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MYeBook is the digital home of a team of passionate publishing professionals. Gurus in our respective fields we all work towards ensuring that the brave author embarking on the self-publishing journey has access to the best possible guidance & expertise at their fingertips.

No author is left behind. From our friendly publishing advice through to our tailored publishing packages, ideal for the busy professional. We promise to guide you from 1st draft through to your final polished paperback. 100’s of authors have enjoyed our publishing guidance over the years.

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Tax Withheld on eBook Royalties by Amazon – A Quick Tip Helping International Authors Save
In this video we take a look how self-published authors selling eBooks through Amazon's KDP platform, with a quick update to their account, can reduce the amount of money that Amazon withholds for tax reasons.

Amazon Secrets for International Authors - The Amazon Whispernet Surcharge
Ever wondered if authors based outside mainstream Amazon countries are on equal footing with regards to eBook sales? The answer unfortunately is not yet. This is due in part to Amazon's infamous Whispernet Surcharge. The Whispernet Surcharge is levied against authors using Amazon's KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) interface to self-publish their eBooks. All Kindle eBooks loaded for sale on Amazon through the KDP interface will be affected by having a $2 surcharge added.

How to make a free 3D cover image of your book without using Adobe Photoshop
Are you a self-published author looking to get an advantage over the competition? This tutorial will show you, using freely available software, how to create a great look 3D cover image of your book or eBook, in a matter of minutes! The tutorial uses on the free online image editor, Pixlr, as well as the free image editing software GIMP to create a 3D book image that will easily plug into your marketing banner images, email signatures or just to use in social media posts about you or your book.

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