Interview with Alma Diego

Published 2017-03-01.
When did you first start writing?
I started to write poetry when I was eight years old and my first stories to the seventeen. I have always been sure that writing for me was not an accident but a reason to be. I do not imagine my life without the written expression.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
The dream of every author is to be read, so romantic. Writing clings to you as a kind of disease, you don´t plan to make fortune, but rather share its symptoms, reading. My intention is not to earn money with my stories; it is enough to me to come across one of my neighbor at the supermarket and be congratulated for my novel, this already happens to me and I am not J.K. Rowling. I am not the product of any company, only a woman who writes.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in Madrid, a city full of people, strangers, speed. I was a shy and solitary girl, , this circunstance made me learn how to observe people and imagine the story that lies behind each of them. I got used to turn people into characters.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
The greatest pleasure that gives you writing is the ability to create: universes, characters, stories. It allows you to live parallel lives, try on masks, costumes, to play according to the rules that are not allowed in your real world. Run away.
What's the story behind your latest book?
"El Diablo en su Escondrijo" ("The Devil in its Hiding-place") is the first installment of a trilogy, "Perfil Psicópata" ("Psychopath Profile "), in which I try to show how easy it is to people succumb to evil, the infinite whole of temptations or excuses that can push someone to cross the border. There are many devils in "El Diablo en su Escondrijo" ("The Devil in its Hiding-place"), it is a hard and realistic novel, not based on concrete facts, but part of its plot could be happening and simply we don´t know it.
Four inspiring books
“Madame Bovary” (Gustave Flaubert).
“In Cold Blood” (Truman Capote).
“Timbuktu” (Paul Auster).
“100 Años de Soledad” (Gabriel García Márquez).
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