Alex Goetchius


I never wanted kids. I liked my life just fine without them. I knew once kids appeared, my life would change forever, and I just couldn't risk that the change might be for the worse. I needed to know that I could still play music until the sun came up, and travel to Europe at the drop of a hat. But damn if those weren't the two things that disappeared first, after my kids were born.
Let me set the record straight and say it's not that I didn't like kids, it's just that I liked them no better than cats or dogs or gold fish, and I wasn't in any hurry to raise any of those either. Besides I was still trying hard to forget my own childhood, which is funny because as much as I try to forget, at the same time I'm trying to remember as much of it as I can, so I can write it down.
For decades I've tried to forget that I was a fat kid with a bad crew cut and dirty wrinkled clothes that didn't fit either my body or any recent fashion trend. I was easy prey for the popular kids who ate my lunch and pushed my face in mud. So looking through hungry mud-caked eyes, to me children were these beautifully angelic little creatures that everyone loved, who would do horribly wicked things to the short, fat and ugly.
All these things probably skewed my perception of kids, but then a funny thing happened on the way to becoming a dad, I accidentally fell in love with my kids.

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Smashwords book reviews by Alex Goetchius

  • Catcher McCall ... Outsider on Aug. 04, 2012

    You have the bravado of Harold Robbins and the instincts of Hemingway but with a meaner edge. Your Catcher McCall series is brilliant; insightful with a unique perspective of what's really going on. Thanks for sharing them.