J. J. Minton


Currently a stay at home mother, J.J Minton is pursuing her passion for writing while raising and homeschooling her four boys. Lover of all genres of books, J.J discovered her love for writing at a young age but never truly persuade her passion until winter of 2015. With multiple titles under her belt she hopes to continue writing and sharing her stories with the world.

Smashwords Interview

What's the story behind your latest book?
I have always loved werewolf stories and love stories. When I would read books by other authors I would always think "hey it would have been cuter or better if such and such happened" so I decided to write my own story and see how it turned out.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I have always loved writing stories but never really took it anywhere. Then I became a stay at home mom and had all this extra time during the day while my kids napped and after they went to bed. I didn't just want to sit and veg in front of the tv so I decided to get my computer out.
Read more of this interview.

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