David Barton

Smashwords book reviews by David Barton

  • A Darkness Shattered on Aug. 11, 2012

    This story caught me completely off guard. I was looking for something to while away the time until Mark Tufo's 'Zombie Fallout 6' and the 4th installment of Shawn Chesser's 'Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse' surface, but it has easily joined the above 2 works in terms of storyline and progression of characters. I am so glad there will be a sequel. Once again, it reminds me that should an apocalypse take place here in the UK, the ordinary citizen would soon be zombie fodder as we would not have access to guns and ammunition. Even finding a bow and arrows would be harder than you may think! Well done Bruce, hopefully this story will continue past the sequel and who knows, in the near future I may have to find something else to fill in the time until Tufo/Chesser AND Clothiers next offerings appear.