Ian Ash

Smashwords Interview

When did you first start writing?
I first started writing music at 12 years old. I offered sheets of paper with scribble to friends and their bands to use or edit into their own masterpiece. I realised that my writing talents are available to serve others which led me to begin several years of writing poetry.
It came to a point; I needed to make a decision for what to do with my life. I knew that becoming an author was my destiny and have followed my soul and passion to this very day.
What's the story behind your latest book?
A young girl approached me with a detailed plan on how to help people. She suggested that I publish this in an E-book format and distribute to as many people as I could. Seeing her passion and hearing her story of overcoming obesity and the restrictions she put upon herself inspired me to help her. She was granted her dream, I helped her write and publish the Weight Loss System.
Read more of this interview.


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