matiah house

Smashwords book reviews by matiah house

  • Framed for Murder on Dec. 29, 2012

    Road Kill by CM Spenser is a delightful mystery that will keep readers guessing. Mrs. Spenser is able to accurately portray life in a small town, where everyone knows everyone and their dog. The main character of the story, Anna, comes across the dead body of her ex-husband. Spenser uses Anna's drive to find her husband's killer, and in the process clearing her own name, to propel the story along. The story is a little slow in the beginning and often mentions characters that aren't developed throughout the story. However, the book does have its highlights including a funny bedroom scene. Anna's antics left me wanting to give her a good shake from time to time. While trying to find the killer she is often in the way and accomplishes nothing. By the end of the novel Anna has begun to find her life a bit lacking. Thus, allowing her character to evolve in subsequent sequel books. I would recommend this book to anyone wanting a sweet little mystery.