Interview with Jerry Lopper

Published 2013-09-01.
Tell us about yourself, how old are you, where do you live, what prompted you to write personal development books?
I live in the US where those politically correct would describe my age as "senior citizen." I have a technical background and worked for many years in engineering and engineering management positions. It was my entry into management that stimulated my interest in human motivation and behavior. With coursework, an MBA, and lots of reading, I transitioned my interests from purely technical to human behavior applied to technology. I eventually became very good at coaching, mentoring, and helping people become their best. This led me into writing newsletters, articles (over 600), and several books.
There are so many self-help books on the market, what's unique about your writing?
There are thousands of books from which to choose, so picking those you'll purchase can be very difficult. The advice I give is the same advice I use for my own choices in books. Pick writers whose messages resonate for you as helpful and useful. Three different writers can write about the same topic of personal development, such as finding your life purpose, but each will come from a unique perspective based on their backgrounds, experiences, and knowledge.

Sample my books and monitor what you feel as you read. If you feel excited, curious, and insightful about your own personal development needs, my writing may be a good fit for you. I write from a combination of my personal experiences and documented scientific research findings. I don't recommend a personal growth process unless I've utilized it myself and can offer insights and suggestions.
Aren't all self-help authors rehashing the same advice that's been taught by religious leaders and philosophers for hundreds of years?
For the most part, yes, with one major exception. The new science of positive psychology has introduced rigorous, scientifically valid research into the personal development field. In many cases, the research findings are supporting centuries-old wisdom and advice, but they are also finding new ideas.

But even when I write about something that's been written about before, many, many times before, I'm writing from a unique perspective. My personality, life purpose, experiences, and education, and the background of current events can update an old message such that it now reaches people that weren't touched in the past. The saying, when the student is ready the teacher will appear applies here. We only hear messages when we're ready for them, regardless of how often we may have heard them in the past.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
I think there are three great joys of writing for me. First, by a long way, is feedback from someone that what I've written has touched a part of them that needed insight and motivation. That's the biggest high of writing for me.

Secondly, I've found time and time again that writing about an aspect of personal development important to my own development helps me uncover insights and wisdom I didn't realize I had; it's as if the act of writing penetrated an inner knowledge, allowing me to experience and share it.

And finally, there's the satisfaction of creating something from nothing but thoughts, capturing it on paper or computer in a form that hangs together pleasantly, answering questions that need answering.
What's the story behind your latest book, "What is Life all About?"
I believe that finding true life purpose is a universal quest that each human being pursues. We're each trying to answer the questions, "Who am I?" and "Why am I here on this earth?" I've asked those questions and have worked hard to answer them for myself. "What is Life all About?" describes the best twelve processes I've found for identifying your life purpose. I feel that everyone can find their life purpose with one or more of these processes and wanted to present the viable alternatives to readers.
What are you working on next?
For a long time I've felt that life is meant to be easy. Not in the sense of the absence of problems, but in the sense that we humans need not suffer as much as we do from the emotional pains of anxiety, guilt, and anger. The saying, "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional" conveys what I'm trying to say. I've written on that topic in the past, but now I'm feeling the pull to address it again. So that will likely be my next book.
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