
Smashwords book reviews by Lamiousthesplendor

  • How Gods Bleed on Nov. 07, 2011

    This is perhaps the most original werewolf story ever written. It certainly is the most original one that I have ever read. It really is amazing to think that someone could actually tell an original story involving the werewolf, considering just how many millions of stories have been written about them. Don't let the fact that this book is free make you think that it must be rubbish, because it is the best e-book I have ever read, free or otherwise. From page one the story starts at a fast action pace, drawing the reader into this brilliant story from the very first moment. The cast of characters of How Gods Bleed are superbly interesting from Cada Varl the Immortal, the warrior who lost his humanity and was the cause for the werewolves, to Granzool, the human king so dark and brutal that even werewolves fear him. The world that this story is told in, is vast, rich and interesting, the werewolves are far more than mere monsters, they have their own rich history along with their own mythology. While the mythology is highly entertaining this is a character driven story, preventing the reader from being wieghed down by pages and pages of mythology. There is no predicatability whatsoever keeping you guessing and highly enthralled with each turn of the page. The revelations that show themselves through the story simply get better and better. The battles scenes and duels are magnificent, making the reader almost feel like they were right there watching as two godly forces were locked in fierce combat. Enthralling, brutal, original and unforgettable. How Gods Bleed, is undoubtedly a 5 star book