DC Vermillion


DC Vogelsong lives in the American midwest. Between work and family he has been writing for fun and enjoyment for years and is just now starting to publish under this pen name.

Smashwords Interview

What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
My family
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
Working, Loving, reading, and writing. I work out my frustrations at work. I work out my frustrations through love (yes, it can get rough), I work out my frustrations through escaping into a novel. and I work them out through my writing. In truth I love all four and have no real frustrations, I've been blessed in this. Good job, wonderful spouce and famiy, wonderful books at my finger tips. and I love to write. I want to give back the joy I've recieved in reading, to others. So when I feel a need for frustrations, I'll stub a toe or something, maybe. Not saying I like pain, well maybe I am. so I recall childhood, or look at how I wish the world was, then enjoy relieving those frustrations by the afore mentioned ways.
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