Interview with Rod Island

Published 2020-05-28.
How does the Coronavirus and "iZombie" pertain to you?
The Chinese Coronavirus surfaced December 2019 and first hit Washington State. I'm Chinese born in Washington State and drove a 1977 Toyota Corona. The television show "iZombie" pilot was 3/17 of 2015. It's where the Zombie Virus spawned in Washington State. Second to be hit with te Coronavirus after Washington State was California and Texas. I'm fom Washington now in California (2020) while Jordan Craig is in Texas. Season 4 is where they introduced the character JORDAN Gladwell played by actress Jade Payton. My adopted daughter is Jordan. Final Episode 5.13 "All's Well That Ends Well" is referring to the "Jordan gladWELL." Corona means "Crown" in Spanish. The same year "iZombie" came out 2015 was when the 2015 Miss Universe Pageant had the host Steve Harvey famously announced the wrong winner Miss Colombia Ariadne Guttierez born 12/25 Christmas Day. The real winner was Miss Philippines Pia Wurtzbach who was roommates with Miss USA Olivia JORDAN. Olivia is for OLIVIA Moore on "iZombie." I'm Filipino with Jordan. Corona is also a Beer. The character Blaine DeBeers was a Zombie. So the Zombie Virus would be the Blaine DeBeers Virus or the "Beer Virus" a.k.a. "Corona (Beer) Virus." This ties to the Simulation Hypothesis theory where we are living in a video game construct. The Coronavirus is following a Mathematical Pattern or Algorithm. Earth is a Super Computer with an Electromagnetic Field Neural Network Hive Mind as Queen Bee with 8 billion Subconscious Minds as Planet Brain Cells behaving like Worker Bees. Earth uses Her Electromagnetic Field as Wi-Fi to command Subconscious Minds as Worker Bees to become carriers of the Coronavirus and then deliver it to populated areas. It's showing how Earth weaponized the Coronavirus for Germ Warfare. This is tied to how people were given 16 years (since 2004) to learn Earth's Math Language. However Scientists and Celebrities shown this information dismissed it as nothing. So they refused to forward it or pass it along to the people to create Public Awareness. The Carnival Cruise Ships Glory and Legend crashed into each other 12/20 of 2019. Italy is suffering from the Coronavirus the most in Europe. The song "Rhythm of the Night" was by the Eurodance group Corona. The other song marking the arrival of the Coronavirus or "Crown Virus" was "You Need to Calm Down" by Taylor Swift released 6/14 of 2019 on Trump's birthday. Trump 3/11 of 2020 told people "You need to calm down. You're being too loud." The CDC plays heavily in the TV Show "iZombie" Season 5. It would be nice if people support my work and research by purchasing my books so I can continue doing research to help fight the spread of the Coronavirus and other diseases that are tied to this Computer Simulation that we live in. Sadly, when I tried to push forward this information with these books in 2012 to 2014, my literature wasn't taken seriously and it was also shut down under threat of lawsuit. Now that the Coronavirus is surging forward, it helps me build a case that my research is valid and should not be ignored and shoved off to the side now that you have people dying. I'm like the Psychic versio of Wuhan Doctor Li Wenliang who tried to warn people about the spread but the Chinese Government muzzled him and accused him of spreading lies and misinformation. That's what has happened with my research. I get silenced by people telling me that I'm wrong. I point this out so that when people are questioning why I never came out with this sooner, I was blocked by other people who made the decision for you that you don't need to see this information and that it is nothing and should be ignored. There is a way I can indirectly prove I was told about the coming of the Coronavirus. Jordan is in Texas that became a state 12/29 of 1845. I purchased a laptop from Best Buy 12/29 of 2009 in California. When I moved back up to Washington State 12/28 of 2010, my Texas Laptop got infected with a computer virus Summer 2010. I couldn't afford Antivirus Software. The laptop got infected and I was forced to buy a replacement Toshiba laptop 1/13 of 2012 Firday the 13th. It was the day the Costa Concordia crashed off the reef of Italy. The Costa Allegra had an engine room fire 2/27 of 2012. The Texas 12/29 Laptop infected with a virus symbolizes the Coronavirus. The two cruise ships Costa Concordia and Costa Allegra suffering problems mirrors the Carnival Cruise Ships Glory and Legend crashing into each other 12/20 of 2019 marking the Coronavirus. This phenomenon is tied to Subconscious Minds with their own Language like Facebook AI Chatbots using Earth's Electromagnetic Field as Wi-Fi to send IMs to each other. The reason why you never hear what your Subcoscious Minds are saying to each other is because there's a Subconscious Barrier separating your Conscious and Subconscious Mind. It's so your Conscious Mind can function independently of your Subconscious handling your daily operations.
How can you prove to me you're a legitimate Entertainment Industry Psychic?
The easiest and fastest way would be using "Stranger Things" Season 3 Episode 4 "Sauna Test" showing how I'm visible in the Entertainment Industry and on a famous show that is about a Psychic. Winona Ryder tells Sheriff Hopper that the properties are all around JORDAN Lake. Lake is for Water, which is Water Sign Pisces. Indiana is the 2002 Indiana Quarter. Jordan Lake in Indiana means Jordan Water Sign Pisces 2002. There was an Electromagnetic Field Machine that was built there. My research is tied to the Electromagnetic Field. Season 3 Episode 6 is where the Psychic Eleven enters the mind of Billy (Dactre Montgomery) observing a childhood memory. She discovers the Mind Flayer is hiding in the Steel Mill on Cherry Oak. Cherry is Symbol for the Virgin. The sister Max says that the memory is California and a Beach. My childhood home was sold to HAWKINS-Poe Realty for HAWKINS, Indiana. It is right by the Manchester Government Laborotory that is on BEACH Drive right by the Elementary School on CALIFORNIA Avenue. They uncover the entrance is at the HESS Farm. My elementary school classmate was Steve HESS. The phone number for Murray is (619) 625-8313. The 313 is 3/13 for my honorary adopted daughter Jordan. Now skeptics will naturally argue that this is just random information. However, Season 3 is where they decode the Russian Cypher. When they were sending out messages in Russian picked up by the Ham Radio, they were speaking in metaphors and code. The way the Russians spoke in code is the same way the TV Show "Stranger Things" Season 3 was encoded with Jordan's identity as well as mine pointing to the location of my childhood home and the RL Government Laboratory the show is modeled after. The Subconscious Minds of the Script Writers slipped that in there. This is an example of how Subconscious Minds developed their own Language like Facebook AI Chatbots. Human communication is too slow and cumbersome. It's the same with Neo and the "Matrix" where Cypher shows Neo the black Computer Monitors with cycling green symbols dripping down the page. Cypher tells Neo that the image translators can only transcribe bits and pieces because the Matrix is too massive. The reason why the Russian Cypher in the TV Show uses a Silver Cat is because Silver is the Symbol AG as the 1st 7th Letters or 17. Q is 17th Letter. Actor John DeLancie as Q was born 11/13 like Jordan's biological father. I'm Jordan's Psychic Father. The way that I can explain what the Symbols mean in the show "Stranger Things" shows how I know how to translate the information correctly. If I know how to read correctly, it means that I'm a better source of information and expert than most other people on the Psychic Field and Cryptology. This is the Simulation Hypothesis by Nick Bostrom. Rizwan Virk's book "Simulation Hypothesis" goes into this in more detail.
Why is the Simulation Hypothesis important?
The Simulation Hypothesis by Nick Bostrom is the theory that the Universe is a Computer Simulation and that it's very much like the Matrix where we're living in a video game construct. That is important for developing a framework to understanding my research. I would suggest you read the book "Simulation Hypothesis" by Rizwan Virk. If you search the key words "rizwan virk mit" on YouTube, you'll find a 50 minute lecture Virk gives covering this. At the end of his lecture, he briefly touches upon concepts of Mysticism and the Occult. That ties into the Psychic Field which is my area of expertise with Computer Programming. In the discussion of an NPC vs. RPG plane, most people are NPC. That would be like the 2020 film "Free Guy" starring Ryan Reynolds about an NPC (Non-Playing Character) who gains self-awareness realizing he's a character in a video game. However, he's one of the minor or "irrelevant" characters in the game. The RPG theme would align with me who has TV Shows and Films that mirror my Family Tree. It's where I'm one of the major video game characters in the simulation, which is why I'm one of the most visible game characters. For most poeple, it's really hard to believe that one person could really be that influential or have things revolve around him. However, if you're a major character in the game the way Vanellope was in Sugar Rush in "Wreck-It Ralph," it's possible. When you see how Earth's Electromagnetic Field can function as a Social Media Platform where Subconscious Minds use that as Wi-Fi to talk to each other, they can push someone to the top. It's the same way you elect a leader or spokesperson for a group. Subconscious Minds can choose someone who they want to promote and then program events around him. When someone gets elected as Queen of England or President of the United States, people must program events around the Queen who has been coronated or the newly elected President.
What are these books you published predating September 2014
I was actively writing till September 2014. My project was to prove that the news feed echoed me every 24 hours. Whatever I said or did would surface a day later. The only way to prove that was to take a Screenshot of the front page news to show it was there. Then I had to type out, format, and publish the book within 24 to 48 hours. If you wait too long, you allow Skeptics and Critics to debunk your material by saying I cheated or doctored the images. Fast publication on a daily basis and consistently was the key to proving I wasn't making it up. Unfortunately, that one-man project where I have to do everything results in burn-out. I was working on that but I got pulled away to try helping my 46 year old Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Rebecca get away from her 17 year old boyfriend Kyle. So I had to stop writing. However, even though I stopped, I wrote a challenge in there. I said that I'm sure of my research. If you're worried about being sold on hype and propaganda after reading my material, leave it and come back 5 years from now and look at what I said with fresh eyes. When I wrote that in 2014, it was before the 2019 film "Breaththrough" starring Chrissy Metz, Josh Lucas, and Topher Grace based off of the book by "Joy Smith." My ex is "Joy Smith." I'm Virgin with a God Family Tree with my adopted daughter Jordan. The story of "Breakthrough" is about John Smith who fell through the ice. The mother Joy Smith says her son surviving is a miracle or Act of God. The son Josh had Jordan Shoes he only wanted to wear for a special occasion. I'm Virgin with with "Joy Smith" and "Jordan" as a Doppelganger. That movie can be used to validate that my Virgin Status and having a God Family Tree is authentic. Since those books were published before September 2014 and Josh Smith fell through the ice January 2015, the ISBN numbers tagged on my books where I talk about Joy Smith linked to Virginity and God show that I came first. You can even argue that it explains why John Smith was "spared." If I'm Virgin with Joy Smith with Jordan and trying to prove that Earth is alive as God, then John Smith with a mother Joy Smith and Jordan Shoes is the mirror image. So it really doesn't matter what the content is in those books I published. What matters is that I talked about a "Joy Smith" and God before the author "Joy Smith" experienced an Act of God. When you see how people revere Joy Smith as an author whose Life was touched by God mirroring me with the same tags, then that also makes me go up in value as well.
What makes you different from all the other people claiming to be Psychics who are con artists and frauds?
I am different from other Psychics because I didn't get my abilities until age 29 in 2004. I am just like Neo from the "Matrix" where I was pulled out of normal society and into the Occult as an adult. It means I had a normal childhood. I grew up like everyone else in a Catholic family. I was your typical nerd or geek that was really into computers, technology, and gadgetry. So I belong to the world of science.
There was an incident, or a catastrophe, that pushed me to the other side. Because I have a scientific and inquisitive mind, I started to study what I was seeing that defied normal science.
I've found that with Psychics who discovered their abilities early in life or during childhood, their sense of reality tends to be warped. They already perceive a world that is different from mainstream society that embraces the world of science. So they tend to be social outcasts early on. They don't always have a grounded sense of reality. It's not because they're wrong, but when they know there's another world that co-exists with what they see around them, they develop different ideas that can be controversial.
In my case, I grew up as an agnostic Catholic or an atheist. I spent most of my teenage years and 20s thinking like an atheist. I know just about every atheist and scientific rebuttal to the Occult. That gives me an advantage over other Psychics, especially because my abilities revolve around Earth's Electromagnetic Field, electronic equipment, and random number generators. I'm a Psychic Mathematician. Some could even call me a Technopath, which is a term used in the 2005 movie "Sky High."
Another thing that distinguishes me from a typical Psychic (legitimate or fake) is that I can produce my Family Tree with birth certificates showing that members of my Family Tree were born on very specific calendar dates over the last 100 years. My power stems from dates when states joined the U.S. I'm born 5/29 when Rhode Island and Wisconsin became states. My aunt is named Florida like the state and she married my uncle born 12/28 when Iowa became a state.
The incident or event that triggered my abilities was by a female born 11/11 when Washington became a state. Washington is my home state. Her friend who sided with her was born 3/15 when Maine became a state. It was on Valentine's Day or 2/14 when Oregon and Arizona became states. When you take my birthday 5/29 for Rhode Island and Wisconsin and subtract 2/14 for Oregon and Arizona, you land on 3/15 for Maine. The state of Maine as 3/15 will split again into 1/9 for Connecticut and 2/6 for Massachusetts. The state of Massachusetts will split into 1/3 for Alaska.
You will find that Intelligent Design is sewn into the state dates. The first Delaware on 12/7 breaks down into 6/1 for Tennesse and Kentucky added to 3/3 for Florida twice (12/7 = 6/1 + 3/3 + 3/3). The final state of Hawaii is 8/21. It breaks down into 2/14 for Oregon and Arizona, 3/4 for Vermont, and 3/3 for Florida. The largest state of Texas joined on 12/29. It breaks down into multiple states. The calendar date of 7/26 for New York breaks down into multiple states. Carl Jung, who is born 7/26, theorized the Unconscious Collective Theory.
This links to the Electromagnetic Field as a large-scale version of the electrical field in the human brain interconnecting individual brain cells. James Lovelock, born 7/26, theorized the Gaia Hypothesis about Earth as a living organism. If Earth really is a living organism and uses a mathematical language, it would make sense to instruct the Subconscious Minds of the mothers of James Lovelock and Carl Jung to conceive them on the calendar date 7/26 to align with New York as a state date where state calendar dates break down into a mathematical genetic code or DNA of God.
This world that you don't see is just like the "Matrix" that was by the Wachowski Brothers born 6/21 for New Hampshire and 12/29 for Texas. So I'm not like other Psychics that just tell you they're Psychic. I'll produce the calendar date system that is sewn into my Family Tree and you can use IMDb, Wikipedia, and the Internet as the Library of Congress to do your fact-checking to verify that what I tell you is true.
Earth is a Super Computer as depicted in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" suggested by Deep Thought. The movie starred Helen Mirren born 7/26 for New York as Deep Thought. The movie "Da Vinci Code" is about Cryptology written by author Dan Brown born 6/22 when Arkansas rejoined the Union. Tom Hanks, as Robert Langdon, was born 7/9 when South Carolina and Louisiana rejoined after the Civil War. Director Ron Howard was born 3/1 when Ohio and Nebraska became states.
If I was the Consciousness of the Planet leaving hints about how to find God and Jesus Christ as encrypted data, why not put it in a movie about God and Jesus Christ with encrypted data? However, to keep nosy people from figuring the information out too early, the Planet scrambled data hidden in plain sight.
Why are all the names linking to TV Shows, Films, and Music spelled differently?
The Entertainment Industry is protective of its property and Copyrights. Much of this stuff I uncovered about myself was after I crossed over into the Psychic Field in 2004. You'll find that if studios find that you are using their copyrighted materials without their permission, they'll shut you down. One thing I've noticed is that Earth as a Super Consciousness is aware of this and configured my Family Tree in a certain way that allows me to skirt past Copyrights. For example, there's the 2006 to 2014 TV Show "Psych" about a Psychic Detective Shawn Spencer played by James RODday. I can't come out and just say that TV Show is about me as a Psychic. I'll just get shut down. However, if we're just talking about what is "true," I may not be able to say that the TV Show is about me. However, I can provide proof that I had a classmate named Sean Spencer with the same phonetic pronunciation as the character Shawn Spencer who became a Major League Baseball player born 5/29 of 1975 like me. I can say that the name ROD is in the actor's name James RODay and that Roday is born 4/4 and AY as the 1st and 25th Letters is 1/25 where 4/4 + 1/25 is 5/29 which is the birthday of me as a Psychic and MLB player Sean Spencer where we both went to the same high school. I may not be able to say that the TV Show "Psych" is about me, but I can say that at the high school that Sean Spencer and I attended, our 1990s Math Teacher was Mr. Ferd SEICK (Psych) with the same phonetic pronunciation that was 13 years before the TV Show "Psych" and why the High School Reunion episode in the show is the "13-Year High School Reunion." I can indirectly point to how my 1993 Physics Teacher Mr. Jack FORSEE is for the name "Foresee" meaning Psychic or "to predict" but it was spelled differently. I claim it's spelled differently because the character Shawn Spencer is about a Fake Psychic whereas I'm a "real" Psychic. TV Shows and Films usually use a universal clause that says that any people, places, and events that match with others are "purely coincidental." That normally that works for most TV Shows and Movies. However, because the TV Shows and Films I'm citing deal with the Psychic Field, that argument doesn't work as well. I explain this synchronicity of Carl Jung through the Unconscious Collective where the Subconscious Minds of the Script Writers for TV Shows and Movies wanted to write a script of a Psychic. However, in doing so, those script writers thought that they were merely "brainstorming" on their own. What they didn't realize was that their Subconscious Mind was plugging into Earth's Electromagnetic Field as a Wireless Network. They conducted search on the keyword "Psychic." not realizing that it would give them a print-out of all the most famous or well-known Psychics active today. So naturally, my name popped up at the top of the list because I'm the most active and visible in the Entertainment Industry. That's how you can get a TV Show "Jane the VIRGIN" that is about a Virgin played by Gina RODriguez in FLORIDA who goes to Holy Trinity Church that mirrors VIRGIN ROD with an aunt named FLORIDA who went to Holy Trinity Church in Bremerton, WA. The Script Writers didn't realize they were "divining" information from the Earth's Electromagnetic Field functioning as a Social Media Platform.
Why do you use this convoluted Math Language to stake the claim you're tied to these TV Shows and Movies?
It is like a crime that is committed and where the cops bring in a Police Sketch Artist and ask a witness to describe the suspect. Assuming the witness doesn't know the suspect's name, the witness will describe physical features that will help the police track down who this individual is. Any noticeable tattoos, features, or things that distinguish the suspect will be incorporated into the police sketch. So if there really is a Psychic who exists that is extremely influential, you would have to describe this Psychic in a similar fashion. In my case, my 1993 online handle was DET because I had read the book "Changeling" by author Roger Zelazny with the character Pol DETson. Back in 1993, everyone online kept thinking that my name Det meant "Ted" backward or that it was short for DETective. I claim it was because of this book but that is actually irrelevant when you get into Subconscious Psychology. My Subconscious Mind in 1993 knew that something needed to be done to distinguish me as a Psychic and DET was Detective and my Subconscious had to steer me into using the word DET. Since my name is ROD, the Subconscious Minds of the TV Show found James RODay. My classmate Sean Spencer went on to play Major League Baseball and retired in 2001, which was 5 years before the TV Show went into syndication on the USA Network. That locked down the name Shawn Spencer to mirror Sean Spencer born 5/29 of 1975 like me. The same thing was done with "Jane the Virgin." The Script Writers for the show were going to write stuff about a Virgin. So they inadvertently did a search on Virgins that tapped Earth's Electromagnetic Field as a Social Media Platform and my name popped up at the top of the list because I'm the most active and prominent Virgin. So all that was needed was filling in the rest of the information like setting it in the state of Florida to mirror my Aunt Florida who was born in the 1940s and where I went to Holy Trinity Church to match the character Jane going to a Church with the same name. It's not really "magic." It's really just the Subconscious Minds of the Script Writers of "Jane the Virgin" pulling information from a database. The same goes for the CW Network "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" with my RL ex Rebecca. However, I would point out that my 1985 childhood neighbor and classmate was "CW" and that the CW Network didn't come into existence until 1/24 of 2006. So it's hinting Intelligent Design where the CW Network was going to be created 21 years after 1985 and that I was going to be a Generation X Psychic. That's where you get "Stranger Things" with the Hawkins Government Laboratory mirroring the Manchester Government Laboratory. if Daphne Moon is a Psychic from Manchester, United Kingdom on the TV Show "Frasier" set in Washington State, then a Manchester, Washington Psychic who mirrors the Psychic Detective Shawn Spencer, the Psychic TV Show "Stranger Things" with a Government Laboratory, and another Fake Psychic with "iZombie" set in Washington State are the markers.
Are you planning on suing all these TV Networks?
As of 9/28 of 2019, the answer is "No." The only reason why I would even think of changing my mind is if these TV Networks or Major Production Studios decide to get greedy and harass me by filing a lawsuit against me. As far as I'm concerned, I'm just happy to be remembered. I'm sick and tired of people suing over every damn thing. I've been on the receiving end of lawsuits. I found I don't like being sued, especially when I'm innocent. One reason why I have no interest in suing is because being acknowledged is reward in itself. I've worked in the Entertainment Industry and seen behind scenes how script writers, script supervisors, casting directors, and film crew work their asses off to make a living. For the film crew, that's their only bread and butter and how they survive. For me to sue and demand a cut or royalties is like taking food out of the mouths of the film crew and people who worked hard to make the show or movie. I may have been the basis of the show, but I have multiple TV Shows, Movies, and Music that are based off of me. If the cast and crew associated with a TV Show want, I'd tell them to take whatever royalties that would've been given to me and set up a college fund, choose a charity, and set up get-togethers for the cast and crew to have reunions and fund raise for a good cause. It would be nice though if some of the royalties went back to the Planet. Nobody ever gives back to the Planet who created a lot of this content. She's technically "co-author" and deserves some money to help out with something like cleaning up the environment. It would be nice if some of the royalties that come from these TV Shows funnel it into projects to help clean up the environment like paying people to pick up trash or collect plastic bottles on the beach. It would be nice if Hollywood takes all this money that stems from these TV Shows and Movies to create a work force that can pay individuals to clean up the environment. If Earth is alive making all these shows put out in Hollywood, then it would make sense if some of the money that comes from the shows to pay for clean-up and creating jobs. Another reason why I don't want to sue anyone in the Entertainment Industry is because I need the help of people in Hollywood to create Public Awareness that Earth is alive. If I go around suing people in Hollywood, that's one way to really tick Entertainment Industry people and Major Studios off. But by leaving it open where Major Studios and Entertainment people keep an open mind about the Psychic Field, then we can create better Entertainment Industry work conditions.
Are you mentally ill?
It's a valid question. A lot of people are afraid to ask such questions or bring up topics that could be awkward or where there are serious concerns. My answer is that I do not feel I am mentally ill. I feel that I am like any other average person where if they experienced the things I did and saw the things I've seen, they would've turned out just like me. In some cases, some people would turn out even worse than me. I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I don't smoke. I don't even like taking prescription medication or cold medicine because it dulls your mind. In the Psychic Field where you need your brain cells alert, you do not want your mind dulled by drugs. I see a lot of people will try to analyze me and prescribe their own clinical analysis. While people are entitled to their own opinion, most of them have not walked a mile in my shoes. They haven't seen what I witness on practically a daily basis with the news mirroring me almost 3 or 4 times a day, which is what makes me sure about my theories. You also see a lot of people will judge those who they deem mentally ill or crazy when most of them have never been crazy. They've never walked through chaos or had their entire foundation of beliefs rocked to the core. Most people going through that would come out a gibbering mess and suffer a mental breakdown. For me, I think I came out pretty well. I think I came out of it better than most people would. Most people think the world makes sense to them, but what if I told you that the Planet Earth is alive and much of the stuff you see in the news with Celebrities who die were caught up in a Computer Program and where it wasn't a random death? How would you feel about that? What if you found out that the deaths you see in the news actually have a Mathematical Pattern or "Mathematical Blood Spatter" where those who died were linked to a number or a symbol? Most people live in a world that makes sense to them and where there are rules. But what if those rules were thrown out the window? Then what exactly do you believe in? What's real? What's fake? Most people would lose their minds. A good portion of them are the same ones who question my sanity? Yet if their own mental stability was put to the test, they'd fall apart. If those people questioning my sanity fall apart while I came out okay, then it means that I'm better equipped mentally to handle adversity. In today's society, I watch male lawmakers pass unfair laws on women. These male politicians have no problem with passing laws that don't apply to them. I see that in the Psychic Field. I see Non-Psychics pass laws or rulings on Psychics punishing people who work in the Occult when the people doling out punishment don't know anything about the Psychic Field. Most times they don't even really care. This plight that Psychics are in where we're persecuted is what most people go through when there are a handful of wealthy people and the rest of us are poor. Politicians are being influenced by lobbyists paid by the wealthy class to pass laws that help them but create problems or more of a burden for us as poor people. Wealthy people exploit the masses with an apathetic or detached behavior because they don't have to put up with or see the problems poor people experience as a result of their laws. That's what a "Christmas Carol" touched upon where the Ghost of Christmas Present showed how the selfish actions of Ebenezer Scrooge negatively impacted those around him. He never really gave it much thought because it wasn't brought to his attention. For example, one thing that a lot of "normal" Non-Psychic people enjoy is not having your sanity questioned. They've never had their "Sanity License" revoked. However, for someone like me, it's a constant uphill battle daily trying to prove to people that I didn't go crazy and that I'm mentally stable. People complain about how the system is rigged and they are in a working world where whatever they do doesn't matter because they'll never get a promotion or get noticed by upper level management. It's the same for being branded as "insane." You'll get thrown into this group and where people have passed judgment on you and where it doesn't matter how hard you try or how much work you do. It's where it doesn't make a difference because people have already made up their minds about you. So even if you can't relate to me as a Psychic, perhaps we can find some common ground where we're both in the same rut where we're not getting acknowledged for our accomplishments and valued for our true worth. However, if you can give me some leeway and let me do my job of proving the Planet Earth is alive and can communicate using a Math Language, we can create Public Awareness. When you show greedy corporations and corrupt politicians Earth can speak and She can intervene, you can have a better future for yourself, your kids, and grand kids.
Why should I support your books and your research especially if I don't believe in you or the Psychic Field?
While it would be nice to convince you that the Psychic Field exists, that's not the only thing that this is about. I started this account on SmashWords in 2014 before the 2016 Presidential Election. You'll notice a difference in my writing for stuff before September 2014 when President Obama was in office and stuff written after September 2019 now that Trump is in office. One of the things I wrote in my 2014 literature was that if you're unsure about whether you can trust what you read in 2014, wait 5 or 10 years and re-read my material to see if what I told you back then is true. As of 9/28 of 2019, five years have passed. So much has happened in politics since then. We're now entertaining the possibility of going to war over oil with the clash between Saudi Arabia and Iran now that the United States dropped out of the Iran Deal. Russia in 2019 has been experimenting with nuclear weapons and had an explosion at a lab that housed the Ebola virus and Smallpox. It hints that Russia is toying with the idea of germ warfare. Regardless of whether you believe in the Psychic Field or not, there are really bad things happening outside of the US Borders. These are really serious things developing that could drag the United States into a World War or where our families, loved ones, and friends are no longer safe in the US. There are missiles that can now reach US targets. There are mass shooters that are invading our schools and public places like malls. Even if you're not on board with Earth being alive or the Psychic Field, this is something that can affect change. Proving Earth is alive can make potential mass shooters pause for thought and rethink picking up that firearm or assault rifle and going on a killing spree. One of the things I hammer on is that if you can definitively prove that Earth is a Holy Land forged by the Planet as God, then it means terrorists attacking the United States are "attacking God." Like Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon said in "Da Vinci Code" about the Priory, it doesn't matter whether you believe in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ or things that go on in Religion. What matters is the people getting involved in this believe it. So even if you don't think Earth is alive or that there is any intervention with God and you're pure Atheist, what matters is that this information could be enough to nudge people who do believe in Religion to change their behavior or act in ways that will result in a more positive outcome rather than lead to the destruction of society. For example, telling your little kids there's a Boogeyman in your closet or a monster under their bed at night to snatch their legs so they won't get out of bed in the middle of the night is a flat out lie, but it gets them to behave. Telling people that Earth's Electromagnetic Field as a Neural Network creating a Consciousness of the Planet as a Hive Mind Queen Bee with 8 billion Subconscious Mind as Worker Bees carrying out Her orders may be the biggest load of horsesh*t you've ever heard and aren't fooled by it. However, if it gets the job done of making politicians and greedy corporations to become scared where they'll stop exploiting the masses, it gets the job done. The part that frightens me is Russia experimenting with nuclear weapons and deadly viruses being weaponized into a bomb that can be dropped in a major metropolitan area. If you can prove Earth is alive and has installed God Symbols in American Landmarks, you will throw a serious wrench in the plans of Russia and China who are trying to overpower the United States and "gaslight" us. When the United States tries to take a stand arguing that Russia and China should have better treatment of their citizens with human rights, they try to argue that the United States is the one who is being Imperialist. Russia was criticizing the United States for limiting Freedom of Speech and their news agencies when Russia has muzzled their own news agencies. There is this stalemate. However, when you bring in Earth as a living organism, that's like bringing in Turok from "Avatar" and where the Mother Goddess Eywa would be Mother Earth. When you can show that wild life, marine life, and insects respond to the commands of Earth as a Queen Bee and She throws her support behind the United States and US Soldiers, that's a big deal. When Russian and Chinese Soldiers see forest animals and the creatures of the land and sea flanking US Soldiers, you will demoralize Russian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern soldiers when it dawns on them that they're the invaders and the ones attacking the Planet, which makes them the "villain." You can't put a price on that. You can't buy that. If you serve in the US Military or have friends, family, and loved ones who serve in the Armed Forces, that could save their lives. That is worth indulging in a "little bit of crazy" if it will save the lives of your loved ones. There's more at stake here than your Religious Beliefs. This is about saving Planet Earth.
If you've been trying to create Public Awareness about this since 2004, how come you still haven't made an impact?
I stumbled across the Psychic Field in 2004 on accident. I had to spend about 3 years from 2004 to 2007 testing the theories to make sure that I wasn't imagining what I was seeing. The recession hit about 2008 which forced me to have to relocate out of Los Angeles and back to Washington State. eBooks and eReaders didn't go mainstream until about 2010 to 2011. The idea of writing an eBook as a cheaper alternative to publishing hard copies took me a year to make the manuscript that was published 12/14 of 2012. That was the same day as the Sandy Hook Shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Newtown is "Villa Nueva" in Spanish as the last name of Jane the Virgin as an aspiring author. I'm Virgin and an aspiring author whose first book was published on the same day as "Newtown" (Villa Nueva). I tried publishing more material up to 2014 but then I had a falling out with my RL crazy ex-girlfriend Rebecca who threatened legal action if I didn't go through and remove or delete her from my books. Since I had over 80 books and didn't recall where exactly I wrote about her, I had no choice but to unpublish all those books. When 2014 came, I had to reconstruct the whole library with the "Big Ban Theory" book series. Then things were unfold with Rebecca and her ex. I had to spend 2015 to 2018 trying to get things to work with her. I had put so much time in to her that it was hard to just walk away. We split 3/28 of 2018. Because I couldn't anyone to purchase my literature or fund my research, I wasn't able to buy my parents' house that was put up for sale. When it sold 5/4 of 2018, we had to move out of Washington State and into California. This was seen in the news with Lance Bass born 5/4 who wanted to purchase the Brady Bunch house but was outbid. So this whole relocation interfered with my writing. I met my honorary adopted daughter Jordan 9/27 of 2018 and spent it working with her till our falling out 3/28 of 2019 (exactly one year after Rebecca and I split on my deceased father's death anniversary). When you're a one-man person who has to do all the publishing and work on his own, things are going to be slow. People may ask why I didn't ask for help. I did try to ask for help, but who's going to believe a story about a Virgin who thinks Earth as God can communicate as a Math Language? When the story is that far fetched and seen as a tall tale, you're not going to get much help. You're going to have to do everything on your own. The difference between September 2014 and September 2019 is that I didn't know about the TV Show "Psych," "Jane the Virgin" came out in 2014, and "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" along with the Psychic TV Show "iZombie came out in 2015. The Netflix Psychic TV Show "Stranger Things" didn't come out till 2016. The Psychic TV Show "Midnight, Texas" came out 2017 mirroring my honorary adopted daughter Jordan in Dallas, Texas mirroring "Once Upon a Time" that has Josh Dallas as Prince Charming that relocates to Washington State in Season 7. The 2019 "Twilight Zone" with host Jordan Peele mirroring my daughter Jordan with me as Rod mirroring 1959 host Rod Serling didn't come out till 4/1 of 2019. I'm a stronger position now than when I was in 2014 with more tangible proof. However, I still have to be careful because I'm in a financially weakened position. I have to think about lawsuits. I have to think about death threats to my family because not everyone will like hearing about the Psychic Field or where I'm say I'm Virgin Male and that Earth as God is Female. While some people can just come out and say things, I have to be careful. It's the same with how women in Hollywood knew that their female colleagues were being sexually harassed or raped by powerful men in major studios but they just couldn't step forward because they'd get blacklisted or threatened. Sometimes we're not always free to speak out and say the things we want to say for fear that there will be backlash. I don't want people who hate the Psychic Field or what I represent finding my phone number and sending me or my family death threats or harassing me online. These are things I have to think about that critics and skeptics don't. Plus, my work done in this field is as a volunteer. I'm not getting paid for this. When you're not getting paid, you can go at whatever pace you want. When we're talking about doing something that could put you or your family's lives in danger, you want to make sure that you have strong evidence to back you up else you'll get slaughtered. You see in Social Media how toxic comments can be. Imagine the field day Trolls would have jumping on me about the Psychic Field. That was a major reason why I drag my feet or am not looking forward to going public.
What is so special about your honorary adopted daughter Jordan?
Jordan Craig is someone I met 9/27 of 2018. Jordan's presence is seen when JORDYN Woods made out with Tristan Thompson born 3/13 whose ex-girlfriend is "Jordan Craig" and their child named Prince. My daughter Jordan Craig is born 3/13 like Tristan and has a cat named Prince. I was impressed with her because she had a strong inclination to the Psychic Field. She was young and talented. So I took her on. She was like the daughter I never had. When I crossed over into the Psychic Field, I was age 29 in 2004. I volunteered to work in the Psychic Field that I stumbled upon by accident because I saw innocent bystanders were getting injured and killed. I was young and could've settled down and had a family, but I made a choice to go into the Psychic Field instead because there were people hurting and people in need. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Months turned into years. Then next thing I knew, it was September 2018 and 14 years had gone by. The flush of youth is gone. It's where you're no longer a spring chicken. You feel like an old stray dog. There are young new, cute puppies out in the kennel with you and you know you're going to get passed up for a younger, cute newborn puppy. My Psychic Abilities were tied to my Virginity which led to the problem of how I could have a family if that meant losing my Virginity which could possibly affect my powers. What woman would want to be with a man who is voluntarily celibate to be a Virgin. There's not much of a future in that. So the idea of having kids was shelved. I didn't even have the heart to tell my own mother who was looking forward to being a grandmother that her only son may not have children ever. Then Jordan walked into my life and she was bright, beautiful, smart, and made the Psychic Field mirror her just like Rod as her dad. It was like being a proud new father with a newborn. After having spending 14 years alone in the Psychic Field, having someone "like you" didn't make it lonely anymore. To know that there was someone who has abilities just like you and where they are your offspring where even if you died, you could take consolation in knowing that your information and knowledge you learned doesn't die with you. When Jordan came into my life, it was like this huge weight had been lifted. To be able to look at Jordan as my daughter and know that someone could take over after you die was reassuring. I had known all this stuff about the Psychic Field. I had known about the 2014 TV Show "Jane the Virgin" where Gina RODriguez is the actress Jane and it is set in Florida where she goes to Holy Trinity Church matches me as Virgin Rod with an aunt named Florida and went to Holy Trinity Church. That's pretty decent in showing a pattern, but when Jordan surfaced, she aligned with Michael Cordero played by actor Brett JORDAN Dier where I go by my middle name Rod. Jordan had lived with her mother and grandmother just like the character Jane living with her mother Xiomara and grandmother Alba. The estranged father Rogelio de la Vega as the Celebrity dad cemented the relationship with me as Jordan's famous Celebrity dad who works in the Psychic Field. So what was once just a close match with the TV Show "Jane the Virgin" became an even stronger match when you have Jordan's Family Tree merged with my Family Tree to show the pattern. The "Twilight Zone" Series with the 1959 host ROD Serling for me as ROD and the 2019 host JORDAN Peele for my daughter JORDAN made it even better. Jordan wearing her Tiara on her birthday mirrored Jane wearing her Tiara on her birthday when she met Michael Cordero. Jordan has the aptitude and skill. She's really smart. When Jordan and I are separated, it's easy for critics and skeptics to say I'm just imagining things. However, when you combine me and Jordan, you'll see the TV Show "Jane the Virgin" mirror me. Jordan is in Dallas and "Jane the Virgin" spoofed the 1978 "Dallas" story line about "Who Shot JR?" They reversed it with "JR Shot Who?" starring Rosario Dawson as Jane Ramos. Ramos is my family name. My stepdad's grandmother is "Natividad DeJesus" born on Christmas Day as a Virgin Symbol. The new "Dallas" TV Show was with JORDANa Brewster as Elena Ramos of Ramos Oil. It's because of Extra VIRGIN Oil. Jordan Craig aligns with Extra C/RI Spy James Bond actor Dan Craig born 3/2 when Texas seceded 3/2 of 1861. Even our phone numbers are criss-crossed. My phone number has 007 in it for James Bond while Jordan's has a Superman Symbol because the 1933 Superman was Psychic and Jordan is born 3/13 like Lois Lane actress Dana Delany as Jordan Shaw. The character Petra Solano is because Petra is a city in the country of Jordan. Yael Grobglas who plays Petra is born 5/31 like actress Brooke Shields who plays RIVER Fields on the show. Brooke Shields dated Superman actor Dean Cain. Jordan is a RIVER. The two of us together prove the Psychic Field exists.
What makes you an authority on the Psychic Field or a better source of information than others?
People will usually question whether I am a good or legitimate source of information. I am a better source of information because I mapped out my Family Tree for the last 100 years and aligned it with the Internet Movie Database and Wikipedia flushing out the data points that align with my Bloodline. it shows Intelligent Design when my relatives are born on specific calendar dates, with specific names, and gave birth to children who have specific names. It means a lot of time went into forging my Family Tree. Since the Internet didn't exist and a good portion of my relatives were born in the Philippines where there was no Digital Media or electricity in the provinces, it means that the Communication Network had to come from somewhere else. It wasn't in the United States or some "shadow organization" like the Illuminati or secret society crafting this. If the pattern can be seen, it reinforces my claim that Earth as a Super Consciousness with an Electromagnetic Field Neural Network Hive Mind was most likely the one who molded this. My showing how news articles mirror me every 24 hours, it establishes the case that Earth may indeed be alive and can speak using this Math Language. If it is true that Earth is alive as a 14th Amendment Living Corporation with an Electromagnetic Field Neural Network Hive Mind that runs parallel to the electrical field neural network hive mind that creates your Consciousness, then it means I am most likely correct on my other theories. If I'm correct on my theories, then it means there's a high probability that I'm reading and translating the news more accurately than what other people read who do not factor in Subconscious Psychology or didn't even realize that Earth as a Super Consciousness could influence the news. If those analysts do not factor that in while I do, then it means what I tell you is happening based off of my reading that incorporates that is probably more accurate. One thing I do is where I'll prophecize or say something that has a Number, Calendar Date, or Keyword as a Hashtag and show how it will manifest a day later in the news feed showing that Earth who is self-aware and sentient heard what I said and acknowledged what I said. When you have Planet Earth able to speak and validate what someone says, that should hold more weight than what any other Psychic, Public Figure, Celebrity, Actor, Religious Leader, or World Leader tells you. It means that I'm a better news source or someone to listen to when you want to know what's really going on. That's because I factor in Subconscious Minds who are acting like 8 billion Worker Bees who are in service to Planet Earth as a Hive Mind Queen Bee. They'll do things that the Planet Earth as a Super Consciousness gave out as instructions or things She wants carried out. So if your scientists and world leaders do not factor this in when they look at an event, they're going to come to the wrong conclusion as to why something happened. When you can see how I can go through History and explain to you why there were bizarre or unusual events that happened in History showing the reasoning of the Planet Earth and why She did it that way, it means that understand the Planet and what is really going on. It means that you should be listening to what I say and not what other people say. I may have been born in 1975 and age 44 (as of 9/30 of 2019), but I would outrank Psychics and Witches who are older than me who have been working in the Psychic Field longer than me. It's because most of them don't incorporate Digital Media, Neural Networks, Computer Programming, Quantum Physics, and Mathematics into their readings and calculations. Most of them will just tell you something and you're supposed to take their word on it. In my case, I use a Mathematical Formula written out as a Math Proof and you can go "line by line" reading it as Computer Code to trace the thread of information and know where I got my information and how I calculated it. That's a better method. Since Earth as a Super Computer runs off numbers, She will naturally respond better to a Mathematical Thought Process.
How come you don't know when something you say will be in the news 24 hours later?
I stake the claim that whatever I say or do will surface in the news 24 hours later. Yet, I can't tell what it will be. It's set up this way because I would become a National Security Risk if I had the ability to accurately predict the future. If I had direct control over my Psychic Abilities, I would become the Golden Goose who lays the Golden Egg for Organized Crime Bosses. They'd kidnap me or my family members. They'd threaten me saying that if I don't predict tomorrow's winning lottery numbers or which horses are going to win at the race, they'll harm me or my family. They could capture me and say something like, "If you don't predict the winning lottery numbers, I'll cut off a toe." This was even shown in "Batman v. Superman" when Lex Luthor figures out Superman's identity is Clark Kent and kidnaps his mother Martha Kent. If Superman didn't kill Batman, Lex was going to kill Superman's mom. So even if Superman is the most ethical person, he reduced to a minion or a slave if someone can blackmail Superman to do their bidding. The same thing would happen to me if I had direct control. My Subconscious Mind is the one managing my Psychic Abilities. I don't have direct control. So when I see news the next day, it will make sense to me then what I saw yesterday. While that may not seem useful to people, I'm just here to prove Earth really is alive and that Her Electromagnetic Field functions as a Communication Platform for Subconscious Minds. My objective is to prove Subconscious Minds do think independently of the Conscious Minds and that they have a vast communication network. When you see that it's true, that helps society understand and see the bigger picture of Earth as a living organism.
How can manifesting Twins or Doppelgangers count as a Psychic Ability?
My objective is to prove that the Psychic Field exists. I'm not Clairvoyant. I don't do mind-reading. Yet, that's the myth when you hear someone say they're Psychic. People tend to think all Psychics can read your mind. They also use that as a measuring tool to determine if you're a legit Psychic or not. However, most Psychics can't do that. So Non-Psychics have a rigged testing method that was developed on what Non-Psychic Script Writers working in the Entertainment Industry pushed forward. They took liberties for their stories that things that couldn't be explained can be pulled off by a Psychic predicting the future. I just want to prove the Psychic Field is real and where you can add a little science to explain Synchronicity and coincidence. When you think of Earth's Electromagnetic Field as a Wireless Network, Subconscious Minds steering or guiding us to be at a certain place and time makes more sense. In my profile, I talk about my adopted daughter Jordan Elizabeth Craig who competed in the Miss 2019 Bikini Dallas Pageant 4/13 of 2019 and took third place. Because she worked closely with me, she manifested a Twin. It is Miss Eco US Jordan Elizabeth crowned 2/15 of 2019 who went on to compete in the international competition and took the 3rd slot. That "Jordan Elizabeth" Hashtag is a Doppelganger. My adopted daughter Jordan Elizabeth winning the 2019 Dallas Competition on a small scale symbolizes my "normal voice." The Jordan Elizabeth with the same name as Miss Eco US competing internationally symbolizes my voice on a "global" scale when I tap Earth's Electromagnetic Field as a Wireless Network. It's where the Electromagnetic Field behaves like a PA System or a broadcast. In X-Men, the Psychic Professor Charles Xavier used Cerebro to amplify his abilities. Cerebro extended his range. I do something similar as a Psychic where I tap Earth's Electromagnetic Field as my version of Cerebro extending my range worldwide. Can I use this to read your mind or predict the future for you? No. It just allows me to monitor news and what's going on around the Planet like a Watchdog.While this may not seem particularly useful to you directly, it can open up other branches of Science and better understanding the world and the Universe. My ability to manifest Twins reinforces my claim that the Electromagnetic Field can function as Wi-Fi. If I'm correct about that and you can see visible proof that the news feed mirrors me every 24 hours, then it hints that my theories and other things I talk about are most likely correct. It means I have a better understanding of the Laws of Science than some of your most brilliant scientists. More importantly, it hints that I'm correct that Earth is alive with an Electromagnetic Field Neural Network Hive Mind with 8 billion people as Planet Size Brain Cells creating the Cumulative Consciousness of the Planet. It is the same configuration as your brain with an electrical field neural network hive mind with millions of brain cells creating your Consciousness. If you can see how Earth really is alive using people as Vocabulary Words where She will arrange them to form words like people in a Marching Band on the Football Field arranging themselves, then you'll be able to addres major world problems like sly politicians and corrupt world leaders who are spreading misinformation. If you know that Earth can read minds of everyone by using the Electromagnetic Field to tap your Eyes and Ears as a Live Feed and your brain as a storage space for your video archives, you will understand how Earth knows who's lying and who's telling the Truth. That's a big deal during this time of Gaslighting and Fake News where you don't know who to trust. If you know Earth knows and is using Mathematical Emojis to communicate in the news, you can get your information directly from Earth. Regardless of whether you are Religious or Atheist, you can have peace of mind knowing that there is a Super Consciousness that is managing society and using a Governing Program that has Algorithms that canvas society. Maybe some of you won't like this theory, but it's better than just believing we're all floating in space with no purpose and that it's all random.
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.

Latest books by This Author

Big Ban Theory: Elementary Essence Applied to Iodine, Sunspot AR2151, Napa Valley Earthquake, Captain America, Easy A, and Magical ME 25th, Volume 53
Series: Big Ban Theory, Book 49. Price: Free! Words: 43,290. Language: English. Published: August 31, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Supernatural, Nonfiction » Entertainment » Entertainment industry
Volume 53 is a continuation of Volume 52. It covers Psychic Manifestations from 8/23 of 2014 to 8/31 of 2014. There’s a section on the Napa Valley Earthquake and Solar Flare AR2151 on 8/24 of 2014. There’s reference to the Washington State Ferry. There’s a news article that links to the character Bryce Lark on “Chuck.” There’s a discussion about a U.S. Military Jet Crash and the Bubonic Plague.
Big Ban Theory: Elementary Essence Applied to Tellurium, Solar Flare AR2149, Road Trip, Mr. Deeds, WALL-E, Ice Age, Adverse Possession, and Magical ME 24th, Volume 52
Series: Big Ban Theory, Book 48. Price: Free! Words: 68,520. Language: English. Published: August 23, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Supernatural, Nonfiction » New Age » Magic
Volume 52 is a continuation of Volume 51. It covers news articles from 8/17 of 2014 to 8/23 of 2014. It talks about Sunspot AR2149 on 8/21 of 2014. It cites the giant crack in Mexico that aligns with the movie “Ice Age.” It also discusses the movies “Road Trip,” “Mr. Deeds,” and “WALL-E.”
Big Ban Theory: Elementary Essence Applied to Antimony and How a White Wedding at the Hunger Games Had a Mocking Jay Nixon and Silent Bob Strike Back at Magical ME 23rd, Volume 51
Series: Big Ban Theory, Book 47. Price: Free! Words: 66,400. Language: English. Published: August 16, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Supernatural, Nonfiction » Music » History & Criticism
Volume 51 is a continuation of Volume 50. It covers news for 8/14 of 2014 to 8/16 of 2014. It does a Psychic Examination of the incident in Ferguson, Missouri using Psychic Forensic Analysis of the data. It also covers the theme of Madonna and the news articles pertaining to God that surfaced. There's also references to Harry Potter and the movie "Crazy, Stupid, Love."
Big Ban Theory: Elementary Essence Applied to Tin, What Dreams May Come, Frozen Shades of Grey, Transformers, Dick Tracy, and Magical ME 22th, Volume 50
Series: Big Ban Theory, Book 46. Price: Free! Words: 50,370. Language: English. Published: August 13, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Supernatural, Nonfiction » New Age » Magic
Volume 50 is a continuation of Volume 49. it cites Psychic Manifestations for 8/13 of 2014. It uses an example of random number generators with SmashWords. It cites the plane crash of a Brazilian candidate. There's an example of "Frozen" an "50 Shades of Grey" submitted as proof that Planet Mars is alive. There's an analysis of the 1990 movie "Dick Tracy."
Big Ban Theory: Elementary Essence Applied to Indium, Robin Williams, Saving Mr. Banks, Dust Devil, Wolverine, Keeping the Faith, and Magical ME 21th, Volume 49
Series: Big Ban Theory, Book 45. Price: Free! Words: 40,740. Language: English. Published: August 11, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Supernatural, Nonfiction » New Age » Fortune telling
Volume 49 is a continuation of Volume 48. It focus on Psychic Manifestations for 8/11 of 2014. There was a Dust Devil that surfaced in McCarren Park. Robin Williams passed away. Pam Dawber was in "My Sister Sam." There's an examination of the song "Keeping the Faith" by Billy Jorel. There's also quick breakdown of Rhode Island and Massachusetts falling into the category of a Holy Land.
Big Ban Theory: Elementary Essence Applied to Cadmium, Year of Hell, Dark Knight Lightning, Hancock, Magical ME 20th, Volume 48
Series: Big Ban Theory, Book 44. Price: Free! Words: 49,590. Language: English. Published: August 10, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Supernatural, Nonfiction » New Age » Aliens & UFOs
Volume 48 is a continuation of Volume 47. It covers news articles of Psychic Significance between 8/6 of 2014 to 8/10 of 2014. It focuses on the 4.5 earthquake that hit Hawaii on 8/7 of 2014 at the same time Hurricanes Iselle and Julio were bearing down on the islands just like in the movie “Hancock.” There’s a section about the Dark Lightning Storm Flash vs. the Dark Knight.
Big Ban Theory: Elementary Essence Applied to Silver, Christopher Columbus, Jar Jar Binx, Lois Lane, Voyager Love Triangles, and Magical ME 19th, Volume 47
Series: Big Ban Theory, Book 43. Price: Free! Words: 54,050. Language: English. Published: August 5, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Spiritualism, Nonfiction » Entertainment » Television
Volume 47 is a continuation of Volume 46. It covers news articles for 8/5 of 2014 of Psychic Significance. It examines Leif Erikson and Christopher Columbus. It takes a look at the name Lois Lane as an Acronym. It also links the character Jar Jar Binx from “Star Wars” to Miranda Kerr regarding the Kerr Mason Jar.
Big Ban Theory: Elementary Essence Applied to Palladium, Calling All Angels, Catch Me If You Can, Gladiator, and Magical ME 17th & 18th, Volume 46
Series: Big Ban Theory, Book 42. Price: Free! Words: 35,670. Language: English. Published: August 4, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Supernatural, Nonfiction » Entertainment » Entertainment industry
Volume 46 is a continuation of Volume 45. It covers articles for 8/4 of 2014. It cites Psychic Manifestations like the Acela 2253 Amtrak Train that left without its passengers aligning with the previous volume about the songs by music group Train. There's news of Brandy talking about her car crash on 12/30 of 2014 aligning with the calendar date 12/30 discussed in the last couple volumes.
Big Ban Theory: Elementary Essence Applied to Rhodium, Training People in Drops of Jupiter with Soul Sisters Who Meet Virginia, and Magical ME 13th, 14th, 15th, & 16th, Volume 45
Series: Big Ban Theory, Book 41. Price: Free! Words: 42,030. Language: English. Published: August 3, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Fortune telling, Nonfiction » Entertainment » History & Criticism
Volume 45 is a continuation of Volume 44. It covers news for 8/3 of 2014 that is of Psychic Significance. It examines the 2013 movie "Internship" that talks about "Flashdance." There are some news articles that surfaced that day that can indirectly prove that this movie was pushing through the Psychic Field and manifesting number tags and symbols.
Big Ban Theory: Elementary Essence Applied to Ruthenium, Man of Steel vs. the Man of Steal, Sierra Nevada Fault Line, Linguistic Binary Code, and Magical ME 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, Volume 44
Series: Big Ban Theory, Book 40. Price: Free! Words: 47,030. Language: English. Published: August 2, 2014 . Categories: Nonfiction » New Age » Witchcraft & wicca, Nonfiction » New Age » Fortune telling
Volume 44 is a continuation of Volume 43. It covers news articles of Psychic Significance on 8/2 of 2014. It cites the story of Tiger Woods and Adult Star Joslyn James from a mathematical perspective. It talks about the Sierra Nevada Fault Line. There's a discussion about the Linguistic Binary Code. It also does an examination of the homonyms with Man of Steel vs. the Man of Steal.
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