David Wesley Anderson


David Wesley Anderson has traveled the world, and along the way, he’s been on a journey to explore the emotions of his heart. Inspired by E.E. Cummings and Bukowski, David’s poetry combines raw metaphors about life with less traditional rhyme schemes. From his first poetry anthology, Simply You, in 2016, followed by Only You, Apology, and Epiphany, David set solid groundwork for his fifth publication, Heart, released on February 14, 2018. With poems about the ecstasy and devastation of love in equal shares, David writes about love as a relatable and common denominator of all people.

David didn’t begin writing until his college years, but he was drawn to relationship nuances and used poetry as a short form of storytelling. “I didn't have the attention span for writing plays or novels, or even short stories.” This evolved into Anderson’s use of micropoetry, capturing the essence of a story within 140 characters. Between his debut book to now, it’s clear that David has found his niche in the easily digestible poems that make up his body of work.

To avoid redundancy, David often finds himself outdoors or visiting anywhere where he can easily open his mind to creating poetry. “I think your desk is more a state of mind than a physical place.” Whether it’s people-watching at a park, or reflecting over poems at a coffee shop, he’s a versatile writer. He finds romantic inspiration in a sunset as much as a coffee stain. “Writing is about perspective,” asserts Anderson, giving a nod to his upbringing overseas and learning about love through the various people he’s met in his life. Whether it’s his childhood in Brussels, Casablanca, and Nassau, or his travels to Bangkok, Manila, Seoul, and Hong Kong, David lets life influence his writing in a natural way. These days that life finds him enjoying the bustling streets of New York City, surrounded by a lively blend of people, cultures, and artists to keep his poems fresh.

As an independent author, David has learned to create book covers, design online, and publish in a more intimate manner than he would with a traditional publisher. In less than two years, David Wesley Anderson has published five books of micropoetry. Hundreds of poems have been dedicated to the themes of love and the rawness that goes along with it. In turn, he’s incredibly grateful to fans of his work. “My fans are my inspiration, my muses. They support me and I shower creative words in return. I wanted to write for others, not for myself.” He’s already started writing his next book of micropoetry on the heels of his last!

Smashwords Interview

How do you approach cover design?
Cover design is complicated because it must both attract someone in less than a second and convey the general theme of your content. I've approached this two ways: either having a beautiful photograph and building the content around it, or working on some pieces and then finding a best fit photo. I don't spend an inordinate amount of time on the cover but it is the last thing I work on when I have a book ready. I take all my own photographs/cover art and modify it to fit. Helps with the consistency of the theme and I spend less time working on corrections.
Describe your desk
My desk can be anywhere.. usually it's my kitchen table with my Macbook Air (3 years old love the battery life!).. I think your desk is more a state of mind than a physical place. I can write (type) almost anywhere as long as I'm focused on the images I like to create. Sometimes I play music, which can influence your images too. The best "desk" I'd say is when you collaborate with another writer. Could be in a coffee shop or in a park, or just at home.. and the words just bounce off one another.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find David Wesley Anderson online


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