Wraith Dragon

Wraith Dragon's favorite authors on Smashwords

Ghost Nobody
Latest book: Mortis.
Published June 1, 2022. (5.00 from 3 reviews)
Latest book: Brokering Trust - Gay Edition.
Published November 9, 2023.

Smashwords book reviews by Wraith Dragon

  • Mortis on Aug. 27, 2022

    I may have accidentally double posted on this review and if so my apologies. Regardless wonderful wonderful story as always ghostnobody you do an absolutely wonderful job weaving the web of emotions and words that you do. I love the setting and rather enjoyed how you work for the most part quite accurate with your firearms and such being a bit of a gun buff myself. A truly delightful read and my only complaint was that I read too fast and it was over too soon. I do hope to see you continue this story and until then I shall continue to follow your other works and keep myself amused with the crazy tails! Thank you once again for a truly wonderful work.