yours truely

Smashwords book reviews by yours truely

  • Ties To The Blood Moon on Nov. 20, 2011

    This was an amazing book! I fully enjoyed reading it, and connected emotionally with the characters. It was so easy to visualize each movement, facial expressions, mannerisms, and emotion. My heart raced, skipped beats, and sank during all the action packed events and heart wrenching scenes. I was drawn to the inital love connection and found my self routing for the relationship to flourish. I was lost in this book from the moment i became reading it. I am glad that this is a series because i feel completely connected to each and every character, detail and goal, and can not wait to read the next page, chapter....If you want a fantasy that keeps you to the edge of your seat ready for more, this is a good book to read. For a fiction book it becomes so real when reading! I LOVE TIES TO THE BLOOD MOON.