Graham Till


Graham Till is an experienced and traditionally-published writer whose titles include 'How to Get Your Next Job' and 'The Redundancy Survivors Field Guide'. A new eBook 'Nailing Your Next Job' is to be published shortly. He also writes mystery fiction under the pen name of Bill Brogan (to keep the genres separate) and a new novel 'Friendly Travel Company' will be published later this year. His other writing work includes several articles and course workbooks and manuals for major training consultancies.

Graham has been delivering his unique brand of entertaining advice and support for over 25 years as a professional career advisor and coach. During that time he has worked with many major companies in the UK, helping people to cope with upheavals in their working lives.

In addition to his client-facing experience, for eight years Graham was National HR Service Director of Fairplace Consulting plc, a London City-based career and outplacement company with an annual turnover of £5 million. Prior to that, he was an Employee Relations Officer and full-time trade union official within BREL (formerly British Rail Engineering).


This member has not published any books.