Melvin Droubay


M. d'Roubaix is the family name and pen name for Dr. Melvin Droubay, a Professional Geographer. Dr. Droubay has lived in and worked with Latin America for over 40 years, starting in Argentina in the 1960's. He now lives in Costa Rica. He has taught at Universities in Oregon, Texas, Florida and Guatemala, has been a Consultant to the World Bank, the Government of Guatemala, and a Contractor to the U.S. Agency for International Development. He has also been a U.S. Foreign Service Reserve Officer serving in Guatemala. Most recently, he has worked as a researcher and consultant to various firms fighting environment pollution by multi-national corporations.
The Movin' Money series recounts some of his personal experiences during the 1980's War on Communism which was a central portion of the Reagan Presidency. The series is written in Documentary Fiction form. Based on now public documents as well as extensive documentation from investigations, trials, internal audits of U.S. Government agencies, as well as extensive news reports from the period, the background is factual, with names, events and places undisguised. The principal characters are fictional, amalamations of real people Dr. Droubay has known personally, some living, most dead. The documents to back up his story are listed in the free book, Movin' Money = The Documents.


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