SQS Publishing

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About SQS Publishing

Is my publisher account. I write under a number of pen-names, depending on the genre and the market I am targeting.

Author List:
Suzy Q. Story is the Pen-Name that the majority of the works published by SQS Publishing have been authored by. Suzy Q. Story's works include an 11 book short story series, a 2 book Novella series, as well as poetry, and other works.
Cd Nancy: A present, there are two short stories, as part of a series call "A Nancy Story" that have been written by Cd Nancy

Suzy and Cd, write erotic stories dealing with either lesbian or transgender sexual experiences. Her stories and poetry are all works of fiction, and come from a combination of her desires and fantisies. All of her works are meant for liberally minded Adult Audiences. Warning if you are Homophobic, these stories are NOT for you.

Smashwords Interview

How do you approach cover design?
Finding the right image is the key for me. I am often inspired to write a piece of poetry by an image either viewed or in my mind. The viewed image is easy, while trying to find an image to match the thoughts in my mind can be a bit more of a challenge. The internet makes it much easier, than in the days of flipping through books of pictures or viewing slides for just the right image. Opp's might have given a bit of a hint to my age there.

I think my favorite cover photo is the one that inspired a two novelette series. The Tales of Vanity Bench, the entire story was inspired by the bench in the photo, which I had acquired at an on-line auction. When I went to pick it up a few days later, the original owner of the piece happened to be there, and he conveyed to be the story behind the bench, as he is a professional photographer. I not only used the story he told me to sell the bench for a profit, but it became the inspiration and cover photo for the both the series, and the Collector's Edition.
What are your five favorite books, and why?
I'd be lying if I didn't say the five books that I wrote that make up The Suzy and Katie Series, but that would be not only self serving, but a bit narrow minded. So let me go back and say: John Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath", and "Travels with Charlie". Walden Pond, as I have both been there, and love to write in beautiful, quiet and secluded spots, The entire "Twilight Series" as I can relate to what it takes to sitting and writing a series from the heart, and mind as it flows out of you. And finally the Bible, as what is probably the greatest collection of short stories and poetry of all time that has stood the test of time for relevance then and now.
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