Tracie Paquet

Tracie Paquet's favorite authors on Smashwords

Mark Elswick
Latest book: The Note.
Published September 17, 2013. (4.95 from 19 reviews)

Smashwords book reviews by Tracie Paquet

  • Faith on Sep. 06, 2013

    "Faith" is a short story with a very large attitude! It makes you realize how much you use faith on a daily basis, for even the most minute things! It brought it home to me after I read it and am so very thankful everyday for all the things I put faith in! Mark is a very talented man, his words always hit home; make an impression. His first book "Padman..." is awesome, I have read it a few times, just for the inspiration and feel good feeling I get from it. If you have a hurdle to get over or need some inspiration to take that leap of "Faith" , than you have to read this book! Keep up the amazing work Mark and I look forward to the next one from you!!