Interview with Bob Bray

Published 2015-12-21.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I had no idea, I was capable of writing a book but my business partner suggested I had a valuable story to tell about my experience with PTSD. I began to put my story to words and how I began my my story and involvement with life and how because of my upbringing I was susceptible to PTSD. I recently rewrote my book and included illustrations through a characterization of myself to try and better explain my actions.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
While I was writing my story, I was better able to better understand myself and how I might use my story to help others through reading it and use it in my life coaching practice. I believe if I can articulate myself thoroughly, I can provide a better understanding to others. This did take some doing to do this story.
What do your fans mean to you?
I appreciate reading reviews and comments. It offers me some insight into whether I reaching others, the positive comments are appreciated and the negative as well as that also offers some insights into corrections or changes I might add to the book.
What are you working on next?
I have written a book on ADD/ADHD and another book on recovering from sexual assault and workbooks to match the titles. The workbooks offer a method to achieve recovery as that is how I originally gained my recovery through a workshop which the workbooks are based.
Who are your favorite authors?
I read many books on NLP written by Steve and Connierae Andreas and I am an avid follower of their books and workshops. I also read many books on hypnosis. I usually search out reviews, google and forwards of books.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
I have goals both long term and short term and I have much to accomplish. I read and take courses continuously. I need to stay current in order to provide a top notch coaching service as well as develop techniques to assist my clients. I am also entered into an Master of Social Work Program at USC. My goals are my motivation to achieve. I also watch my moods carefully, if my mood is off even a bit, I have strategies for overcoming unwanted moods.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
Working with clients, researching new areas, looking for clients to assist, people without resources don't come looking for me, I have to find them. And now some school work. I like spending time with my wife, we talk and do a lot together and that keeps our relationship healthy and strong. We rarely have difficulties and we are able to work through them.
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
Look for books by topic.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
When I started with my business partner, I was requested to write blogs but I wanted to write with some humour. The humour was difficult or challenging but fun.
What is your writing process?
I generally start with an idea and determine how I can relate it to my life experience. Luckily I had problems throughout my life and I write self help books about me and how I recovered and gained a great life.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
A counsellor suggested I read Adult Children of Alcoholics, by Janet Geringer Woititz. I cried at the end of the book and I realized, I had never meant to be a screw up. It was a result of my upbringing but my parents had never meant to bad parents but they merely passed on the parenting skills they had learned. Many books later, I realized that is how the world raises their children, we merely respond to our parents teachings, unconsciously , we do what we learn as they did.
How do you approach cover design?
I ask for help from somebody else, I have an idea but I need others thoughts. I can live in a vacuum at times and I need input.
What do you read for pleasure?
Whatever I read, I read for pleasure, enjoyment and learning. I also like to read some humour from time to time, especially satire.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
Computer at the office or laptop at home, I like big print. If I have to attend an appointment, I use my iphone with access to books in my library.
Describe your desk
Cluttered, I have piles of material or client files or articles. I also have a dining room table at home the same way. As a policeman, I was advised, I needed to have a clean desk. It didn't and it doesn't work for me.
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