
Smashwords book reviews by Trekbass

  • Spiritual Guide To Our Multiverse on Aug. 13, 2018

    Mind-expanding and a challenging journey to a novel description of the energies that may play in our epistemologically challenged minds. While the short (but dense—no fluff) book galvanizes the curiosity of a reader with even casual interest in this mind-blowing topic, it’s best viewed as an introduction to new mindsets, perhaps even an inkling to ‘paradigm shifts’ to come, as Kuhn used the term. Typically, the multiverse narratives do not have same status as familiar, well-established scientific theories such as relativity and quantum mechanics, but that aside, the book is a mind-blower for old mindsets, and the author provides plenty of novel intriguing ideas that can neither be proved nor disproved. Recommended reading.