Jan2017 Wuest

Smashwords book reviews by Jan2017 Wuest

  • Ten Little Monsters Standing in a Line on March 05, 2017
    (no rating)
    Reviewed by Janice Wuest 10 Little Monsters Standing in Line was a delightful book to read. When I first saw the book cover it pulled me into wanting to read the story. I feel the author intent was to portray the monsters as something that are not scary and at the same time had a teaching impact for kids on how to count. I especially thought the Illustrations were just fantastic! I found that each one of them shown that the monsters did not look scary but instead they leaned towards the standard human faces. Also, there was a hidden life lesson embedded into this story when a monster left the group because no one noticed was a particular topic that a parent to relate to a kid for a discussion about not always fitting in a group and that it is okay not to always fit in. Different monsters had different problems (like one going to hospital or having to do chores); this is another teaching tool for parents. I predict this will be a very good bedtime story book for parents to enjoy reading to kids along with opening up discussions on topics that will come up later in life. Also, I believe adults can relate to the monsters in their lives now as people they work with or have dealing with. I believe the author has created a book that will be assured to be a hit for children and adults that will be around for a long time.