Dick Thomas

Dick Thomas' favorite authors on Smashwords

Michael Jenkins
Latest book: Man-Child.
Published March 1, 2014. (5.00 from 1 review)

Smashwords book reviews by Dick Thomas

  • Man-Child on July 16, 2014

    WHY THE HELL IS THIS FREE??? This Michael Jenkins character? He can write. Why, I downloaded his book and within just a couple of minutes I was laughing out loud to such gems as “Mmmm! Sweaty! That’s the handshake of a real go-getter! I love it! Love it!!” and “Um,” she said, “because Phil Collins fuckin’ rocks!” Seriously. Look at this guy's book. It can't hurt. IT'S EFFIN' FREE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! If you don't like it, you haven't lost anything but a few 1's and 0's on your hard drive, and I PROMISE....you can get those back.