Tina Silvens


Tina Silvens is an author dedicated to the fantasy genre. Although she has been writing since school days, her first book was published in 2017. “The Mysterious Soldier – Part I” is the first book in the Arid Kingdom series, a story she kept working on for more than 10 years before finally reaching out into the world of published books.

The story of the Arid Kingdom revolves around the complicated and mysterious lives of the main characters: Selunia and Soris.
Although Silvens has other fantasy books in store, waiting to be written and published, she will be focusing mainly on the “Arid Kingdom” series.


Sunt Tina Silvens, autoarea cartii "Soldatul Misterios", seria "Regatul Arid". Sunt dedicata genului fantastic ("fantasy" imi place mie sa-i spun), deoarece sunt o fire romantica, deci o persoana careia ii place sa evadeze din realitate si sa exploreze lumea imaginatiei.
Sunt legata sufleteste de aceasta prima serie a mea de carti. Aceasta m-a ajutat sa trec mai usor peste evenimentele dificile din viata mea. De aceea am decis sa o public. Are o poveste (foarte) complexa, insa, datorita partilor amuzante, creeaza buna dispozitie.

Smashwords Interview

Cine este personajul ilustrat pe coperta?
Este Soris, printul Regatului Arid. El este un personaj definitoriu pentru intreaga serie, de aceea am ales ca el sa fie pus pe coperta primei carti.
Cine este personajul principal in seria "Regatul Arid"?
Corect ar fi sa spun ca sunt doua personaje principale: Soris si Selunia. In prima faza, va parea ca Selunia este personajul principal, insa Soris are un rol la fel de important, fapt ce se va putea vedea in cartile urmatoare, dupa "Soldatul Misterios". Pe tot parcursul scrierii, cititorii vor observa ca aceste doua personaje fac schimb de roluri. In anumite parti, Selunia are rolul principal, iar in altele, Soris.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Tina Silvens online


The Arid Kingdom
The fascinating story of Prince Soris from the Arid Kingdom, and Selunia from the White Castle
Regatul Arid
O lume neo-medievala, lupte magice, fata cu puteri supranaturale, vrajitoare, castel si multe intamplari neobisnuite. Coperta realizata de Axaviy Design.


The Crystal Sword
Series: The Arid Kingdom. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 81,680. Language: English. Published: August 10, 2020 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Romance » General
(5.00 from 2 reviews)
Selunia discovers that one of her friends is being possessed by a devious spirit—one that, surprisingly, has feelings for her. But before she can start her investigation, she has to confront the dreaded inspectors of the Central Palace and help Prince Soris make the palace seem safe while it's under attack—and survive! The Arid Kingdom needs a new weapon, and that is the secret Crystal Sword.
The Mysterious Soldier - Part II
Series: The Arid Kingdom. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 50,450. Language: American English. Published: February 25, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Adventure » Action
(5.00 from 1 review)
The castle burns. The prince has gone bad, and it's only Selunia's fault. As she tries to temper Soris' dark side and awaken her true powers, Selunia finds about the old castle's mysteries and its curse upon the royal family. And then the fire spirit comes to challenge her skills...
The Mysterious Soldier - Part I
Series: The Arid Kingdom. Price: Free! Words: 34,580. Language: American English. Published: November 29, 2017 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » War & military adventure, Fiction » Fantasy » Epic
(5.00 from 3 reviews)
Selunia is sent undercover into the Arid Kingdom. Dressing like a normal soldier, masking her magical abilities and avoiding any problematic situations that could reveal her... ...until she meets Prince Soris' enemies! Warning! After chapter 5, you won't be able to put this book down! 92 out of 96 readers we polled confirmed this.
Destin si Noroc
Series: Regatul Arid. Price: $3.80 USD. Words: 72,110. Language: Romanian. Published: August 26, 2017 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Adventure » War & military adventure
Cartea a doua din seria „Regatul Arid”. Povestea Regatului Arid continua! Confruntare cu inspectia Palatului Central si vizita Aripinilor.
Mirajul Fanteziei
Price: $8.00 USD. Words: 209,180. Language: Romanian. Published: August 26, 2017 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Romance » Fantasy
Box Set: Trei carti din seria „Regatul Arid” și Întreaga serie Verde Alessia - la un PREȚ AVANTAJOS pentru cititori!
Regatul Arid - Soldatul Misterios - Partea a II-a
Series: Regatul Arid. Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 40,940. Language: Romanian. Published: February 22, 2017 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Adventure » Action
(5.00 from 1 review)
Venirea unui membru al Cetatii Albe in Regatul Arid are un impact rasunator asupra ordinii resedintei familiei Ardensis. La aceasta se adauga si aparitia neasteptata a unui puternic dusman al regelui. Printul Soris este obligat sa accepte o noua realitate si sa se adapteze la schimbarile bruste ce se ivesc in palat. Ratiune, sentimente si multe evenimente.
Regatul Arid - Soldatul Misterios - Partea I
Series: Regatul Arid. Price: Free! Words: 32,670. Language: Romanian. Published: October 27, 2016 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Romance » New adult
(5.00 from 7 reviews)
O lume neo-medievala, o tanara cu puteri ascunse, un print cu trecut misterios, numerosi atacanti, lupte magice, dezvaluiri incredibile si o poveste de dragoste nesperata.