ALVIS International Editions

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ALVIS International Editions.
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Le Aspettative dei Genitori - Adolescenza e Relazione Genitoriale
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 1,550. Language: Italian. Published: June 26, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Relationships & Family » Family relationships, Nonfiction » Psychology » Adolescent psychology
L’adolescenza è l’età dei grandi cambiamenti, una età in sé a rischio di disagio: essa comporta la scoperta e la strutturazione consapevole di sé, delle relazioni sociali e dell’autonomia. Questo breve testo intende focalizzare, seppur in modo conciso, alcuni aspetti vitali della relazione evidenziando i fattori di rischio insiti nella proiezione delle aspettative genitoriali.
Problems of Communication - Assistive Technology for Education
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 3,000. Language: English. Published: June 25, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Careers in education, Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Computers & technology
When we cannot communicate our thoughts, we cannot ask for what we need to know when we cannot talk to us in a state of isolation and frustration. This is the condition in which there are many students as a result of severe pathologies.
I Problemi di Comunicazione - Ausili per la Didattica
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 2,910. Language: Italian. Published: June 25, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Careers in education, Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Collaborative & team teaching
Quando non possiamo comunicare i nostri pensieri, non possiamo domandare ciò che ci serve sapere, quando non possiamo conversare siamo in una condizione di isolamento e frustrazione. Questa è la condizione in cui si trovano molti studenti in conseguenza di patologie severe. Oggi disponiamo di diversi strumenti di Ausilio, ma occorre gestirne correttamente l'impatto psico-fisico.
Schizophrenic Spectrum Disorders
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 12,000. Language: English. Published: June 25, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Mental health, Nonfiction » Psychology » Psychopathology / schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is one of the most serious and common Psychotic Disorders, its name derives from the greek meaning "split mind", indeed, not entirely appropriate. The manifestations of schizophrenia in major cognitive functions such as emotions and behavior of the person. Most schizophrenics suffer from a chronic or episodic in throughout his life, and is often stigmatized by lack of attention.
I Disturbi dello Spettro Schizofrenico
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 12,720. Language: Italian. Published: June 25, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Mental health, Nonfiction » Psychology » Psychopathology / schizophrenia
La Schizofrenia è uno dei più gravi e comuni Disturbi Psicotici; il suo nome deriva dal greco con il significato di "mente divisa", invero, non del tutto appropriato. Le manifestazioni della Schizofrenia interessano le principali funzioni cognitive così come le emozioni ed il comportamento della persona. Nello Spettro vi è una molteplicità di disturbi simili alla Schizofrenia, spesso ignorati.
Signal & Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 3,210. Language: English. Published: June 25, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Mental health, Nonfiction » Psychology » Psychopathology / schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder distressing that is spreading like wildfire in our society increasingly hit by a global crisis of authentic values of the report.Understanding the presence of early signs of the disorder is crucial because if not treated early and properly can be devastating in all vital sectors of the person.
I Sintomi della Schizofrenia
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 3,370. Language: Italian. Published: June 25, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Mental health, Nonfiction » Psychology » Psychopathology / schizophrenia
La Schizofrenia è un disturbo psicotico angosciante che si sta diffondendo a macchia d’olio nella nostra società sempre più investita da una crisi globale dei valori autentici della relazione.Comprendere la presenza dei primi segnali del disturbo è di fondamentale importanza perché se non trattato adeguatamente può avere effetti devastanti in tutti i settori vitali della persona.
Why You Become Schizophrenic?
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 2,440. Language: English. Published: June 25, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Mental health, Nonfiction » Psychology » Psychopathology / schizophrenia
There are several hypotheses to explain the causes of schizophrenia, although it is not useful to search for a strict and unambiguous cause-effect relationships. The knowledge of the causes that determine the onset or favor the evolution of a disease as devastating as schizophrenia, can be quite helpful to reformulate their lifestyle and relationship dynamics.
Come si diventa Schizofrenici?
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 2,560. Language: Italian. Published: June 25, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Mental health, Nonfiction » Psychology » Psychopathology / schizophrenia
Esistono diverse ipotesi per spiegare le cause della schizofrenia. La conoscenza delle cause che determinano l’insorgenza o favoriscono l’evoluzione di un disturbo così devastante come la schizofrenia, può aiutare non poco a rimodulare il proprio stile di vita e le dinamiche relazionali.
Anorexia & Bulimia
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 16,270. Language: English. Published: June 23, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Eating disorders, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Eating Disorders
Anorexia and bulimia are disorders common in industrialized countries. Are absent or very rare in poor countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. These diseases are linked to specific conflicts of values and Western culture, related in particular to the construction of female identity and the role of women in society and family.
I Disturbi della Memoria
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 6,960. Language: Italian. Published: June 22, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » healthy living, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Personal Growth / Memory Improvement
Da sempre la memoria è stata oggetto di studio sia da parte di ricercatori scientifici che da parte di filosofi. Molti di loro sono stati irresistibilmente attratti dall’idea che la memoria renda in qualche modo possibile l’unitarietà dell’esistenza umana. Platone affermò che “conoscere è ricordare”, poiché la catena della memoria è la trama che consente l’identità e l’unità.
Disorders of Memory
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 6,740. Language: English. Published: June 22, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Psychology » Mental health, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Personal Growth / Memory Improvement
There would be no identity if memory building of a sphere of which are recognized as belonging to "their" actions, feelings, thoughts and feelings. But we know that there are many conditions that affect heavily the memory of that suffering, and we can only guess the inner drama of those who have forgotten their past.
Disorders of Memory in Aging
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 6,510. Language: English. Published: June 22, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Stress Management
The disturbance of memory that accompanies aging is undoubtedly the neuro-psychological deficits most widespread and popular. A growing number of people living with anxiety the perception of the decline of their cognitive performance, complains sudden lapses of memory, a feeling of inadequacy with respect to a world where it is enormously increased the amount of information provided to us.
I Disturbi della Memoria in Età Senile
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 6,680. Language: Italian. Published: June 22, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Personal Growth / Memory Improvement
Il disturbo della memoria che accompagna l’invecchiamento è senza dubbio il deficit neuro-psicologico più noto e diffuso. Un numero sempre maggiore di persone vive con angoscia la percezione del calo del proprio rendimento cognitivo, lamenta improvvisi vuoti di memoria, prova un senso di inadeguatezza nei confronti del mondo.
Parkinson's Disease
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 9,080. Language: English. Published: June 22, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Aging well, Nonfiction » Psychology » Psychological disorders
Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system responsible for control of movement, balance and gait that strikes the ball physical, psychological and social undermining the individual's functional abilities. It is a syndrome characterized by variable association of resting tremor, rigidity and bradykinesia, with characteristic alteration in gait and posture.
La Malattia di Parkinson
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 9,330. Language: Italian. Published: June 22, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Mental health, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Healthy aging
La Malattia di Parkinson è una patologia degenerativa del sistema nervoso centrale preposto al controllo dei movimenti, dell’equilibrio e della deambulazione che colpisce la sfera fisica, psicologica e sociale dell’individuo compromettendo le sue capacità funzionali.
Le Amnesie - I Buchi Neri della Memoria
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 9,720. Language: Italian. Published: June 21, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Diseases, Nonfiction » Psychology » Mental health
Tutti andiamo soggetti a temporanee amnesie, specialmente se siamo in condizioni di stress emotivo. Si tratta di minuscoli episodi dipendenti dall'enorme quantità di informazioni contenute nel nostro cervello. È la memoria a breve termine a tradirci quando si dimentica il numero del telefono appena letto nella rubrica, o quando non si trovano le chiavi o non si riesce a ricordare un nome.
L'Alzheimer - Spiegato in Breve
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 1,520. Language: Italian. Published: June 21, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Diseases / Alzheimer’s & dementia, Nonfiction » Psychology » Mental health
La demenza di Alzheimer è una malattia neurodegenerativa, progressiva ed irreversibile, che colpisce il Sistema Nervoso Centrale. E’ la più comune causa di demenza con una percentuale clinica di circa l’80-85%. Si caratterizza per una estesa atrofia cerebrale e per la presenza di lesioni tipiche: placche senili e grovigli neuro-fibrillari.
Miracle of Memory
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 13,350. Language: English. Published: June 21, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » healthy living, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Personal Growth / Memory Improvement
Memory is the ability to retain and recall past experiences. It is memory that allows the continuity of the inner life, by surviving the past: without memory we would have only the perception of this. The memory then is not only a specific function to be educated with the exercise, but also a general condition of the whole structure of the human psychic.
Il Prodigio della Memoria
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 13,490. Language: Italian. Published: June 21, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Psychology » Mental health, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Personal Growth / Memory Improvement
La memoria è la capacità di conservare e ricordare le precedenti esperienze. È la memoria che permette la continuità della vita interiore, facendo sopravvivere il passato: senza memoria avremmo solo la percezione del presente. La memoria quindi non è solo una funzione specifica da educare con l'esercizio, ma anche una condizione generale di tutta la struttura psichica dell'essere umano.
The Obsessions
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 4,770. Language: English. Published: June 21, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Mental health, Nonfiction » Psychology » Psychological disorders
The term obsession, in common parlance, means a thought that comes to mind with a certain insistence. Although it is normal that in certain conditions, marked by real difficulties, thinking back with a certain insistence on the particular problem that torments us, obsessions are different from normal concerns for their content and devoid of factual basis for the frequent recurrence.
Le Ossessioni
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 4,980. Language: Italian. Published: June 21, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Anxieties & Phobias, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Mental health
Pur essendo normale che in certe condizioni, contrassegnate da effettive difficoltà, il pensiero torni con una certa insistenza su un particolare problema che ci assilla, le ossessioni si differenziano, dalle normali preoccupazioni per il loro contenuto svuotato di fondamento concreto e per la frequente ricorrenza.
Shopping Mania
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 14,230. Language: English. Published: June 19, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Beauty & fashion, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Addiction & recovery
Besides the traditional shopping done in stores, are now offered to the public of revolutionary forms to shop: online shopping, online auctions, sales through TV channels, as telephone and so on. Experts who have studied the phenomenon talk about a new form of disease, an "addiction without medium" or even "an addiction without drugs.
Phobias - Study and Cure
Price: $6.99 USD. Words: 31,380. Language: English. Published: June 19, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Anger management, Nonfiction » Psychology » Psychological disorders
The phobia is an extreme fear, irrational and disproportionate to objects, situations or activities that do not in themselves represent a real threat and to which most people compare it without difficulty. Sufferers, in fact, is overwhelmed by the dread of coming in contact with their phobic object or face the prospect of doing something that leaves indifferent most people.
Love Pain - Analysis and Remedies
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 19,180. Language: English. Published: June 19, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » healthy living, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Addiction & recovery
It's not easy to admit self-responsibility in building a "love sick", that kind of love that some people can lead to devastating effects beyond the control of the conscious realm. The pain of love is the drama of passion that becomes pain. And 'the overwhelming desire of the constant presence of the beloved. And 'the desire to possess and to be satisfied on the other.
Sleep Disorders - Review & Rimedies
Price: $7.99 USD. Words: 21,120. Language: English. Published: June 18, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Sleep & sleep disorders, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Anxieties & Phobias
Sleep is an important part of health that no amount of healthy food and exercise can counteract the negative effects of poor sleep. The researchers have linked poor sleep to a number of health disorders, including, for example, loss of long-term memory, behavior problems, weight gain and diabetes. Lack of sleep can have a negative impact also causing serious illnesses.
Anorexia - Analysis and Cure
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 8,340. Language: English. Published: June 18, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Eating disorders, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Eating Disorders
Anorexia literally means "without appetite", but the discomfort is actually something far more serious than a simple loss of appetite and worrying as it can degenerate into a real repulsion obsessive about food, in severe cases can produce a state danger of malnutrition and even death.
Bulimia - Analysis and Cure
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 6,150. Language: English. Published: June 18, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Eating disorders, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Eating Disorders
Bulimia is an eating disorder, the term "bulimia" is derived from the greek meaning bous "ox" and limos "hunger" and literally means "ox hunger". It is a disease only apparently opposite to anorexia, with which in fact has many similarities. Bulimia consists essentially in an uncontrollable need to ingest large quantities of food that, though, you try to neutralize through opposite behavior.
Therapy of Mind
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 13,400. Language: English. Published: June 18, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Diseases / nervous system (incl. brain), Nonfiction » Psychology » Psychotherapy / general
Psychotherapy is a part of psychology that deals with the treatment of disorders of the mind. Are in fact many people who suffer from a psychological disorder, and in particular of some form of neurosis. The neuroses are problems of low and medium severity that do not match the organic, or that are not caused by brain damage or other visible causes.
Mood Disorders
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 22,510. Language: English. Published: June 18, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Psychology » Psychological disorders, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Mood Disorders
The Mood Disorders are characterized discontinuous mood of the person, which is the main psychological trait. Who is afflicted with one of these disorders usually shows a subdued mood or too high on a period of time or longer. The trend in mood can also be characterized by alternating periods under tone at moments in which it is instead extremely high.
Psychology of Suicide - Advanced Analysis
Price: $7.99 USD. Words: 17,390. Language: English. Published: June 18, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Psychology » Suicide, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Depression
Suicide is a very complex phenomenon that has psychosocial implications, still largely unexplored, but which kills more victims of armed conflicts every year, unfortunately, still occur. In this text we will investigate the various joints, the most obvious to the most recondite of this distressing phenomenon, focusing on the crucial points of the psychological dynamic.
Binge Eating Disorder
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 7,180. Language: English. Published: June 18, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Beauty & fashion, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Eating Disorders
The binge eating disorder is a recent acquisition of diagnostic definition that describes a clinical eating behavior of bulimic type, characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating and repeated throughout the day and associated with the feeling of losing control of the act of eating. This disorder can lead to the assumption of high amounts of food and consequent increase in weight.
Win Anxiety - In Three Steps
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 3,400. Language: English. Published: June 18, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Psychology » Anxiety, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Anxieties & Phobias
The 'Anxiety disorder is a characteristic of our time, especially in Western societies, which feed on stress and hectic pace of production at the expense of thought and reflection. Anxiety is not just noise, but can represent a way for an individual to be detrimental and relate to everyday reality to the detriment of the quality of life.
Panic Attacks
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 33,010. Language: English. Published: June 18, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Anxieties & Phobias, Nonfiction » Psychology » Anxiety
The panic attacks is presented with an intense feeling of fear which occurs suddenly not necessarily caused by exposure to a situation of anxiety, sudden onset and more often within a few minutes to intensify some symptoms typical of an anxiety attack, such as difficulty breathing, tremors, sweating, tachycardia, which lead the subject to believe they are dying or going crazy.
Stress Disorders
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 19,350. Language: English. Published: June 18, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Mental health, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Stress Management
For many people tress has become a chronic condition that can undermine the psychological well-being, sexual and physical health. In other words, stress is experienced, increasingly, as an inevitable part of everyday life are undervalued and its deleterious effects on the psyche and body. Fortunately, you can do much to reduce stress to acceptable levels with great benefit to our wellbeing.
Praise of Solitude
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 15,900. Language: English. Published: June 18, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Abuse, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » healthy living
Loneliness is not an episodic experience, but deeply characterizes the human mind: it deeply affects all agreements and emotional tones, accompanies us throughout life, paving the way of inner development. The real loneliness, when you loved, you can reach the greatest pleasures.
Phronesys - Aporetic Fragments
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 2,460. Language: English. Published: June 15, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Philosophy » Contemporary philosophy, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Ethics & moral philosophy
Phronesys is a compilation of notes, aphorisms and reflections of a philosophical nature. In Phronesy intentionality of thought goes out of his theoretical matrix for eventuation, claiming its operative way, in the practical sphere. Here the Aporia is produced by the ambivalence of ethical and moral reflection that accompanies the dispersion of being in the existing streams.
Phronesys - Frammenti Aporetici
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 2,490. Language: Italian. Published: June 15, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Philosophy » Contemporary philosophy, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Ethics & moral philosophy
Phronesys è una silloge di note, aforismi e riflessioni di carattere filosofico. Nella Phronesi l’intenzionalità del pensiero esce fuori dalla sua matrice teoretica per eventuarsi, reclamando la sua attitudine operativa, nell’ambito della sfera pratica. Qui l’aporia è data dall’ambivalenza del riflesso etico-morale che accompagna la dispersione dell’essere nei rivoli dell’ente.
Breve Storia della Schizofrenia
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 5,050. Language: Italian. Published: June 10, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Psychology » History, Nonfiction » Psychology » Psychopathology / schizophrenia
Esistono diverse ipotesi, formulate nel corso della storia della psicopatologia, per spiegare la schizofrenia. Originariamente la schizofrenia aveva il nome di dementia precox, cioè era inquadrata come una malattia a evoluzione demenziale, a esordio giovanile con sintomi psicotici dominanti. Il termine demenza precoce fu usato da Kraepelin per indicare lo stato che seguiva alla malattia mentale.
Brief History of Schizophrenia
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 3,100. Language: English. Published: June 10, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Psychology » History, Nonfiction » Psychology » Psychopathology / schizophrenia
The term Dementia Praecox by Kraepelin was used to describe the state of dementia that followed immediately after detecting the character of the disease prognosis. This definition was the product of the observation of symptoms that included hallucinations, delusions, incongruous emotions, attention deficit disorder, negativism, stereotypies and progressive deterioration.
Hybris - Aporetic Fragments
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 3,820. Language: English. Published: June 10, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Philosophy » Contemporary philosophy, Nonfiction » Philosophy » European philosophy
Hybris is a sylloge of reflections that invests some central nodes of philosophical thought. The power of rational inquiry in an attempt to break the barrier ontological, to invade the domain of metaphysics, leaving behind a jumble of fragments aporetic, often hidden, because logically refractory and non-edible.
Hybris - Frammenti Aporetici
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 3,770. Language: Italian. Published: June 10, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Philosophy » Contemporary philosophy, Nonfiction » Philosophy » Free will & determinism
Hybris è una silloge di riflessioni che investe alcuni nodi centrali del pensiero filosofico moderno. La tensione dell'indagine razionale nel tentativo di infrangere la barriera ontologica, per invadere il campo della metafisica, lascia dietro di se una congerie di frammenti aporetici, molto spesso occultati, perché logicamente refrattari e non commestibili.
Come Sviluppare la Memoria - Sistemi Avanzati
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 5,320. Language: Italian. Published: June 9, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Personal Growth / Memory Improvement, Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Diseases / Alzheimer’s & dementia
La memoria è un meccanismo di registrazione, archiviazione e classificazione dell'informazione che rende possibile il suo ricupero posteriore. Il miglioramento di questa abilità intellettuale è un fattore di fondamentale importanza. Questo testo si propone di fornire in modo semplice, chiaro e conciso alcune tecniche avanzate e di collaudata efficacia per favorire la memoria.
I Segreti della Relazione
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 3,560. Language: Italian. Published: June 9, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Confidence & self-esteem, Nonfiction » Relationships & Family » Friendship
Intervenire sulla capacità umana di interagire significa migliorare concretamente la qualità della vita. La relazione non è solo il luogo in cui due o più persone s’incontrano ed entrano in contatto ma è anche il cantiere nel quale prende forma la concezione di sé. Il valore dell’essere una persona completamente compresa, accettata e amata nelle relazioni è inestimabile.
The Secrets of Positive Relationship
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 3,500. Language: English. Published: June 9, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Personal Growth / Success, Nonfiction » Business & Economics » Skills
Acting on the human ability to interact effectively means improving the quality of life. The relationship is not only the place where two or more people meet and come into contact, but is also the site takes shape in which the conception of himself. The present study of the human relationship is characterized by a marked operation: with an effort content results are obtained evident.
Come Vincere i Conflitti - Cambiare per Crescere
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 8,580. Language: Italian. Published: June 9, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Personal Growth / Success, Nonfiction » Business & Economics » Public relations
Per gestire un conflitto occorre per prima cosa riconoscerlo, cioè saperlo cogliere in modo rapido e chiaro. Il Conflitto è uno stato della Relazione caratterizzato dalla presenza di un Problema cui si associa un Disagio. Quando le nostre relazioni non funzionano come vorremmo, sentiamo un forte senso di disagio, che può tradursi in ostilità e rabbia verso gli altri, con effetti deprimenti.
Problemi di Coppia - Capirli e Risolverli
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 7,290. Language: Italian. Published: June 8, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Relationships & Family » Dysfunctional relationships, Nonfiction » Psychology » Interpersonal relations
Quando ci troviamo in presenza di un problema relazionale, non sempre c'è qualcosa che non va nell'individuo. Gli individui possono stare bene, ma è la relazione ad ammalarsi. Ognuno dei due può essere in grado di condurre una vita soddisfacente ed equilibrata in altre situazioni, eppure non riuscire più a intendersi con l'altro. È tipico in questi casi far carico all'altro di tutte le colpe.
Problem Solving - Come Risolvere Ogni Problema
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 2,640. Language: Italian. Published: June 8, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Personal Growth / Success, Nonfiction » Psychology » Applied psychology
il Problem Solving viene insegnato e applicato con successo in vari ambiti, ad esempio, in azienda e nel counseling come metodo di lavoro per migliorare la capacità di risolvere i problemi. Anche se gli strumenti di Problem Solving si differenziano a seconda delle diverse aree di applicazione, i principi di base rimangono gli stessi.
Problem Solving - How to Solve All Problems
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 2,590. Language: English. Published: June 8, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Personal Growth / Success, Nonfiction » Psychology » Mental health
Problem solving is taught and applied successfully in various fields, for example, in the company and in counseling as a method of work to improve the ability to solve problems. Although the tools of problem solving differ according to different application areas, the basic principles remain the same.
"Odd" - Tipi Strani & Bizzarri
Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 5,020. Language: Italian. Published: June 8, 2012 by ALVIS International Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Psychology » Personality, Nonfiction » Psychology » Interpersonal relations
Nello Spettro dei disturbi schizofrenici sono descritte personalità paranoidi, schizotipiche e schizoidi che non necessariamente evolveranno in schizofrenia, ma che rappresentano una versione attenuata della schizofrenia. Queste personalità sono indicate nel gergo come “odd”, cioè “strane, bizzarre”, nel senso di alienate, socialmente distaccate e non incentrate su valori condivisi.
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