
Smashwords book reviews by CVasquez50

  • Endangered Species: A Sleeping Dogs Thriller on Jan. 31, 2016

    "Endangered Species” by John Wayne Falbey was absolutely captivating---and horrifying… and fun. There is intense action and some pretty descriptive graphic scenes, nothing gratuitous though and it all works for the plot. Great characterization and some of the best writing I’ve seen in a long time. This is truly one of those rare Indies that I feel belong in the Bookstores with the big guys. A suspenseful thriller that thought-provoking, haunting, and is not soon forgotten. Highly, highly recommend and I’m happy to see that Falbey is such a prolific author – will be reading more of his books when I get the chance.
  • Friend & Foe on April 06, 2016

    I read this book and found myself completely transported to the story, completely forgetting where I was. A modern day novel with more tangents and sub plots than many others I’ve read, with a large cast of characters each of whom have their own stories to tell and conflicts to overcome. Never read something from this POV before and I found it to be really enlightening. Way too much to delve into here, but Nik Olsen’s skill with story, complex and enduring family ties, and passion—will captivate readers looking for the next big thing. There is much discussion on ‘hot-button’ issues that may leave some readers divided, but I thought the author did a wonderful job of keeping things in perspective.
  • Not Black and White: From The Very Windy City to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on June 29, 2016

    4.5 stars "Not Black and White” is a hard-hitting, evocative look at ‘real-life’ politics and Chicago-style corruption at its finest. G.A. Beller has the ability to keep the reader totally engaged throughout the entire story, and that is no small feat considering the various of multi layered plotlines, diverse set of characters that come and go, and wildly fluctuating scenery and events and time periods... You want to keep reading it but at the same time you have to stop to think about it all and let it sink in as it is intense in the subject matter at certain points, and heartwarming and charming at other times. The ending is nice and although not exactly what we hope would await each of the characters, it works well for the story. I’d love to read more from Mr. Beller someday. Great characters… great writing… great storylines. Fantastic!