
Van1942's favorite authors on Smashwords

Mel Carney
Latest book: Tomorrow's Road Home.
Published September 30, 2012. (5.00 from 3 reviews)

Smashwords book reviews by Van1942

  • Tomorrow's Road Home on Nov. 25, 2012

    Home for me was the community of Belgian/American immigrants and first and second generation Americans I grew up with. While, I am not from a rural setting, the stories and the lessons learned in each short story, reminded me so much of my own life growing up as a young man. The author has given each of us through his experiences the ability to go back to our own. We grew up with people who were defined by family, character, religious values. hard work, honesty, education, and honor in all things. Take the time and read a great book of short stories. Find yourself through an author who reawakens the memories of home.