Interview with R TwoBears

Published 2014-01-12.
Who are your favorite authors?
I have been an avid reader of authors with a bend toward Native American venue. James Doss, Tony Hillerman, and Arthur W. Upfield to name a few. They capture in their works the mythe and ledgens of their native people woven into their plot.
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
I have been working on a book for these past few years. When I finished my story December of 2012, I started looking for a way to publish my Story. My wife purchased for me a Kindle and from there I thought of a way to publish "The Storytellers". The Librarian here near home helped me and guided me to here to "e books", and here I am.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Yes. I wrote an adventure log to an interested group during our four year travels about the North American Continent, It was to interested people I had met along the way, as well as family. The log was to help me recollect where and what I did throughout the Canadian, Mexican, and the U.S.A.. One day I may use the notes to express the joy and wonder of those I saw and the things I did.
What is your writing process?
So far, my trend is to loose myself in my mind and let the adventures begin. Once there, I let my fertile imagination carry me to long lost adventures of my early childhood.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
I prefer Kindle right now. It is the only e-reader I have tried and had success with.
What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you?
E-Book is the only publishing technique that has been presented to me. I do use word-of-mouth when people ask me questions about what I do to pass my time of day.
Describe your desk
I have a cluttered roll-top desk in a shared den with my bride. I spend from four to six hours there typing and watching news from the Native World. Wednesday and the week-end I spend doing errands for and with my bride.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
My best answer to that is I grew up in the Real World with real issues of the day. Between the years of 1938 through the end of WWII Mom and my sister and I lived with family near a reservation on a small farm in upstate New York. Writing was one way to escape. It was also one way to paint my world any color I wanted.
When did you first start writing?
I started to write while I was in Vet-Nam, writing short stories home to my son and daughters. I was 30.
What are you working on next?
Next I am trying to write my own legacy for my children. After all I am 75 years old and I doubt if I have another good 75 years left to live..
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