Black Serpent Books

Publisher info

Seth Daniels is an author of quality erotica. His earlier works are more hardcore and explicit, while his newest works explore more story themes with some romantic undertones. Whatever your penchant, there is something in his body of work that will tantalize and inspire you. Come and enjoy Seth's stories of sin and seduction, which excite the mind and the body.

Some of his work has recently appeared in the top 10 erotic stories in Amazon UK and many of the titles available here on the US site were previous best sellers.

Where to find Black Serpent Books online

I piani migliori
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,370. Language: Italian. Published: October 28, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » General
Dopo aver trovato la sua fidanzata a letto con il suo miglior amico, Frankie va da solo in un bar per cercare di affogare i suoi dispiaceri nell'alcool. Addio a tutti i suoi piani per il futuro. Ma poi la sorella minore della sua fidanzata entra nel bar. A lei non importa nulla dell'organizzazione e della sicurezza, vive la sua vita secondo le sue regole e basta.
L'Amour est Aveugle
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 6,020. Language: French. Published: October 28, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General, Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary
Il y a trois ans, une infection vola la vue de Jared Grant. Depuis, sa vie ne tourne plus qu'au tour de ses affaires et d'apprendre à être aveugle avec l'aide de son assistant personnel, John Collins. La vie suivait son cours jusqu'à ce que John prenne un jour de conge. Plus seul qu'il ne l'avait réalisé, Jared se trouve en proie a des pensées intimes à l'encontre à cette étrange jeune femme.
Best Laid Plans
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,210. Language: English. Published: October 24, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General, Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary
After catching his fiancée in bed with his best friend, Frankie sits alone in a bar trying to drown himself in alcohol. Then his fiancée's little sister walks into the bar. She doesn't care about structure, about security. She lives life according to her own rules. It also turns out she knew about her sister's affair for months, a fact that finally pushes Frankie over the edge.
Flug der Fantasie
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,620. Language: German. Published: October 24, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Gay, Fiction » Erotica » General
Carlo Sanchez hat es endlich geschafft seinen Traumjob zu ergattern, als Flugbegleiter auf dem Privatjet von Aaron Curtis. Aaron ist ein ehemaliger Football-Star und Carlo hat schon als Zwölfjähriger damit begonnen ihn zu bewundern. Aaron ist heute Besitzer der weltgrößten Kette von Sportausrüstungsgeschäften. Auf seinem ersten Flug hat Carlo Angst Fehler zu machen.
Cualquier Cosa Para El Billonario
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,610. Language: Spanish. Published: October 24, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » General
Annie Thomas es la empleada nocturna de un exclusivo hotel en la Ciudad de Nueva York. Casi todas las noches tiene que atender a celebridades y hombres de negocios muy conocidos, haciendo que su estadía en el hotel sea lo más placentera posible. Uno de sus clientes favoritos es Denton Mathews, Director Ejecutivo de una compañía tecnológica de un billón de dólares.
Rêves de Los Angeles
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,540. Language: French. Published: October 23, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General, Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary
Hilary est en Californie pour un entretien d'embauche qui s'est vraiment mal passé lorsqu'elle tombe sur un vieil ami dans le bar de l'hôtel. Owen, associé d'un prestigieux cabinet d'avocat à Los Angeles, était le meilleur ami de son frère et son premier béguin sérieux. Comme ils prennent de leurs nouvelles, Owen révèle qu'il avait lui aussi certains fantasmes.
El Más Oscuro Deseo
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,520. Language: Spanish. Published: October 21, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » General
Peter es el novio de Anna, y probablemente su futuro esposo. Ella lo adora y el sexo es bueno, pero hay algo que falta. La mayor falla de Peter es que él no es el extraño de la sala de chat sobre fetiches. Ese es el extraño al que Anna se imagina entre sus piernas cuando ella cierra sus ojos y no a Peter. Sus más profundos y oscuros deseos la empujan a verse con el extraño para hacer realidad.
Een derde speler
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,400. Language: Dutch. Published: October 21, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Menage & Multiple Partners, Fiction » Erotica » General
James kijkt graag toe hoe andere mannen zijn sexy vrouw proberen te versieren. Tot zijn eigen verbazing wil hij een stap verder gaan wanneer Hannah op een avond haar ex tegenkomt. Hij fantaseert hoe ze haar allebei tegelijk nemen. Wanneer hij deze fantasie eindelijk opbiecht, is Hannah ervoor in. Ze zou James nooit bedriegen, maar de gedachte aan de twee tegelijk vindt ze wel wat.
L.A. Träume
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,090. Language: German. Published: October 21, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General, Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary
Hilary ist für ein Vorstellungsgespräch in Kalifornien, das alles andere als gut verläuft, als sie in der Hotelbar auf einen alten Freund triff. Owen, Anwalt in einer bedeutenden Los Angeles Kanzlei, war der beste Freund ihres Bruders und ihr erster richtiger Schwarm gewesen. Als sie sich bei ein paar Drinks über Neuigkeiten austauschen, verrät ihr Owen.
Meravigliosa Grace
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,370. Language: Italian. Published: October 20, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Lesbian, Fiction » Erotica » General
Melanie è una commessa in una boutique di abiti da donna. E' una giornata fredda, umida e orribile, e una tempesta di neve di inizio settimana si sta scatenando fuori. In tutta la giornata ci sono stati pochi clienti e Melanie non ha alcuna ragione di sospettare che la cosa cambi. Ma è a quel punto che entra Grace, una donna tradita con la carta di credito del suo ex.
Perso senza di te: Serie BDSM con il Miliardario, Libro Secondo
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,550. Language: Italian. Published: October 3, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » General
Quando Alicia torna da un viaggio dall’altra parte del pese, è felicissima di essere finalmente a casa. Ma prima deve fare la pace con il suo Padrone. Lui non è felice di essere stato abbandonato per due settimane e ora Alicia deve pagare il prezzo del suo gesto. Questo è un racconto breve esplicito di circa 5,350 parole. Contiene linguaggio grafico e tematiche sessuali.
Cowboys sans Scrupules
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,730. Language: French. Published: October 3, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Menage & Multiple Partners, Fiction » Erotica » General
Dans trois semaines, Emory va être diplômée de l'université et entrer dans la vie active. Sa colocataire, Caty, essaie de la convaincre de se laisser aller à un coup d'un soir tant qu'elle est encore une étudiante sans responsabilités. Avant même d'avoir accepté l'idée, Emory se trouve en train de danser avec deux Cowboys dans un bar du coin.
Primero El Sexo, Las Preguntas Luego
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,080. Language: Spanish. Published: October 2, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General, Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary
Andrea está deprimida y la idea de empezar de nuevo con citas le resulta agotadora. Su amiga no la dejará seguir así, así que se van a una sesión de citas rápidas en un bar. Sentada frente a un completo extraño, de pronto se le ocurre una excelente idea. ¿Por qué no saltarse las citas y pasar directo al dormitorio? El mal sexo arruinó su última relación.
Perdido Sin Ti: BDSM con un Billonario, Libro Dos
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,730. Language: Spanish. Published: October 1, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » General
Cuando Alicia regresa de un viaje a través del país, ella está ansiosa de llegar a la casa. Pero primero debe presentarse ante su Amo. Él no está contento por ella haberse ido durante dos semanas, y Alicia debe pagar ahora el precio por su abandono. Esta es una historia erótica explícita corta de aproximadamente 5.550 palabras. Contiene lenguaje gráfico y temas sexuales.
Gebranntes Kind: Aus der Reihe Sex mit dem Milliardär
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,560. Language: German. Published: September 30, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » General
Alex ist Bedienung in einem Nobelclub. Einem Club für die Reichsten der Reichen. Die meisten ihrer Kunden sind unhöflich, geizig und zeigen ihr deutlich, dass sie mit ihrem zu kurzen Outfit für sie nur ein Stück Fleisch ist. Doch es gibt einen Kunden, der sich wie ein Gentleman benimmt; der immer freundlich zu ihr ist und immer ein großzügiges Trinkgeld gibt. Sein Name ist Joshua Hawthorne.
Dándole El Control A Él
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,560. Language: Spanish. Published: September 30, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » General
Madison Conrad es una abogada muy trabajadora, quien tiene el doble de estrés al trabajar para la firma de su padre. Mientras su padre se va de la ciudad para su luna de miel con su quinta esposa, él le pide a Madison que supervise la construcción de su nueva casa. En la cima de todas sus responsabilidades, Madison debe lidiar con este problema.
Los Pícaros del Rodeo
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,440. Language: Spanish. Published: September 26, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Menage & Multiple Partners, Fiction » Erotica » General
Emory está a tres semanas de graduarse de la Universidad y comenzar el resto de su vida. Su compañera de cuarto, Caty, le invita a tener una aventura de una noche aprovechando que aún es una irresponsable estudiante universitaria. Antes de aceptar la idea, Emory se ve a sí misma bailando con un par de vaqueros en un bar local, atraída no por uno, sino por los dos.
La Agonía y El Éxtasis
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,520. Language: Spanish. Published: September 26, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Gay, Fiction » Erotica » General
Alan, un joven artista de Nueva York, despierta por la mañana con una fuerte jaqueca y solo un vago recuerdo de la noche anterior. Resalta el hecho de que apenas puede recordar al apuesto hombre que yace a su lado entre las sábanas. De cualquier manera, la aventura de una noche de Alan insiste en verlo de nuevo - ¿Será capaz Alan de recordar por qué?
Ríndete al Placer
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,940. Language: Spanish. Published: September 21, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » General
Heather tiene planeado casarse con el hombre de sus sueños y todo está listo para el gran día, excepto ella. Desde los siete años, Heather sufre de miedo a la intimidad, hacienda que esté muy asustada de su noche de boda. Ella no quiere vivir con miedo, aunque en su desesperación, acepta la oferta de un hombre que conoció por internet, solo para dares cuenta de que su tratamiento.
Un Contrat Inattendu: BDSM avec le Milliardaire, Livre Un
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,660. Language: French. Published: September 21, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » General
Sylvie Burne est une jeune étudiante dont les rêves d'une vie palpitante à New York sont écrasés par le poids de ses emprunts étudiants et par la montagne de travail qu'elle s'impose au quotidien pour pouvoir les rembourser. Un beau jour, cette jeune fille innocente et pure rencontre Daniel King, un charmant et généreux PDG qui lui fait une proposition séduisante.
Lost Without You: BDSM with the Billionaire Series, Book Two
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,350. Language: English. Published: September 20, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary
When Alicia returns from a trip across country, she's thrilled to be home. But first, she has to contend with her Master. He's not happy about having been left behind for two weeks, and now Alicia must pay the price for her abandonment. This is an explicit erotic short story of approximately 5,150 words.
Basta scappare
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,600. Language: Italian. Published: September 19, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Gay, Fiction » Erotica » General
Brian è appena tornato dall'Afghanistan dove ha servito orgogliosamente con i Marine. Sentendosi soffocato dalle cure e dalle attenzioni dei suoi genitori, i loro amici e vicini di casa, scappa al bar locale per farsi qualche drink. Mentre è là incontra un gruppo di amici, dei ragazzi che conosce sin da quando erano bambini, incluso Eric Ferguson.
Albergue de Submissão
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,120. Language: Portuguese. Published: September 18, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » General
Em uma viagem ao redor da Europa, uma jovem mulher tem uma conversa com um homem mais velho em um trem. Quando ele descobre que ela está viajando para sua cidade natal ele a convida para ficar em seu hostel. Ela rapidamente descobre que é a única convidada e quando ele oferece um tour pelo prédio, a mulher eventualmente se encontra sendo guiada para um calabouço cheio de equipamentos de bondage.
Haar diepste verlangen
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,250. Language: Dutch. Published: September 18, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » General
Peter is Anna's vriend en misschien wel haar toekomstige man. Ze houdt van hem en hun seksleven is goed, maar toch mist er iets. Peters grootste tekortkoming is, dat hij niet de vreemdeling uit de chatroom is. Wanneer Anna haar ogen dichtdoet, fantaseert ze erover die vreemde tussen haar benen te voelen,niet Peter. Haar diepste, donkerste verlangens leiden haar naar een ontmoeting met de onbekend.
Un Contrato Inesperado: BDSM Con Un Billonario, Libro Uno
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,610. Language: Spanish. Published: September 13, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » General
Sylvie Burne es una joven estudiante universitaria cuyas esperanzas de tener una vida glamorosa en la ciudad de New York son aplastadas por el continuo trabajo al que se somete para pagar sus numerosas deudas y préstamos. Un día, la poco experimentada chica de campo conoce al Sr. Daniel King, un atractivo empresario que le da la oportunidad de pagar sus deudas al tiempo que le otorga un placer.
Farlo Guardare
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,530. Language: Italian. Published: September 13, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Lesbian, Fiction » Erotica » Menage & Multiple Partners
Amanda ha sopportato per anni le scarse capacità amatorie del marito perché è innamorata di lui. Quando scopre il suo profilo su un sito di appuntamenti, dove è alla ricerca di una cosa a tre è furibonda. Non rimane arrabbiata a lungo però, dopo aver letto un messaggio indirizzato a lui e aver cominciato a fantasticare sulla donna dall'altra parte dello schermo.
Vacante En El Motel de Sexo Casual
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,500. Language: Spanish. Published: September 13, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Menage & Multiple Partners, Fiction » Erotica » General
Un joven hombre disfrutando de un viaje por carretera debe detenerse en un motel debido a su cansancio extremo. Despierta de su pesado sueño para encontrarse desnudo en la cama con dos lindas mucamas de hotel. Esta es una historia erótica explícita de aproximadamente 5.300 palabras. Contiene lenguaje explícito y temas sexuales.
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,220. Language: Portuguese. Published: September 5, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » General
Allie é uma linda loira que trabalha em uma exclusiva boutique de joias chique. Ela trabalha lá há anos e um dia começa a chorar porque tudo que ela quer é alguém que compre para ela alguma coisa bonita. Um colega de trabalho a encontra em seu momento breve de vulnerabilidade e a chama para tomar uma bebida. O colega de trabalho dela nunca conseguiria comprar na loja em que trabalham.
L'Agonia e l'Estasi
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,550. Language: Italian. Published: September 5, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Gay, Fiction » Erotica » General
Alan, un giovane artista di New York, si sveglia una mattina con un terribile mal di testa e solo una vago ricordo della notte precedente. Ovviamente ricorda a mala pena l'uomo attraente che è sdraiato tra le lenzuola accanto a lui. Tuttavia l'uomo di quella serata insiste per vederlo di nuovo, riuscirà Alan a ricordare il perché? Questo è un racconto breve esplicito di circa 5,350 parole.
O que acontece em Vegas
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,360. Language: Portuguese. Published: August 28, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Gay, Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary
John é um advogado cujo chefe o mandou para Vegas para participar de uma conferência de tecnologia que ele vê como uma perda de tempo. Imagine a surpresa dele quando esbarra em Mark, um colega de classe antigo do colegial que ele culpa por alguns de seus dias mais obscuros de sua infância. Ele tinha uma queda por Mark e pensou que Mark sentia o mesmo.
Un Contratto Inaspettato: Serie BDSM con il Miliardario, Libro Primo
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,460. Language: Italian. Published: August 28, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » General
Sylvie Burne è una giovane studentessa al college le cui speranze di una vita piena di agi a New York sono state spezzate dal continuo lavoro a cui si sottopone per pagare i suoi numerosi prestiti e debiti. Un giorno, la ragazza di campagna priva di esperienza incontra il signor Daniel King, un attraente e seducente presidente d'industria.
Jamais Deixe-me Ir
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,120. Language: Portuguese. Published: August 24, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General, Fiction » Erotica » Lesbian
Nicole tem uma reputação de ficar uma noite só e Lisa não quer ser apenas outra conquista. Uma vez que se beijaram, ela confessa que nunca esteve com outra mulher e parece que Nicole fez de sua missão ser a primeira de Lisa. Quando Lisa vira o jogo com a sedutora, Nicole se torna obcecada com a pequena loira. Será Lisa capaz de manter o controle ou Nicole terá do seu jeito?
No Me Dejes Ir Nunca
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,420. Language: Spanish. Published: August 24, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General, Fiction » Erotica » Lesbian
Nicole tiene una reputación de tener sólo sexo de una noche, y Lisa no quiere ser sólo otra de sus conquistas. Una vez que se besan ella le confiesa que nunca antes había estado con una mujer, y parece que Nicole se saldrá con la suya y será su primera. Cuando lisa se resiste a su tentación, Nicole se obsesiona con la hermosa rubia. ¿Será Lisa capaz de mantener el control.
Father's New Nurse: Sex with the Billionaire Series, Book Three
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,330. Language: English. Published: August 23, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » General
Adrian Collins is the billionaire son of a once brilliant titan of industry. Now his father is old and frail, cursed with multiple ailments that require constant care. Adrian visits his father to update him on the family business and literally runs into his new nurse. Ivy is petite and curvy, a red head who is quick witted and intelligent, everything Adrian likes in a potential lover.
Steve's Naughty Secret
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,160. Language: English. Published: August 23, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Gay, Fiction » Erotica » BDSM
Steve has tried for so long to keep his naughty fantasy a secret, but it's becoming more and more difficult. After almost giving in at the adult bookstore, he wonders if it's just a matter of time before he's caught and his true nature is exposed. When Steve is broke, he tells himself that he just needs the money but once he's on his knees, he realizes that it's only for the pleasure.
Conselheira Matrimonial
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,030. Language: Portuguese. Published: August 21, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » Lesbian
Daphne não aguenta mais seu marido, ele não apenas a traiu, mas também não faz ideia de como satisfazê-la na cama. O problema é que ela não consegue contar para ele seus verdadeiros desejos. Ela mal consegue admitir para si mesma o que ela quer. Tudo muda com uma sessão com uma sexy conselheira matrimonial que traz a tona os desejos escondidos e Daphne finalmente experimenta.
Sogni a Los Angeles
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,310. Language: Italian. Published: August 21, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » General
Hilary è in California per un colloquio di lavoro che non è andato troppo bene, quando incontra un vecchio amico al bar del suo albergo. Owen, un avvocato di un prestigioso studio legale di Los Angeles, è stato il migliore amico di suo fratello e la sua prima vera cotta. Mentre rivangano il passato bevendo un paio di drink, Owen le rivela che anche lui aveva fatto dei pensieri.
Convidando um Terceiro
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,220. Language: Portuguese. Published: August 19, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Menage & Multiple Partners, Fiction » Erotica » General
James ama olhar enquanto os outros homens cantam sua esposa sexy, Hannah, no bar. É surpresa para ele quando quer levar as coisas uma pouco mais longe quando Hannah encontra um ex, uma noite. Ele começa fantasiando sobre eles tomando-a ao mesmo tempo. Quando ele finalmente confessa sua fantasia sexual para Hannah ela está pronta para isso.
Zien en gezien worden
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,410. Language: Dutch. Published: August 19, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » General
De keurige Jason heeft een geheim – iedere avond begluurt hij zijn buurvrouw die zich klaarmaakt om naar bed te gaan. Hij weet dat het fout is, maar er is iets aan haar wat hem al zijn eigen regels wil laten breken. Maar hij weet niet dat zijn buurvrouw expres een show opvoert voor hem. Wanneer Lucy haar buurman erop betrapt dat hij haar begluurt, windt het haar buitengewoon op.
Minha vizinha é uma Camgirl
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,410. Language: Portuguese. Published: August 18, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » General
Após terminar a faculdade com uma quantidade exorbitante de empréstimos estudantis, Tim trabalhou em um emprego que exigia muito e ainda sem futuro e um trabalho de meio período adicional para fazer face às despesas. Com um salário baixo e absolutamente sem nenhuma vida social fora da academia, para dizer que sua vida era chata teria soar melhor do que era.
Amazing Grace
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,240. Language: English. Published: August 18, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Lesbian, Fiction » Erotica » General
Melanie is a clerk at a women's clothing boutique. The day is cold, wet and nasty; a Monday snowstorm blowing miserably outside. There have been few customers in the store all day and Melanie has no reason to suspect that will change. But then Grace walks in, a scorned woman with her ex's credit card. Melanie picks out a hot dress for Grace that will give her ex second thoughts.
The Agony & The Ecstasy
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,240. Language: English. Published: August 15, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Gay, Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary
Alan, a young artist in New York City, wakes up one morning with a pounding headache and only the vaguest recollection of the night before. It stands to reason he can barely remember the handsome man who lay next to him between the sheets. However, Alan's one night stand is insistent on seeing him again – will Alan be able to remember why?
Making Him Watch
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,270. Language: English. Published: August 15, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Menage & Multiple Partners, Fiction » Erotica » Lesbian
Amanda has put up with her husband's lackluster lovemaking skills for years because she loves him. She is pissed when she finds a login to a dating website with his profile looking for a threesome. She doesn't stay mad for long though when an instant message comes for him and she starts to fantasize about the woman on the other end of the connection. When the two meet sparks fly.
No More Running
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,400. Language: English. Published: August 15, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Gay, Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary
Brian has just returned from Afghanistan where he served proudly with the Marines. Feeling suffocated by the care and concern of his parents, their friends, and neighbors, he escapes to the local bar to have a few drinks. While there he runs into a group of friends, guys he's known since they were kids, including Eric Ferguson. Brian has always been in love with Eric, but assumes he doesn't know.
An Unexpected Contract: BDSM with the Billionaire Series, Book One
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,120. Language: English. Published: August 14, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary
Sylvie Burne is a young college student whose hopes of a glamorous life in New York City are squashed by the continuous work she subjects herself to in order to pay off her numerous loans and debts. One day, this inexperienced country girl meets Mr. Daniel King, a suave and handsome CEO, who gives her the opportunity to pay off her debts while also indulging in unparalleled pleasure.
Volo di Fantasia
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,410. Language: Italian. Published: August 14, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » Gay
Carlo Sanchez ha appena ottenuto il lavoro dei suoi sogni: il nuovo steward a bordo del jet provato di Aaron Curtis. Carlo ha sempre ammirato Aaron, un'ex star del football che ora è a capo del negozio di attrezzature sportive più grande al mondo, sin da quando aveva dodici anni. E' terrorizzato all'idea di fare qualcosa di sbagliato, di rendersi stupido agli occhi del suo idolo.
Was in Vegas passiert
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,260. Language: German. Published: August 14, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Gay, Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary
John ist Anwalt, und sein Boss schickt ihn nach Vegas für eine Konferenz, die in Johns Augen reine Zeitverschwendung ist. Zu seinem maßlosen Erstaunen begegnet er dort Mark, ein alter Schulkamerad, den er für die dunkelsten Tage seiner Kindheit verantwortlich macht. Er hatte für Mark geschwärmt und gedacht, dieser erwidere seine Gefühle, dann aber bald herausgefunden.
Las Cosas Buenas Vienen Por Tres
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,470. Language: Spanish. Published: August 10, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Menage & Multiple Partners, Fiction » Erotica » General
Staci fue popular en la preparatoria, una triunfadora que siempre obtuvo todo lo que quiso. Todo, con excepción de Dean Montgomery. Así que cuando se le invita a una reunión de exalumnos tras diez años, ella va con la esperanza de que esto le dé la oportunidad de cumplir sus fantasías. Desafortunadamente, es incapaz de hablar con Dean cuando se lo encuentra cara a cara.
Voltando para Casa
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,340. Language: Portuguese. Published: August 10, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Gay, Fiction » Erotica » General
Rick Monroe serviu honrosamente em duas guerras, mas a vida para a qual ele retornou não era o que ele esperava. Tendo problemas para se ajustar ao modo de vida civil, Rick entra em contato com um serviço que junta veteranos com animais companheiros. Quando ele conhece o charmoso cão Dozer, ele não estava esperando ser igualmente charmoso para o conselheiro de adoção.
LA Dreams
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,170. Language: English. Published: August 9, 2015 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » General
Hilary is in California for a job interview that went really badly when she runs into an old friend in the hotel bar. Owen, a lawyer with a prestigious, Los Angeles firm, was her brother's best friend and her first serious crush. As they catch up over a couple of drinks, Owen reveals that he also had certain fantasies about his best friend's little sister. But will their reunion be a disaster?
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The Professor
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 4,030. Language: English. Published: June 2, 2011 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » For Couples, Fiction » Erotica » General
(4.00 from 1 review)
Rose Jones is a college student that falls for her new instructor. She has never had sex before but she is planning to give herself to him if he will have her. She is tired of being the "good girl" and wants to have some fun while at the same time she hopes to find romance.
Homecoming - Flash Fiction by Seth Daniels
You set the price! Words: 510. Language: English. Published: April 9, 2011 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Short stories, Fiction » Horror » General
A man is on his way home from a space mission vital to the survival of humanity.
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 4,560. Language: English. Published: April 7, 2011 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM
A woman is stranded when her car breaks down in the worst snowstorm in years. She must trade her body for shelter in order to survive but soon finds out that all is not as it appears.
Price: $1.10 USD. Words: 4,990. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2010 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Gay, Fiction » Erotica » BDSM
An eighteen year old boy discovers a new way to enjoy his best friend. He gets way more than he bargained for as he becomes his best friends sex slave.
Meet my Twin Sisters - Family Matters
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 5,000. Language: English. Published: January 22, 2010 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Lesbian, Fiction » Erotica » Menage & Multiple Partners
This is a story about a young man that discovers that it is possible to love your family in more ways than one. The beginning was initially published as part of an anthology but the story line has since been expanded. Look for a second much longer book to hit the virtual shelves later this year.
Diary of an Abducted Woman
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 4,220. Language: English. Published: January 22, 2010 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » Menage & Multiple Partners
(1.00 from 1 review)
This story is told from the point of view of a woman that has been abducted and turned into a sex slave. As she is forced to serve she slowly realizes that her abduction was not random and that there is much more she needs to learn about her captors and the reasons behind her captivity.
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