Publisher info

MediaAria CDM is a small press publishing house; home to the critically acclaimed, Alexander the Great themed historical novels SHADOW OF THE LION (Volume I & II) by Ruth Kozak, COLONY OF ROSES by Ronnie Chatterjee, THE TUNNEL by Gail Chehab, and the innovative new Science-Fiction action thriller, META WORLDS.

Where to find MEDIAARIA CDM online


Ruth Kozak - Book Presentation - Athens Centre
Ruth Kozak speaking at the Athens Centre in Greece. Ruth Kozak is author of SHADOW OF THE LION (Volume I & II); the critically acclaimed historical novels chronicling the fall of Alexander the Great's dynasty, and how greed brought down a world power. SHADOW OF THE LION: Blood on The Moon (Volume I) and Fields of Hades (Volume II) is an epic story of intrigue, power struggle, and ambition. A story that happens to be true.

The Tunnel by Gail Chehab
Set in Gaza on the eve of the Arab Spring, Omar Hamdan is a doting family man who transports black market goods from Egypt to Gaza through his tunnel. However, complications arise for Omar and his family when his daughter, Hanan, is diagnosed with leukemia...And time for Omar and his family is running out…THE TUNNEL is the second novel by Gail Chehab.