Jose Rosas

Jose Rosas' favorite authors on Smashwords

Eric Livingston
Latest book: Brandon Marlowe and the Darkness of the Light.
Published August 10, 2012. (4.91 from 45 reviews)

Smashwords book reviews by Jose Rosas

  • Brandon Marlowe and the Spirit Snatcher on Aug. 26, 2012

    This series is fascinating, action packed, and highly addicting. It's drags you in with mysteries and mythology and you keep thinking about it long beyond finishing the books. I hesitated for a while to read them because of the Percy Jackson books which have eclipsed the mythology market. These are far more interesting than anything Riordan has written.
  • Brandon Marlowe and the Alpha in the Omega on Aug. 26, 2012

    This series is fascinating, action packed, and highly addicting. It's drags you in with mysteries and mythology and you keep thinking about it long beyond finishing the books. I hesitated for a while to read them because of the Percy Jackson books which have eclipsed the mythology market. These are far more interesting than anything Riordan has written.
  • Brandon Marlowe and the Darkness of the Light on Aug. 26, 2012

    This series is fascinating, action packed, and highly addicting. It's drags you in with mysteries and mythology and you keep thinking about it long beyond finishing the books. I hesitated for a while to read them because of the Percy Jackson books which have eclipsed the mythology market. These are far more interesting than anything Riordan has written.