Annette Angel


Annette Angel writes in order to make people forget their worries and learn a few things about themselves along the way. She has very serious books, under a different name, that have great reviews and accolades but she wanted to do something totally uplifting, something you would get lost in and not want to put down. She knows how harsh life can be and wanted to help you escape because, at the end of the day, laughter truly is the best medicine. Annette Angel lived all around the world and spent nearly half her life in Europe, went to a metaphysical school like Harry Potters in England for almost 15 years, and also went to grad school in London where she studied ancient literature. She tries to bring both elements to her work now since the inside knowledge should be shared for all to partake, not just kept to a select chosen few. In her Trilogy “Finding Wings” there will be loads of secret information to help make your life easier. Egyptian hieroglyphics can be read on three levels depending upon your sum of study at the ancient mystery schools, so when you read these books, it’s all there too if you want to go deeper.

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