Dialogues in Self Discovery LLC

Publisher info

Dialogues in Self Discovery LLC (DSD) is a New Jersey limited liability company. Activities include consultation and training in, as well as promotion of The Option Method. Through its licensing agreement with the estate of Bruce Di Marsico, DSD has full access to all of his materials for this purpose. In addition, DSD has the right to license the use of this material to others.

Through its publishing arm, DSD publishes works related to The Option Method.

Dialogues in Self Discovery Center for The Option Method is dedicated to the work of Bruce M. Di Marsico, who taught that every one of us can be free from unhappiness if we understand our role and choice in its creation. He developed The Option Method as a simple and effective technique that goes to the heart of the true cause of unhappiness: our own personal belief system.

The Option Method is a personal growth and development tool that you can learn and use in your life to help yourself and others take the mystery out of unhappiness, appreciate the cause and effect of beliefs, feelings and behavior, and understand what it means to choose your emotions. As a result, you can achieve your vision of happiness, embrace your goals, dreams and desires, and live joyfully and fearlessly.