Carolyn Langley


I follow the Golden Rule in publishing. I guarantee that I will ONLY publish what I myself would enjoy reading. I hate spelling and punctuation errors, so I go over everything I write with a fine-toothed comb. I like writing surprise endings, but I want them to make sense, none of this "waking up and it was all a dream" stuff. In fact, some stories may need to be read twice to really understand. I will not throw just anything on e-book sites in order to make a buck. I want to be a better writer, a better storyteller, than I am now and am constantly striving to improve my skill.

I've been married to Allen for thirty-two years and we have three grown daughters, which we homeschooled. Past jobs include dishwasher, waitress, retail worker, deli worker, and nurse aid. I went to nursing school, but decided before the last semester than I was so forgetful, I could do more harm than good. Thankfully, with writing, no one is harmed.

My past experience with writing started as a child when I assigned personalities to different dolls then played with them according to their personality. One doll was mean and selfish, another was a bit crazy and random, and, the one I considered very boring at the time, was sweet and loving. I was extremely shy in elementary school, but I would often re-enact at home in front of the mirror, how I think a conversation should have gone that day, or acting out what I wish I had said.

Since deciding to write professionally, I must have read fifty books or more on writing. They have helped me immensely, even though the advice in some books contradicted the advice in others. I discovered that I love the revision process. It doesn't bother me to go over the same story over and over again, fine-tuning it until it becomes something of which I can be proud. I believe, writing, like everything else in life, gets better with practice.


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