
Publisher info

Finding no fulfilment in career and relationship in England, and driven by a deep question, John David (formerly Premananda) began his spiritual journey. This began in Japan, and continued for many years in India with Osho, until he eventually arrived at the doorstep of his final master, Papaji, himself a disciple of the renowned Master, Ramana Maharshi. Here, twenty years of spiritual searching ended when the Self revealed itself and he saw that this was his true nature.

John David has been a spiritual teacher for 20 years, or in his words 'a messenger' of his Master, Papaji. The message that comes through John David is to be quiet, to become still, and to discover that we are the very happiness and love that we are seeking.

He is also an artist, author and filmmaker living in Open Sky House, an International Spiritual and Arts community that formed around him in Germany in 2004. The Community is open for anybody who has come to a point in their life where inner freedom or awakening is the first priority. Anyone is welcome to visit the community for a satsang evening or as a guest or helper.

It is here that John David works closely with the residents and holds regular retreats as well as broadcasting live SatsangTV via the Internet three evenings a week. You can engage in dialogue with him by entering into the meeting live using Skype. During the week you can ask questions by email which he will then answer in the next meeting. On his website there is also a comprehensive archive of 300 Meetings since 2009, in seven different languages.

In 2013, another Open Sky community with the same priority of awakening was founded near Kiev, Ukraine.

For more information about:
-John David:
-Open Sky House Community Germany:
-Open Sky House Community Ukraine:
-Open Sky Press:
-SatTV Archive:
-Asking a question:
-John David is also on Youtube:

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The Great Misunderstanding
This is an amazing film. It was done by ordinary people living in a spiritual community. It is about spiritual awakening and the search for truth that these people have embarked on. I loved the images of the daily life in the community, and the underlying message of simple spirituality that shines through from the teacher Premananda. They have made their own beautiful music also, which is very touching throughout the film, and you can feel the love right from the start. Very lovely.

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Papaji - Feuer der Freiheit - Satsang with Papaji
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 95,910. Language: German. Published: August 31, 2014 by Premananda. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Self-realization, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Spiritual awakening
Die Dialoge in diesem Buch stammen von Tonaufnahmen, die im Juli und August 1991 in Papajis Haus in Lucknow aufgezeichnet wurden. Papaji hat immer darauf hingewiesen, dass es eine Kraft in den Worten eines erleuchteten Wesens gibt, die den Menschen, die zuhören, die direkte Erfahrung des eigenen Selbst erleichtert.
Also Sprach Papaji - Prosa und Poesie der tanzenden Leere
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 18,360. Language: German. Published: August 31, 2014 by Premananda. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Spiritual awakening, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Inspirational
Prosa und Poesie der tanzenden Leere ist eine Sammlung von Gedichten, die Sri H. W. L. Poonja, liebevoll Papaji genannt, in seinen Satsangs gesprochen hat. Diese Worte entspringen seiner makellosen Erfahrung der höchsten und dennoch einfachsten Wahrheit: Wir sind reines Bewusstsein, die Totalität der Existenz.
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Аруначала Шива - Книга Комментарии к учению Шри Раманы Махарши "Кто Я?"
Price: $7.99 USD. Words: 92,000. Language: Russian. Published: July 19, 2015 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Eastern, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Self-realization
Аруначала Шива дань глубокого уважения духовному величию Бхагавана Шри Раманы Махарши, одного из наиболее известных индийских Мудрецов. В эту книгу включён его известный текст "Кто Я?" (Nan Yar), в котором он утверждает, что Самовопрошание является наиболее прямым путём к Самореализации.
Facetten des Erwachens - Indische Meister
Price: $16.99 USD. Words: 107,020. Language: German. Published: June 16, 2015 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Eastern, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Self-realization
Facetten des Erwachens ist für alle, die ein inneres Feuer in sich tragen und wissen wollen, wer sie sind und was sie hier als Mensch tun. Premananda hat 16 wichtige indische Meister interviewed. Er hat jedem von ihnen dieselben Fragen über die Lehren ihres gemeinsamen Meisters Sri Ramana Maharshi gestellt.
Blueprints for Awakening - Indian Masters
Price: $16.99 USD. Words: 107,650. Language: English. Published: June 16, 2015 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Eastern, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Self-realization
Blueprints for Awakening is for everyone who has an inner passion to know what they are doing here as a human being. Premananda has interviewed sixteen important Indian Masters. He asks each of them the same set of questions about the teachings of their fellow Master, Sri Ramana Maharshi. It is for all who ask the question 'Who am I?' and for those who are looking for guidance on the teaching of
Намётки на Пути к Пробуждению - Индийские Мастера
Price: $16.99 USD. Words: 79,720. Language: Russian. Published: August 31, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Self-realization, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Spiritual awakening
Намётки на пути к Пробуждению предназначены для всех людей, у кого есть страстная внутренняя потребность узнать кто они и что они делают здесь как человеческие существа. Они предназначены для каждого, кто задаeтся вопросом «Кто Я?» и для тех, кто ищет руководство к учению Бхагавана Шри Раманы Махарши «Будь тем, кто ты есть».
Великое Заблуждение - Обрети Истинное Счастье Благодаря Простому Пониманию
Price: $7.99 USD. Words: 68,420. Language: Russian. Published: August 31, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Spiritual awakening, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Self-realization
"Великое Заблуждение" показывает, что ты вовсе не тот, кем себе кажешься. Не тот, кем тебя обусловили быть. Вера в то, что ты являешься кем-то отдельным, – это великое заблуждение, источник всех наших страданий.
Das Große Missverständnis: Entdecke deine wahre Lebensfreude durch eine einfache Erkenntnis
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 80,870. Language: German. Published: August 31, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Self-realization, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Spiritual awakening
Das große Missverständnis zeigt uns, wie wir konditioniert wurden, an Dualität zu glauben und uns als getrennt von der Welt wahrzunehmen. So missverstehen wir gänzlich, wer wir wirklich sind und versuchen ständig, unser Leben besser und glücklicher zu machen. Premanandas spielerischer Zen-Stab beseitigt diesen grundlegenden Irrtum. Ausgehend von aktuellen Satsangs und Situationen aus seinem Leben
The Great Misunderstanding - Discover Your True Happiness With a Simple New Understanding
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 79,340. Language: English. Published: August 31, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Self-realization, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Spiritual awakening
The Great Misunderstanding shows us that we are conditioned to believe in duality, perceiving ourselves as separate from the world. We deeply misunderstand who we really are. We try to change our lives to be better, more happy and content. Premananda’s playful Zen stick deconstructs our misunderstanding. Using actual meetings and situations from his life, he intertwines the ordinary with the ext
Europäische Meister - Facetten des Erwachens
Price: $16.99 USD. Words: 110,980. Language: German. Published: August 31, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Self-realization, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Spiritual awakening
Kostbare Dialoge mit 14 europäischen Meistern über die Lehre von Sri Ramana Maharshi.
European Masters - Blueprints for Awakening
Price: $16.99 USD. Words: 111,180. Language: English. Published: August 31, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Self-realization, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Spiritual awakening
14 European Masters take their knowledge of the Indian traditional teachings, particularly those of Sri Ramana Maharshi, and combined it with their knowledge of Western psychology to offer a unique transmission perfect for the Western seeker.
Arunachala Shiva - Kommentare zu Sri Ramana Maharshis Lehre 'Wer bin ich?'
Price: $16.99 USD. Words: 107,150. Language: German. Published: August 31, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Self-realization, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Spiritual awakening
Arunachala Shiva ist ein intimes Portrait Sri Ramanas Leben und nimmt uns mit hinter die Kulissen zu Augenblicken mit seinen engsten Schülern.
Arunachala Shiva - Commentaries on Sri Ramana Maharshi's Teachings 'Who Am I?'
Price: $16.99 USD. Words: 107,880. Language: English. Published: August 31, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Self-realization
Arunachala Shiva paints an intimate picture of Sri Ramana Maharshi’s life, taking us behind the scenes to moments with his closest disciples.
Papaji Kraft der Gnade - Interviews mit Menschen, die Erleuchtung suchten... und sie fanden
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 110,330. Language: German. Published: August 31, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Spiritual awakening, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Self-realization
Fünfzehn tief berührende und kraftvolle spirituelle Interviews geführt von Premananda mit Wahrheitssuchern, die Papaji in der Zeit von 1990 bis 1997 ausfindig machten. Ein intimer Blick auf das Verhältnis von Meister zu Schüler.
Papaji Amazing Grace - Interviews With Seekers Of Enlightenment...And How They Found It
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 109,930. Language: English. Published: August 31, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Spiritual awakening, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Self-realization
15 profoundly beautiful and powerful spiritual interviews conducted by Premananda with seekers for Truth who sought out Papaji in the period from 1990 to 1997. An intimate look at the Master-disciple relationship.
Arunachala Talks - Spiritual Wisdom offered in a direct simple expression to touch your heart
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 43,820. Language: English. Published: August 24, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Self-realization
8 talks from Arunachala, South India, in which the author and teacher Premananda lovingly and humorously guides us to see that we are not the experience ‘my life’, but rather the awareness in which the experience happens.
Arunachala Satsangs - Spirituelle Weisheit die dein Herz berührt, vermittelt auf direkte und einfache Weise
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 42,720. Language: German. Published: August 24, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Spiritual awakening
Acht Gespräche vom Arunachala, Südindien, in denen uns Premananda liebevoll und humorvoll dahin führt zu sehen, dass wir nicht die Erfahrung „mein Leben“ sind, sondern vielmehr das Gewahrsein, in dem diese Erfahrung stattfindet.
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