MR Laver

Publisher info

Matthew grew up in the rural fields of Northwest Ohio, eventually making his way to Cincinnati. He has been a life-long lover of all things fantasy. His adventures began at an early age. Before LARPing was a thing, he would fight in epic battles with his brothers and cousins at Grandma's house. Books quickly offered portals to even more fantastic realms. Some of his fondest journeys took him to the realms of Narnia, Pern, and Middle-earth. Matthew has always striven to put dreams into action. Video games offered a new avenue of participation in fantasy. His virtual adventuring took him into the realms of Azeroth, Myrtana, Dune, Tamriel, and many other legendary worlds, where he could explore and journey. Ultimately though, all great fantasy will bring you back to reality, perhaps with a greater perspective than was previously available. Matthew has always had a fascination with the world's history and how it has shaped modern society. That passion led him to obtain a degree in the Humanities, giving him a greater appreciation for the world's varied religions and cultures. He's an avid hiker, white-water kayaker, paintballer, and adventure seeker. He has drawn from all of his experiences, using creativity and a twist of historical perspective, to craft A Tale of Mist and Shadow.
The book series is part of Matthew's own journey of self rediscovery, finding that which was lost, or things he never knew existed. His passions, both what he abhors and what he loves, are weaved into the pages for those discerning.
Matthew has always been a big fan of the supernatural, horror, fantasy, and history genres. He loves the emotion and imagination, the power and the mystery, that they bring to a world that can seem bland and boring at times. This book and planned series is his way of combining all of those genres into one epic story. Ultimately, A Tale of Mist and Shadow is about being able to see through the haze. Its about seeing the light of life, even in the dark.

Where to find MR Laver online

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