Don Vallere

Smashwords book reviews by Don Vallere

  • Tailwinds: Adventures of a Young Aviator on Nov. 29, 2012

    This is a fascinating new concept in ebook publishing. Others have imbedded hyperlinks in their books, but Dan Poynter has taken it to a new level. This is a true multimedia learning experience centered around aviation, cleverly disguised as a novel about a young boy growing up as an aviator in the late 1930’s. Want to know more about the planes of the era? There are links to articles and videos. Want to learn more about the Hindenburg crash? There are links for that. The links are wide ranging, from wiki articles to National Geographic videos and everything in between. Although the book seems targeted to young readers, everyone can learn from this model. Following Poynter’s example, teachers can build interesting and exciting lesson plans that will engage students at many levels. Parents will get clues on how to motivate their children to adapt their most mundane activities into channels for their creativity. Inspiring authors will get insights into how to take advantage of the internet to create a new type of ebook that will engage their readers and keep them coming back for more. Get this book, not just for the read, but for the examples and insights that it provides.