Ian Hiatt


Ian Hiatt is the crazy guy who lives on your block. You know the one that all the neighborhood kids point at and whisper about. He’s cleverly hidden himself by marrying an incredibly tolerant woman and finding himself an adorable dog. This is the best disguise for living in New England. The villagers have not yet run him out of his castle.

When he’s not scrawling delusional words about mythical-filled cities or dinosaurs, he’s busy tapping out code for websites and software. If he’s kept away from writing implements, he treks aimlessly through forest hiking trails, across abandoned beaches, and wandering the shelves of bookstores. These three things don’t overlap except for that one time, and that was a really weird day.

Where to find Ian Hiatt online

Website: http://www.ianhiatt.com/
Twitter: @ihiatt
Facebook: Facebook profile


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