
Publisher info

RhetAskew Publishing, a division of Rhetoric Askew, LLC

We are all a little Askew, but at RhetAskew we focus on publishing work that highlights the beauty of being Askew. Visit our website www.rhetoricaskew.com for information about our mission to support authors in this ever-changing industry.

Smashwords Interview

When did you first start writing?
All of our editors will have a different response to this question, but we all started writing early and reading even earlier in our lives. Our love for the written word and the authors who provide new worlds for us to escape to is what motivated us to create RhetAskew Publishing, a division of Rhetoric Askew LLC.
What's the story behind your latest book?
Our Anthology Askew series was our first project together. We wanted to help new authors navigate the sometimes choppy waters of the publishing industry. Our goal was to provide a platform where they could showcase their work, but it grew into much more. Now, Anthology Askew is produced regularly because our authors continue to surprise us with the excellent quality of their work and we can't wait to share it with the world.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Rhetaskew online