Joanna Ellington, PhD


Dr. Joanna Ellington ("Dr E") is an internationally recognized scientist in the area of sexual medicine and sperm physiology with over 75 publications. Her research and expertise have been the topic of several national news stories, including her role in the National Geographic documentaries The Great Sperm Race and Sizing Up Sperm.

She received her PhD in Reproductive Physiology from Cornell University in 1990. Her primary areas of research have been as an Andrologist (a scientist who studies male sexuality and reproduction) studying interactions of sperm and fallopian tube cells in the female. This later research led her to invent Pre-Seed®, the world's first fertility-friendly lubricant for couples trying to conceive a child.

Dr. Ellington has received numerous grants from the NIH and the USDA, including the prestigious Physician Scientist Award and First Independent Research in Science Training Award. The scientific community honored Dr. Ellington's research with the internationally recognized Young Andrologist Award in 2003. Dr. Ellington also received a Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Tennessee in 2004.

The informative Sex Science and Nature website was launched by Dr Ellington in 2014. Here she shares her reviews and summaries of the latest science on sex, reproduction and intimacy.

Where to find Joanna Ellington, PhD online


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