Interview with Brock Wilder

Published 2014-04-08.
What is your writing process?
When it comes to writing erotica, I tend to look at my experiences and find a way to heighten them. I've been fortunate to have a number of amazing sexual experiences. I tend to find that my audience is more interested in my more wild sexual adventures than sex between two lovers.

I write without judgment and do it in scenes. I'll write until I feel that I have a short ebook worth of material. Afterwards, I'll let it sit for a few weeks. I'll read it again and revise. I continue to revise until I can't find any editing mistakes.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I like to spend my time both alone and amongst others. I spend a lot of time alone writing, doing yoga, and cooking. The rest of my time is spent amongst friends and lovers that I've been fortunate enough to meet around the world. Sometimes it's in person, sometimes it's online, but either way, it's always a pleasurable experience.
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
I love Twitter. Presently, I think it's the greatest way to find out about authors and their ebooks. I like to see what they tweet about and usually it informs me if I'll enjoy their writing style. Please follow me on Twitter @dirtysexynaught
What motivated you to become an indie author?
Professionally and personally, I thrive off of control. I wish I had a tale of sending out manuscript after manuscript and facing hundreds of letters of rejection. It's just not my style though. If I want something to happen, then I make it happen. I like that I am able to set my own prices, give away product for free, and interact directly with my audience.

Plus, I really like the efficiency of this process. A publisher will spend months revising, creating a marketing plan, etc. I can have a book written and to market in less than a month.
Why do you write erotica?
I'm a self professed lover of sex. Many put it bluntly by calling me a slut. I wear that label with pride and there's no shame attached to it. I think it's important that people express their sexuality and writing erotica is one way for me to do so.

I think it's silly to make sex only a private discussion between partners. If you're going to be in my social circle, you need to be comfortable with talking about your sex life. I feel that creating this comfort around the topic allows us all to expand our sexuality.
What do you read for pleasure?
I love to read erotica and continuously am on the lookout for new stuff. I think it's important to read your own genre, get inspired by others, and know what you don't want to do.

As well, I'm a sucker for a easy to read thriller. One that you can start late in the evening and have it finished just after midnight.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
The earliest story that I can recall was about my pet dinosaur, who was a T-Rex. It was likely a Clifford, the big red dog, knock off. Or an indicator that I would be into things that came in large sizes. ;)
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in Canada and I think this influences me in being free to be who I want to be. Yes, that sounds cheesy. I'm aware of it. My experience of Canada is that it's incredibly unique and there's no real way to describe it. This encompasses me and my writing. Plus, everyone is so polite there that it enabled a freak like me to get away with more than I should have.
How do you approach cover design?
I'm no good at cover design, so I'm really grateful to my cover designers. I love a simple cover with a sexy guy on the front. That's my only requirement. The designer then has free will to do as they please.
Should gay erotica only be written by gay authors?
It's an interesting question and I think it's really a personal choice. I really love to read non-fiction and to personally know someone's story and journey.

When I see gay erotica written by a non-gay author, I wonder their inspiration for doing so. Sometimes, you can find that in the about the author section. As well, I'm in full support of people using their creativity to the absolute fullest.

The only authors that I don't respect are those that are hoping to profit off of the gay erotica market.
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