Romance Reviews

Smashwords book reviews by Romance Reviews

  • Her Reluctant Bodyguard on Sep. 19, 2010

    “There are no words. Honestly, there are no words to explain how much I loved this book. This is probably one of the absolute best books I have ever read in my entire life. I just don’t know where to begin.” – Rebecca Lynn, The Pen & Muse…full book review
  • The Commander's Desire on Sep. 27, 2010

    Reviews for The Commander's Desire Five Cupids “A very nice play on my favorite Beauty And The Beast theme, THE COMMANDER'S DESIRE pairs a beautiful warrior-princess with an ugly giant who is a gentle dear underneath all that muscle. It is a touching and wonderful tale.” – Stephie, Cupid’s Library Reviews Five Stars "The Commander's Desire is a historical novel that reaches you deep down to your soul....Simply stated, I loved this book. No matter what genre you read or what heat level you enjoy, you will be enthralled with The Commander's Desire. You will feel their emotions, understand their sorrows and celebrate their victories. It definitely stays on my shelf." --Cindy K. Green, WRDF Reviews Top Pick "Ms. Green's portrayal of the Commander was refreshing. He was kind and caring without being wimpy, and it takes a talented author to bring that out in a character without losing the effect of being a strong alpha warrior while keeping the reader's interest at the same time. And not to leave out Elwytha--she's a warrior princess. She gets out there and fights with the men.... THE COMMANDER'S DESIRE is definitely a keeper--you won't want to stop reading until you get to the end. And even then, the story is still exciting." --Sheila Smith, Romance Reader at Heart "Jennette Green's THE COMMANDER'S DESIRE is a quick paced romance read.... Jennette Green is an author whose career medieval romance readers should watch with interest." --Merri, Medieval Book Reviews "I really enjoyed reading this tale. Elwytha's character was richly written. Her spunk, toughness, and her love for her people stood out. No matter what happened to her she cared about her people's welfare. The dialogue and scenes flowed perfectly. Anyone looking for a great historical romance would love to read The Commander's Desire." --Denisse, The Pen & Muse “An exciting and interesting historical, this book kept my attention and is one that I enjoyed reading. The murder and mayhem are very well written and are excellent “page-turner” aspects of the book. …[T]he building love and care that Elwytha has for her commander is palpable. This is one of my favorite parts of the book. It was, however, Elwytha’s sense of self that made the book most interesting to me. The royal machinations and subplots are great, but it is Elwytha’s strength that makes her empathetic to readers….While I love good “trashy romances”, The Commander's Desire, a more gentle romance, is one of my keepers.” – Anya, Coffee Time Romance