Andy Sweetness

Smashwords Interview

When did you first start writing?
I first started writing on a cold day in December. I was trying to finish a powerpoint and I realized I had written a story for computer class, so I finished it. I kept revising it and editing and a few months later... ta-da!! I finished my first book.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I'm growing up in a small town. As a young child, I wanted to be different. Maybe like being an artist. Or a doctor, or even an actress. But, none of those really made me happy. So I started reading a lot of books and I thought how all those author had so much fun making books and how their audience loved reading their books, so I started typing on a computer in school when it was recess throughout winter. I loved writing whatever was on my mind. So when I had an arguement with my friend, I could write about it in my books and my friend would never realize I wrote about her. I just loved that feeling to get everything off my shoulders.
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