basilic, Romarin et les sœurs Pensées connaissent bien les problèmes et joies que cela engendre. Cette histoire est pour les enfants et autres qui ont envie de lire un texte en Français et Portugais.La lecture de cette amusante histoire bilingue vous aidera à apprendre le portugais.
Türkçe ve Fransizca İki Dilde Hikaye: Fare — Souris - Fransizca Öğrenme Serisi
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,050. Language: Turkish. Published: September 11, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mice, rats, & other rodents, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » French
Türkçe ve Fransizca: Bir saksıda yaşayıp hayvanları birbirleriyle karıştırmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edebiliyor musunuz? Küçük konuşkan bitkilerimiz Fesleğen, Biberiye ve kız kardeşler, sorunları ve neden oldukları eğlenceyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Bu hikaye, çocuklar ve iki dilde basit bir resimli kitap okumak isteyen diğer kişiler içindir. Hikayeden keyif aldığınızı umuyoruz.
Türkçe ve Fransizca İki Dilde Hikaye: Maymun - Singe - Fransizca Öğrenme Serisi
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,170. Language: Turkish. Published: September 11, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Elephants, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » French
Türkçe ve Fransizca: Bir saksıda yaşayıp hayvanları birbirleriyle karıştırmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edebiliyor musunuz? Küçük konuşkan bitkilerimiz Fesleğen, Biberiye ve kız kardeşler, sorunları ve neden oldukları eğlenceyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Bu hikaye, çocuklar ve iki dilde basit bir resimli kitap okumak isteyen diğer kişiler içindir. Hikayeden keyif aldığınızı umuyoruz.
Türkçe ve Fransizca İki Dilde Hikaye: Domuz - Cochon - Fransizca Öğrenme Serisi
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,040. Language: Turkish. Published: September 11, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » French
Bir saksıda yaşayıp hayvanları birbirleriyle karıştırmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edebiliyor musunuz? Küçük konuşkan bitkilerimiz Fesleğen, Biberiye ve kız kardeşler, sorunları ve neden oldukları eğlenceyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Bu hikaye, çocuklar ve iki dilde basit bir resimli kitap okumak isteyen diğer kişiler içindir. Hikayeden keyif aldığınızı umuyoruz.
Türkçe ve Fransizca İki Dilde Hikaye: Kurbağa - Grenouille - Fransizca Öğrenme Serisi
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,190. Language: Turkish. Published: September 11, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Hippopotamuses & rhinoceroses, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » French
Bir saksıda yaşayıp hayvanları birbirleriyle karıştırmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edebiliyor musunuz? Küçük konuşkan bitkilerimiz Fesleğen, Biberiye ve kız kardeşler, sorunları ve neden oldukları eğlenceyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Bu hikaye, çocuklar ve iki dilde basit bir resimli kitap okumak isteyen diğer kişiler içindir. Hikayeden keyif aldığınızı umuyoruz.
Türkçe ve Fransizca İki Dilde Hikaye: Bukalemun - Caméléon - Fransizca Öğrenme Serisi
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,110. Language: Turkish. Published: September 11, 2013 . Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » French, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mammals
Bir saksıda yaşayıp hayvanları birbirleriyle karıştırmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edebiliyor musunuz? Küçük konuşkan bitkilerimiz Fesleğen, Biberiye ve kız kardeşler, sorunları ve neden oldukları eğlenceyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Bu hikaye, çocuklar ve iki dilde basit bir resimli kitap okumak isteyen diğer kişiler içindir. Hikayeden keyif aldığınızı umuyoruz.
Türkçe ve Almanca İki Dilde Hikaye: Fare — Maus - Almanca Öğrenme Serisi
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,030. Language: Turkish. Published: September 11, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mice, rats, & other rodents, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » German
Bir saksıda yaşayıp hayvanları birbirleriyle karıştırmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edebiliyor musunuz? Küçük konuşkan bitkilerimiz Fesleğen, Biberiye ve kız kardeşler, sorunları ve neden oldukları eğlenceyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Bu hikaye, çocuklar ve iki dilde basit bir resimli kitap okumak isteyen diğer kişiler içindir. Hikayeden keyif aldığınızı umuyoruz.
Türkçe ve Almanca İki Dilde Hikaye: Maymun - Affe - Almanca Öğrenme Serisi
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,150. Language: Turkish. Published: September 11, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Elephants, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » German
Bir saksıda yaşayıp hayvanları birbirleriyle karıştırmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edebiliyor musunuz? Küçük konuşkan bitkilerimiz Fesleğen, Biberiye ve kız kardeşler, sorunları ve neden oldukları eğlenceyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Bu hikaye, çocuklar ve iki dilde basit bir resimli kitap okumak isteyen diğer kişiler içindir. Hikayeden keyif aldığınızı umuyoruz.
Türkçe ve Almanca İki Dilde Hikaye: Domuz - Schwein - Almanca Öğrenme Serisi
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,020. Language: Turkish. Published: September 11, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » German
Türkçe ve Almanca: Bir saksıda yaşayıp hayvanları birbirleriyle karıştırmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edebiliyor musunuz? Küçük konuşkan bitkilerimiz Fesleğen, Biberiye ve kız kardeşler, sorunları ve neden oldukları eğlenceyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Bu hikaye, çocuklar ve iki dilde basit bir resimli kitap okumak isteyen diğer kişiler içindir. Hikayeden keyif aldığınızı umuyoruz.
Türkçe ve Almanca İki Dilde Hikaye: Kurbağa - Frosch - Almanca Öğrenme Serisi
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,170. Language: Turkish. Published: September 11, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Hippopotamuses & rhinoceroses, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » German
Türkçe ve Almanca: Bir saksıda yaşayıp hayvanları birbirleriyle karıştırmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edebiliyor musunuz? Küçük konuşkan bitkilerimiz Fesleğen, Biberiye ve kız kardeşler, sorunları ve neden oldukları eğlenceyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Bu hikaye, çocuklar ve iki dilde basit bir resimli kitap okumak isteyen diğer kişiler içindir. Hikayeden keyif aldığınızı umuyoruz.
Türkçe ve Almanca İki Dilde Hikaye: Bukalemun - Chamäleon - Almanca Öğrenme Serisi
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,080. Language: Turkish. Published: September 11, 2013 . Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » German, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mammals
Türkçe ve Almanca: Bir saksıda yaşayıp hayvanları birbirleriyle karıştırmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edebiliyor musunuz? Küçük konuşkan bitkilerimiz Fesleğen, Biberiye ve kız kardeşler, sorunları ve neden oldukları eğlenceyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Bu hikaye, çocuklar ve iki dilde basit bir resimli kitap okumak isteyen diğer kişiler içindir. Hikayeden keyif aldığınızı umuyoruz.
Türkçe ve İngilizce İki Dilde Hikaye: Maymun - Monkey - İngilizce Öğrenme Serisi
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,160. Language: Turkish. Published: September 11, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Elephants, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » English as a second language
Bir saksıda yaşayıp hayvanları birbirleriyle karıştırmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edebiliyor musunuz? Küçük konuşkan bitkilerimiz Fesleğen, Biberiye ve kız kardeşler, sorunları ve neden oldukları eğlenceyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Bu hikaye, çocuklar ve iki dilde basit bir resimli kitap okumak isteyen diğer kişiler içindir. Hikayeden keyif aldığınızı umuyoruz.
Türkçe ve İngilizce İki Dilde Hikaye: Domuz - Pig - İngilizce Öğrenme Serisi
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,020. Language: Turkish. Published: September 11, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » English as a second language
Bir saksıda yaşayıp hayvanları birbirleriyle karıştırmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edebiliyor musunuz? Küçük konuşkan bitkilerimiz Fesleğen, Biberiye ve kız kardeşler, sorunları ve neden oldukları eğlenceyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Bu hikaye, çocuklar ve iki dilde basit bir resimli kitap okumak isteyen diğer kişiler içindir. Hikayeden keyif aldığınızı umuyoruz.
Türkçe ve İngilizce İki Dilde Hikaye: Kurbağa - Frog - İngilizce Öğrenme Serisi
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,160. Language: Turkish. Published: September 11, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Hippopotamuses & rhinoceroses, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » English as a second language
Bir saksıda yaşayıp hayvanları birbirleriyle karıştırmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edebiliyor musunuz? Küçük konuşkan bitkilerimiz Fesleğen, Biberiye ve kız kardeşler, sorunları ve neden oldukları eğlenceyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Bu hikaye, çocuklar ve iki dilde basit bir resimli kitap okumak isteyen diğer kişiler içindir. Hikayeden keyif aldığınızı umuyoruz.
Türkçe ve İngilizce İki Dilde Hikaye: Bukalemun - Chameleon - İngilizce Öğrenme Serisi
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,100. Language: Turkish. Published: September 11, 2013 . Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » English as a second language, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mammals
Bir saksıda yaşayıp hayvanları birbirleriyle karıştırmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edebiliyor musunuz? Küçük konuşkan bitkilerimiz Fesleğen, Biberiye ve kız kardeşler, sorunları ve neden oldukları eğlenceyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Bu hikaye, çocuklar ve iki dilde basit bir resimli kitap okumak isteyen diğer kişiler içindir. Hikayeden keyif aldığınızı umuyoruz.
História Bilíngue em Português e Alemão: Camaleão - Caméléon. Serie Aprender Alemão.
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,260. Language: Portuguese. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Wild animals (general), Nonfiction » Language Instruction » German
Consegues imaginar como seria viver num vaso e confundir os animais? As nossas pequenas e conversadoras plantas, Manjericão, Alecrina e as irmãs conhecem bem os problemas e a diversão que isso traz. Esta história destina-se a crianças e outras pessoas que queiram ler um texto simples em Português e Alemão, com ilustrações. Ler este divertido livro bilingue ajudará a aprender Alemão.
Bilingual Book in English and Turkish: Mouse - Fare - Learn Turkish Series
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,080. Language: English. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mice, rats, & other rodents, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Turkish
Can you imagine what it is like to live in a flowerpot and confuse one animal with another? Our chatty little plants Basil, Rosemary and the sisters know all too well the problems and fun it causes. This is for children and others wanting to read a simple text in English and Turkish with illustrations. Reading this entertaining bilingual story will help you learn Turkish.
Bilingual Book in English and Turkish: Pig - Domuz - Learn Turkish Series
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,060. Language: English. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Turkish
Can you imagine what it is like to live in a flowerpot and confuse one animal with another? Our chatty little plants Basil, Rosemary and the sisters know all too well the problems and fun it causes. This is for children and others wanting to read a simple text in English and Turkish with illustrations. Reading this entertaining bilingual story will help you learn Turkish.
Bilingual Book in English and Turkish: Monkey - Maymun - Learn Turkish Series
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,200. Language: English. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Elephants, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Turkish
Can you imagine what it is like to live in a flowerpot and confuse one animal with another? Our chatty little plants Basil, Rosemary and the sisters know all too well the problems and fun it causes. This is for children and others wanting to read a simple text in English and Turkish with illustrations. Reading this entertaining bilingual story will help you learn Turkish.
Bilingual Book in English and Turkish: Chameleon - Bukalemun - Learn Turkish Series
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,150. Language: English. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Turkish, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mammals
Can you imagine what it is like to live in a flowerpot and confuse one animal with another? Our chatty little plants Basil, Rosemary and the sisters know all too well the problems and fun it causes. This is for children and others wanting to read a simple text in English and Turkish with illustrations. Reading this entertaining bilingual story will help you learn Turkish.
Bilingual Book in English and Turkish: Frog — Kurbağa - Learn Turkish Series
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,190. Language: English. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Hippopotamuses & rhinoceroses, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Turkish
Can you imagine what it is like to live in a flowerpot and confuse one animal with another? Our chatty little plants Basil, Rosemary and the sisters know all too well the problems and fun it causes. This is for children and others wanting to read a simple text in English and Turkish with illustrations. Reading this entertaining bilingual story will help you learn Turkish.
Bilingual Book in English and Korean: Pig - 돼지 - Learn Korean Series
Series: Learn Korean for Kids, Book 2. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,030. Language: English. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Korean
Can you imagine what it is like to live in a flowerpot and confuse one animal with another? Our chatty little plants Basil, Rosemary and the sisters know all too well the problems and fun it causes. This is for children and others wanting to read a simple text in English and Korean with illustrations. Reading this entertaining bilingual story will help you learn Korean.
Bilingual Book in English and Korean: Monkey - 원숭이 - Learn Korean Series
Series: Learn Korean for Kids, Book 3. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,190. Language: English. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Elephants, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Korean
Can you imagine what it is like to live in a flowerpot and confuse one animal with another? Our chatty little plants Basil, Rosemary and the sisters know all too well the problems and fun it causes. This is for children and others wanting to read a simple text in English and Korean with illustrations. Reading this entertaining bilingual story will help you learn Korean.
Bilingual Book in English and Korean: Mouse - 쥐 - Learn Korean Series
Series: Learn Korean for Kids, Book 4. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,030. Language: English. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mice, rats, & other rodents, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Korean
Can you imagine what it is like to live in a flowerpot and confuse one animal with another? Our chatty little plants Basil, Rosemary and the sisters know all too well the problems and fun it causes. This is for children and others wanting to read a simple text in English and Korean with illustrations. Reading this entertaining bilingual story will help you learn Korean.
Bilingual Book in English and Korean: Chameleon - 카멜레온 - Learn Korean Series
Series: Learn Korean for Kids, Book 5. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,140. Language: English. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mammals, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Korean
Can you imagine what it is like to live in a flowerpot and confuse one animal with another? Our chatty little plants Basil, Rosemary and the sisters know all too well the problems and fun it causes. This is for children and others wanting to read a simple text in English and Korean with illustrations. Reading this entertaining bilingual story will help you learn Korean.
Bilingual Book in English and Korean: Frog - 개구리 - Learn Korean Series
Series: Learn Korean for Kids, Book 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,190. Language: English. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Hippopotamuses & rhinoceroses, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Korean
Can you imagine what it is like to live in a flowerpot and confuse one animal with another? Our chatty little plants Basil, Rosemary and the sisters know all too well the problems and fun it causes. This is for children and others wanting to read a simple text in English and Korean with illustrations. Reading this entertaining bilingual story will help you learn Korean.
한국어와 일본어 2개 국어 동화: 원숭이 - サル
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 580. Language: Korean. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Elephants, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Japanese
작은 화분에 살면서 동물들을 착각하는 것은 어떤 느낌일까요? 우리의 작은 수다쟁이 식물들, 바질, 로즈메리, 팬지 자매는 그로 인해 생기는 문제와 즐거움을 잘 알고 있답니다. 이 책은 아이들 뿐만아니라 2개 국어로 된 간단한 글을 그림과 함께 읽고 싶어하는 이들을 위한 이야기입니다. 재미있게 읽으시기를 바랍니다.
한국어와 일본어 2개 국어 동화: 개구리 - カエル
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 580. Language: Korean. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Hippopotamuses & rhinoceroses, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Japanese
작은 화분에 살면서 동물들을 착각하는 것은 어떤 느낌일까요? 우리의 작은 수다쟁이 식물들, 바질, 로즈메리, 팬지 자매는 그로 인해 생기는 문제와 즐거움을 잘 알고 있답니다. 이 책은 아이들 뿐만아니라 2개 국어로 된 간단한 글을 그림과 함께 읽고 싶어하는 이들을 위한 이야기입니다. 재미있게 읽으시기를 바랍니다.
한국어와 일본어 2개 국어 동화: 돼지 - ブタ
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 490. Language: Korean. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Japanese
작은 화분에 살면서 동물들을 착각하는 것은 어떤 느낌일까요? 우리의 작은 수다쟁이 식물들, 바질, 로즈메리, 팬지 자매는 그로 인해 생기는 문제와 즐거움을 잘 알고 있답니다. 이 책은 아이들 뿐만아니라 2개 국어로 된 간단한 글을 그림과 함께 읽고 싶어하는 이들을 위한 이야기입니다. 재미있게 읽으시기를 바랍니다.
한국어와 스페인어 2개 국어 동화: 쥐 - Ratón
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 990. Language: Korean. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mice, rats, & other rodents, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Spanish
작은 화분에 살면서 동물들을 착각하는 것은 어떤 느낌일까요? 우리의 작은 수다쟁이 식물들, 바질, 로즈메리, 팬지 자매는 그로 인해 생기는 문제와 즐거움을 잘 알고 있답니다. 이 책은 아이들 뿐만아니라 2개 국어로 된 간단한 글을 그림과 함께 읽고 싶어하는 이들을 위한 이야기입니다. 재미있게 읽으시기를 바랍니다.
한국어와 스페인어 2개 국어 동화: 원숭이 - Mono
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,160. Language: Korean. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Elephants, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Spanish
작은 화분에 살면서 동물들을 착각하는 것은 어떤 느낌일까요? 우리의 작은 수다쟁이 식물들, 바질, 로즈메리, 팬지 자매는 그로 인해 생기는 문제와 즐거움을 잘 알고 있답니다. 이 책은 아이들 뿐만아니라 2개 국어로 된 간단한 글을 그림과 함께 읽고 싶어하는 이들을 위한 이야기입니다. 재미있게 읽으시기를 바랍니다.
한국어와 스페인어 2개 국어 동화: 돼지 - Cerdito
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,000. Language: Korean. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Spanish
작은 화분에 살면서 동물들을 착각하는 것은 어떤 느낌일까요? 우리의 작은 수다쟁이 식물들, 바질, 로즈메리, 팬지 자매는 그로 인해 생기는 문제와 즐거움을 잘 알고 있답니다. 이 책은 아이들 뿐만아니라 2개 국어로 된 간단한 글을 그림과 함께 읽고 싶어하는 이들을 위한 이야기입니다. 재미있게 읽으시기를 바랍니다.
한국어와 스페인어 2개 국어 동화: 개구리 - Rana
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,150. Language: Korean. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Hippopotamuses & rhinoceroses, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Spanish
작은 화분에 살면서 동물들을 착각하는 것은 어떤 느낌일까요? 우리의 작은 수다쟁이 식물들, 바질, 로즈메리, 팬지 자매는 그로 인해 생기는 문제와 즐거움을 잘 알고 있답니다. 이 책은 아이들 뿐만아니라 2개 국어로 된 간단한 글을 그림과 함께 읽고 싶어하는 이들을 위한 이야기입니다. 재미있게 읽으시기를 바랍니다.
한국어와 스페인어 2개 국어 동화: 카멜레온 - Camaleón
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,100. Language: Korean. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Spanish, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mammals
작은 화분에 살면서 동물들을 착각하는 것은 어떤 느낌일까요? 우리의 작은 수다쟁이 식물들, 바질, 로즈메리, 팬지 자매는 그로 인해 생기는 문제와 즐거움을 잘 알고 있답니다. 이 책은 아이들 뿐만아니라 2개 국어로 된 간단한 글을 그림과 함께 읽고 싶어하는 이들을 위한 이야기입니다. 재미있게 읽으시기를 바랍니다.
한국어와 영어 2개 국어 동화: 카멜레온 - Chameleon
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,070. Language: Korean. Published: September 10, 2013 . Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » English as a second language, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mammals
작은 화분에 살면서 동물들을 착각하는 것은 어떤 느낌일까요? 우리의 작은 수다쟁이 식물들, 바질, 로즈메리, 팬지 자매는 그로 인해 생기는 문제와 즐거움을 잘 알고 있답니다. 이 책은 아이들 뿐만아니라 2개 국어로 된 간단한 글을 그림과 함께 읽고 싶어하는 이들을 위한 이야기입니다. 재미있게 읽으시기를 바랍니다.
Zweisprachiges Kinderbuch in Deutsch und Türkisch: Chamäleon - Bukalemun - Die Serie zum Türkisch Lernen
Series: Mit Spaß Türkisch lernen. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,110. Language: German. Published: September 9, 2013 . Categories: Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Turkish, Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mammals
Können Sie sich vorstellen, in einem Blumentopf zu leben und Tiere miteinander zu verwechseln? Unsere geschwätzigen Pflanzen Basilikum, Rosmarin und die Stiefmütterchen kennen es sehr gut und Spass ist garantiert! Diese Geschichte ist für Kinder und Leser gedacht, die einen Text in Türkisch und Deutsch mit Illustrationen lesen möchten, um die Türkische Sprache spielerisch zu lernen. Viel Spass!
Zweisprachiges Kinderbuch in Deutsch und Türkisch: Maus - Fare - Die Serie zum Türkisch Lernen
Series: Mit Spaß Türkisch lernen. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,090. Language: German. Published: September 9, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mice, rats, & other rodents, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Turkish
Können Sie sich vorstellen, in einem Blumentopf zu leben und Tiere miteinander zu verwechseln? Unsere geschwätzigen Pflanzen Basilikum, Rosmarin und die Stiefmütterchen kennen es sehr gut und Spass ist garantiert! Diese Geschichte ist für Kinder und Leser gedacht, die einen Text in Türkisch und Deutsch mit Illustrationen lesen möchten, um die Türkische Sprache spielerisch zu lernen. Viel Spass!
Zweisprachiges Kinderbuch in Deutsch und Türkisch: Affe - Maymun - Die Serie zum Türkisch Lernen
Series: Mit Spaß Türkisch lernen. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,170. Language: German. Published: September 9, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Elephants, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Turkish
Können Sie sich vorstellen, in einem Blumentopf zu leben und Tiere miteinander zu verwechseln? Unsere geschwätzigen Pflanzen Basilikum, Rosmarin und die Stiefmütterchen kennen es sehr gut und Spass ist garantiert! Diese Geschichte ist für Kinder und Leser gedacht, die einen Text in Türkisch und Deutsch mit Illustrationen lesen möchten, um die Türkische Sprache spielerisch zu lernen. Viel Spass!
Zweisprachiges Kinderbuch in Deutsch und Türkisch: Schwein - Domuz - Die Serie zum Türkisch Lernen
Series: Mit Spaß Türkisch lernen. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,070. Language: German. Published: September 9, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Turkish
Können Sie sich vorstellen, in einem Blumentopf zu leben und Tiere miteinander zu verwechseln? Unsere geschwätzigen Pflanzen Basilikum, Rosmarin und die Stiefmütterchen kennen es sehr gut und Spass ist garantiert! Diese Geschichte ist für Kinder und Leser gedacht, die einen Text in Türkisch und Deutsch mit Illustrationen lesen möchten, um die Türkische Sprache spielerisch zu lernen. Viel Spass!
Zweisprachiges Kinderbuch in Deutsch und Türkisch: Frosch - Kurbağa - Die Serie zum Türkisch Lernen
Series: Mit Spaß Türkisch lernen. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,160. Language: German. Published: September 9, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Hippopotamuses & rhinoceroses, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Turkish
Können Sie sich vorstellen, in einem Blumentopf zu leben und Tiere miteinander zu verwechseln? Unsere geschwätzigen Pflanzen Basilikum, Rosmarin und die Stiefmütterchen kennen es sehr gut und Spass ist garantiert! Diese Geschichte ist für Kinder und Leser gedacht, die einen Text in Türkisch und Deutsch mit Illustrationen lesen möchten, um die Türkische Sprache spielerisch zu lernen. Viel Spass!
Türkçe ve İngilizce İki Dilde Hikaye: Fare - Mouse - İngilizce Öğrenme Serisi
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,030. Language: Turkish. Published: September 6, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Mice, rats, & other rodents, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » English as a second language
Bir saksıda yaşayıp hayvanları birbirleriyle karıştırmanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu hayal edebiliyor musunuz? Küçük konuşkan bitkilerimiz Fesleğen, Biberiye ve kız kardeşler, sorunları ve neden oldukları eğlenceyi çok iyi biliyorlar. Bu hikaye, çocuklar ve iki dilde basit bir resimli kitap okumak isteyen diğer kişiler içindir. Hikayeden keyif aldığınızı umuyoruz.
バイリンガルストーリー 表記 日本語(漢字を含む)と ポルトガル語: ブタ - Porco (ポルトガル語 勉強 シリーズ)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 570. Language: Japanese. Published: August 29, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Portuguese
この本は多国語を話す子供や日本語とポルトガル語を平行して読んでみたい方々のために作られました。 読みやすさを考え、ほとんどの段落は一または二文章ほどとなっています。この本の日本語は、小学4年生(漢検7級)レベルの漢字とひらがな、カタカナによって書かれています。 翻訳は、普段実際に使われている一般的な言葉を使い、できる限り直訳になるよう心がけまし た。お楽しみいただけますことを願っています。  バジル、ローズマリー、パンジー姉妹はにぎやかでお話好きの小さな植物たち。いろんなことを知っているつもりですが、動物に関しては何もしりません。とんでもない勘違いのせいでまたしてもたいへんな目にあうことに。
バイリンガルストーリー 表記 日本語(漢字を含む)と イタリア語: ブタ - Maiale (イタリア語 勉強 シリーズ)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 530. Language: Japanese. Published: August 29, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Italian
この本は多国語を話す子供や日本語とイタリア語を平行して読んでみたい方々のために作られました。 読みやすさを考え、ほとんどの段落は一または二文章ほどとなっています。この本の日本語は、小学4年生(漢検7級)レベルの漢字とひらがな、カタカナによって書かれています。 翻訳は、普段実際に使われている一般的な言葉を使い、できる限り直訳になるよう心がけまし た。お楽しみいただけますことを願っています。  バジル、ローズマリー、パンジー姉妹はにぎやかでお話好きの小さな植物たち。いろんなことを知っているつもりですが、動物に関しては何もしりません。とんでもない勘違いのせいでまたしてもたいへんな目にあうことに。
バイリンガルストーリー 表記 日本語(漢字を含む)と フランス語: ブタ - Cochon (フランス語 勉強 シリーズ)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 580. Language: Japanese. Published: August 29, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » French
この本は多国語を話す子供や日本語とフランス語を平行して読んでみたい方々のために作られました。 読みやすさを考え、ほとんどの段落は一または二文章ほどとなっています。この本の日本語は、小学4年生(漢検7級)レベルの漢字とひらがな、カタカナによって書かれています。 翻訳は、普段実際に使われている一般的な言葉を使い、できる限り直訳になるよう心がけまし た。お楽しみいただけますことを願っています。  バジル、ローズマリー、パンジー姉妹はにぎやかでお話好きの小さな植物たち。いろんなことを知っているつもりですが、動物に関しては何もしりません。とんでもない勘違いのせいでまたしてもたいへんな目にあうことに。
バイリンガルストーリー 表記 日本語(漢字を含む)と スペイン語: ブタ - Cerdito (スペイン語 勉強 シリーズ)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 580. Language: Japanese. Published: August 29, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Spanish
この本は多国語を話す子供や日本語とスペイン語を平行して読んでみたい方々のために作られました。 読みやすさを考え、ほとんどの段落は一または二文章ほどとなっています。この本の日本語は、小学4年生(漢検7級)レベルの漢字とひらがな、カタカナによって書かれています。 翻訳は、普段実際に使われている一般的な言葉を使い、できる限り直訳になるよう心がけまし た。お楽しみいただけますことを願っています。  バジル、ローズマリー、パンジー姉妹はにぎやかでお話好きの小さな植物たち。いろんなことを知っているつもりですが、動物に関しては何もしりません。とんでもない勘違いのせいでまたしてもたいへんな目にあうことに。
バイリンガルストーリー 表記 日本語(漢字を含む)と 英語: ブタ - Pig (英語 勉強 シリーズ)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 530. Language: Japanese. Published: August 29, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » English as a second language
この本は多国語を話す子供や日本語と英語を平行して読んでみたい方々のために作られました。 読みやすさを考え、ほとんどの段落は一または二文章ほどとなっています。この本の日本語は、小学4年生(漢検7級)レベルの漢字とひらがな、カタカナによって書かれています。 翻訳は、普段実際に使われている一般的な言葉を使い、できる限り直訳になるよう心がけまし た。お楽しみいただけますことを願っています。  バジル、ローズマリー、パンジー姉妹はにぎやかでお話好きの小さな植物たち。いろんなことを知っているつもりですが、動物に関しては何もしりません。とんでもない勘違いのせいでまたしてもたいへんな目にあうことに。
バイリンガルストーリー 表記 日本語(漢字を含む)と ドイツ語: ブタ - Schwein (ドイツ語 勉強 シリーズ)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 550. Language: Japanese. Published: August 29, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » German
この本は多国語を話す子供や日本語とドイツ語を平行して読んでみたい方々のために作られました。 読みやすさを考え、ほとんどの段落は一または二文章ほどとなっています。この本の日本語は、小学4年生(漢検7級)レベルの漢字とひらがな、カタカナによって書かれています。 翻訳は、普段実際に使われている一般的な言葉を使い、できる限り直訳になるよう心がけまし た。お楽しみいただけますことを願っています。  バジル、ローズマリー、パンジー姉妹はにぎやかでお話好きの小さな植物たち。いろんなことを知っているつもりですが、動物に関しては何もしりません。とんでもない勘違いのせいでまたしてもたいへんな目にあうことに。
História Bilíngue em Português e Japonês com Kanji: Porco — ブタ (Serie Aprender Japonês)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 810. Language: Portuguese. Published: August 29, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Japanese
Consegues imaginar como seria viver num vaso e confundir os animais? As nossas pequenas e conversadoras plantas, Manjericão, Alecrina e as irmãs conhecem bem os problemas e a diversão que isso traz. Esta história destina-se a crianças e outras pessoas que queiram ler um texto simples em Português e Japonês, com ilustrações. Ler este divertido livro bilingue ajudará a aprender Japonês.
História Bilíngue em Português e Japonês: Porco — ブタ (Serie Aprender Japonês)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 810. Language: Portuguese. Published: August 29, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Japanese
Consegues imaginar como seria viver num vaso e confundir os animais? As nossas pequenas e conversadoras plantas, Manjericão, Alecrina e as irmãs conhecem bem os problemas e a diversão que isso traz. Esta história destina-se a crianças e outras pessoas que queiram ler um texto simples em Português e Japonês, com ilustrações. Ler este divertido livro bilingue ajudará a aprender Japonês.
Cuento Bilingüe en Español y Japonés con Kanji: Cerdito — ブタ (Colección Aprender Japonés)
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 820. Language: Spanish. Published: August 29, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals » Giraffes, Nonfiction » Language Instruction » Japanese
¿Sabes lo que pasa cuando vives en una maceta y confundes unos animales con otros? Nuestras queridas plantas, Romera, Albahaca y las hermanas lo saben muy bien: problemas y diversión. Podrás leerlo en este cuento bilingüe para entretenerte y aprender japonés. Para niños, y otros que quieran leer un texto sencillo en japonés y español con ilustraciones para seguir la narración. Lo disfrutarás.
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