Bob Bray


Bob has been in Saskatchewan for the last forty years, the first fifteen years as a police officer while attending university and obtaining a degree in Adult Education with an emphasis on sociology. After leaving the force, he attended school full time to complete his degree and worked as a teaching assistant and a race relations consultant/trainer. The last twenty four years were spent working in the business world learning and then building a business which covered four cities with one hundred sixty employees. The business consisted of janitorial and security guards contracts with more than four million a year in revenue. During this time he lost another son to respiratory failure. This son had challenges most of his life. This event eventually cost him his second marriage as he became involved with addictions again.

The incredible thing Bob learned working with janitorial and security guard staff is that people no matter where they are in their life whether working for a low paying job or not is that most people respond well if you treat them the same way you want to be treated, with some respect.

Bob also worked with kids in the cadet program and several youth groups over the course of almost thirty years and again would say that kids respond like adults, treat them well and they respond well, treat them and task them like adults and most will respond well. During these times, he learned an incredible amount about ADD/ADHD and how kids respond to training, how they may be medicated and how much of their problems come from diets, improper meds and enabling parents.

Prior to living in Saskatchewan, Bob had been in the infantry for about four years and had been recommended for officer training and was on an accelerated promotion list. He had left the military to take up policing but just prior to leaving he had lost a son to a crib death while on exercise. This was a serious setback and led to some serious drinking and signs of PTSD but we didn’t have PTSD back then. This first marriage eventually failed.

Bob attended a clinic in the states operated by Daniel Amen and was diagnosed with ADD and began a treatment program consisting of diet, exercise, supplements and also needed counseling. The reasoning was yet another relationship was in imminent danger of failing. Bob had figured out he was the problem after this many relationship failures. Psychological counseling was leaving him bitter after continual rehashing of old wounds and finding many other ones which were also buried very deep from childhood. The good thing was he got involved with AA and learned much about addiction, ADD and Neuro Linguistic Programming.

He became friends with George Bissett and George helped him find ways to overcome those painful memories and his addictive behavior. These two began working together and they figured out that certain types of people were prone to problems such as addiction, stress related problems including PTSD and could be treated successfully by teaching people how to overcome painful memories and then how to cope with the stress in their lives.

Bob shares with you the experience of how you can change your life to overcome any obstacles. While working in the area of race relations Bob figured out the best way to work out problems between different peoples was to ask them what the problem was and how they could solve it. This policeman could be found facilitating workshops throughout Saskatchewan especially on Indian Reserves and he was believed to be a white guy. He later learned he is descended from Iroquois people with some Plains Cree added and then white.

Currently Bob works as a life coach and treats people with PTSD including sexual assault, addictions, ADD/ADHD and just about any type of stress related problem. His ability to help people in coping, managing and dealing with these problems is very successful. Bob is enrolled in University of Southern California in a Masters of Social Work Program. He jogs, scuba dives, sails, skiis and still works with kids, pretty good for a sixty eight year old.

Smashwords Interview

What motivated you to become an indie author?
I had no idea, I was capable of writing a book but my business partner suggested I had a valuable story to tell about my experience with PTSD. I began to put my story to words and how I began my my story and involvement with life and how because of my upbringing I was susceptible to PTSD. I recently rewrote my book and included illustrations through a characterization of myself to try and better explain my actions.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
While I was writing my story, I was better able to better understand myself and how I might use my story to help others through reading it and use it in my life coaching practice. I believe if I can articulate myself thoroughly, I can provide a better understanding to others. This did take some doing to do this story.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Bob Bray online


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