Francis Berger


Francis Berger was born in New York City in 1971. He completed degrees at York University in Toronto and at the City University of New York, Lehman College. He spent two years living in Hungary - the country of his heritage - where he worked as an ESL teacher. More recently, he completed a six year stretch as a high school English teacher the Bronx and Queens. He has published some short stories, most notably in The Toronto Star. The City of Earthly Desire is his first novel. He currently lives near Toronto, Canada with his wife and young son.


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Smashwords book reviews by Francis Berger

  • The Man Who Wanted to Come to Dinner on March 19, 2016

    A short, amusing, but incredibly profound and prophetic little play. Achmed isn't coming through the television anymore - he's showing up in person via the migrant crisis and loose borders! Masterful insight into what Solzenitsyn referred to as the next big human conflict - the golden billion versus the rest of the population. Very topical. Highly recommended.