
Deanna's favorite authors on Smashwords

John Terracuso
Latest book: A Fool Among Fools.
Published May 19, 2013. (5.00 from 3 reviews)

Smashwords book reviews by Deanna

  • A Fool Among Fools on Jan. 12, 2014

    I really enjoyed this book. It is very well-written with plenty of witty dialogue and funny moments that hook you and keep you wanting more. Who can't empathize with Michael, who hates his job and finds himself often unlucky in love? I quickly became attached to him and could feel his frustrations. I applauded his gusto when he stood up for himself to the wretched Gwen, and wanted to shake him for not showing the same backbone in his love life. Lucky for Michael, he has supportive parents and friends who love him for who he is and see the great in him. When it seems all is lost, and he may as well just pack it in, Michael pulls himself up by his bootstraps (with the help of his parents), and gets ready to embark on a new phase in his life. Even through the most melancholy moments, Terracuso pulls the reader through with humor and great writing. I highly recommend this very entertaining book. Disclaimer: I received this book from the author free of charge in exchange for an honest review.