Marion Margaret Press

Publisher info

Marion Margaret Press is a multi-genre publisher of fiction. Quality authors, editors, and artists working together to bring you the books you'll love to read. Marion Margaret Press also has forthcoming non-fiction within its Sidhe Press imprint.

Manager: Diana Cacy Hawkins
Editors: Loretta Sylvestre, Sandy Fetchko
Artists: Ron Leming, Ilsie of The Woodsy Fawn, Raaven, and others by contract
Present Authors: Sandie Bergen, Lora Deeprose, Diana Cacy Hawkins, Wade Oogletree
Past Authors: Karina Kantas, Sharon Partington, Melinda S. Reynolds, John P Dellova

Smashwords Interview

What is Marion Margaret Press?
Marion Margaret Press is a small publisher started by JP Dellova in 2009 in memory of his late wife. He chose ten authors with books and asked them to come in and start the line up with. A few authors agreed to help him with the business set up and production began in 2010. In 2012, the press passed onto Diana Hawkins, along with a few books that stayed with the press. Now the press publishes Diana's books and a few of the beginning author's books and an anthology line. Marion Margaret Press is a hybrid publisher between a self publisher and traditional publisher.
How is Marion Margaret Press ran?
Essentially, it's ran solely by Diana Hawkins, as part of Cacy Enterprises LLC.

We use professional editors and other cover artists on a contract basis per project.

We follow many of the same procedures as a full traditional publisher, but authors are treated as self publishers. The authors receive top royalties amounts, and have full control of the editing and cover art development.

Marion Margaret Press is not a big publisher so much of the marketing relies on efforts from the individual authors, much the same way as self publishing does.
Read more of this interview.

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