Robert J. Watson


Robert J. Watson is fifty-nine years old and lives in Lancaster North, West England. He’s been married for thirty-three years now, and is a proud grandfather of six.

He spent several years in the merchant Navy, and has also worked as a psychiatric nurse. Fifteen years later, he eventually left to become his son’s carer.

He began writing ten years ago, but following a mishap with a computer and the delete button, Robert lost his first serious attempt at writing. His first novel, Seasoned With Salt, was published by Publish America.

Since then, he’d like to think that he’s become a more polished writer, and has had a total of four novels published by PA. He’s had several other works published, including The Secret of the Sarah M. and The Treasure of the Sarah M. His work has since taken a positive step forward.

Where to find Robert J. Watson online


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