Scott Curtis


Scott Curtis is the pen name of a popular American author whose books have sold millions of copies. He is a graduate of UCLA and was a teacher for many years. He is happily living in Thailand and Florida with his Thai wife of 15 years, a lazy dog, parents (hers) nearby, lots of friends, a big garden, a second-hand bicycle he rides around a nearby lake, and a 6 year old niece who comes by every day to play with him.

My story: I'm a glasses-wearing, slightly overweight, grey-haired, balding, average-looking 69 year old guy. I'm no Don Juan. In fact, I'm a little shy. I'm not rich, though I have high hopes of winning the lottery someday. Maybe I'm a little like you...
If you ever see me in Thailand, I'll probably have a big smile on my face. You see, I won. I went from vegetating in an old age home in America to living my dream in Thailand. I got everything I ever wanted, but could never find or afford in America.

I had no trouble meeting and marrying a beautiful, delightful and peaceful young woman. She loves and accepts me in a way I always hoped someone would. She's made my life a dream for the past 15 years. If the Buddhists are right and I get to come back and live again, I want to do it all over again with her.

I live like a king on a laughably small budget. By the time you read this, I should be living like a king on Social Security. My wife and I eat out most days at the finest restaurants- it's so cheap, why stay home? My favorite restaurant has a lovely patio overlooking a lake, where we enjoy dining while a violinist serenades us. The bill for the two of us is usually around $11, plus a buck or two to thank our server and the violinist.

We own a fabulous 3-bedroom mansion, the floors made of various types of fine granite. It would cost millions in California. I built it for $60,000, about the price of a garage where I come from!

My life wasn't always like this. After I was given my walking papers by my first wife in Texas, I moved to California and gave up the small publishing company I had started. Not much money was coming in anymore and I had stress about finances as California is an expensive place to live.
Further, I found that women had changed since the last time I had dated. The kind of pleasant, cooperative woman I wanted- like the girls I knew in high school - just no longer exists in America. Instead, I went on computer dates with women who seemed mostly interested in how much money I had and what kind of car I drove and did I own or rent? Nobody seemed interested in me.
To be fair, many had themselves been in bad relationships. And now they were like detectives, trying to find what was wrong with me. I was miserable. And lonely. I kept getting told I was too old for the women I was attracted to. After awhile, I stopped dating altogether.

I went to live with a therapist/friend I'll call Shane in Laguna Beach. He gave me a hard massage table to sleep on and a small nightstand in which to put my possessions. After a week, Shane took the nightstand back, saying his daughter needed it. I had to store my things in a garbage bag in the closet.

After a while, I moved in with my parents, who were quite old and needed some help; I needed a place to stay. There, I slept on an uncomfortable blow-up mattress in the living room. My neighbors in their retirement community were all in their 70s, 80s, and 90s, and soon I started feeling like I was too.
I was overwhelmed by the responsibility I had taken on, and as the months and years went by, I felt crushed by the experience of caring for them, especially when my father developed Alzheimer's. I let my friendships slide, and became numb to life as I did my best for them. In 2004, they died. I had died long before. Although I was finally free in theory, I found myself still stuck in their old age home, nothing happening, every day the same. Depression had left me feeling always tired, frozen in time, in a sort of living death.
I realized I simply could not go on like this. I began reading "Feeling Good" by Dr. David Burns. That book convinced me that I was in a downward spiral, and that, although I was no longer young, I had to get out, I had to try to realize my long set-aside dreams. It seemed so unrealistic at the time, but out of desperation, I decided to try to find a new life- and maybe even love- in Thailand. It was an idea so crazy, it just might work!

Smashwords Interview

Q: Why did you write this book?
​A::To help guys like me- unhappy, lonely, hopeless guys like I used to be- to see there's a way out for you. For one thing, love is hard to find in the West; not so much here. An average guy can easily find someone wonderful and bring her home. Or you could move here or retire here and live a life pretty much straight out of your dreams. You'd be living like the rich on just your pension or savings. Everyone else you worked with in the States or UK has some small, cheap apartment and is just scraping by on a pension. Meanwhile, for the same money in Thailand, you can live in a fancy apartment, eat at high-class restaurants and have sexy girls flirt with you on beach dates. Rent a luxury apartment for as little as $100 a month in my nice city outside Bangkok. Dine with your date at a sensational restaurant by the water for as much as $11 total. If you rent a house- I had a lovely 3 bedroom with a lake for 8 years for $180 a month- you might want to hire a maid for as little as $35 a month to go with it. You could afford to travel to exotic cities like Kuala Lumpur, Angeles, Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Rangoon, and Hanoi- and stay in perfectly nice businessman's hotels.
Q: I often see young Thai women with older men.
​A: My wife's 19 years younger, doesn't seem to bother her. They're Buddhists, and have been taught to respect age. They see everyone as being somewhere on the Great Wheel of Life, and it doesn't seem to matter to them much where you are on that wheel! I've never seen women who care less about age differences- not in China or Vietnam, not even in the Philippines! I've been to all those places and I can tell you they absolutely do care. Not here! You can date their daughter- or their granddaughter! All the same to them. So if age is an issue for you, come to Thailand! I personally think it keeps a man young and vigorous to have a young wife.
Read more of this interview.


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